
Everyone can now send e-mail messages with their mobile device or computers. With just one click, you can easily send your message to anyone from any part of the globe. But before you send your message, it is essential that you are at least knowledgeable with e-mail etiquette. This will depend on the kind of message that you want to send. If it is a business e-mail, you need to be formal and direct.

E-mail etiquette are not just email marketing myths, and they may differ all around the globe. In Germany, you have to use titles like for example, using Frau when addressing someone. The message should also be short and direct. In China, the emphasis would be the details of the e-mail. You have to provide all of the details of the business arrangement. In the United States, as long as you give the necessary details, you can just send it to the receiver or recipient. For Africans, they are accustomed to creating or writing personal notes.

To find out more about email etiquette, take a look at the infographic below courtesy of Aussiessay.com.

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