
The stage is set. The countdown is on. Are you going?

The next Church Unite is only 10 days away. It's on Sunday 25th October and there are two services - 4.00 and 7.00 pm. It's a night of worship and prayer for Christians from all churches right across our great city of Melbourne and beyond.

Last year's event was fantastic with over 7,000 peopel gathering together to demonstrate and experience the power of unity.

Don't miss this year's event. It's FREE but we do ask you to register to help us prepare for the night effectively.

A special thanks to our many sponsors, including Australians Together, World Vision, Koorong, Compassion, LIGHT FM, New Hope Baptist Church, Harvest Bible College, Stairway Church and College, Crossway Church, CityLife Church, Bayside Church, Gideons, Fluro and Melbourne Prayer Breakfast.

Here are some comments from last year's event:

"We found the worship amazing, and were impressed by the variety of segments and presenters, rather than simply worship followed by a speaker. It made us feel a part of something much bigger."

"I just wanted to thank you so much for all the work everyone put into this night! It was amazing & I enjoyed it so much. I look forward to it developing in the years to come and praying for more people to commit their life to Jesus not just in Melbourne but all around the world. I was so moved and inspired by this night. Thank you so much!"

"Thank you for organizing Church Unite - it is truly a significant event for the new season that is coming upon Australia!!"

"I was blown away, the Spirit of God was there and it was so uplifting. Can’t wait for next year!!"

"It was an absolute delight to look around and see such joy and unity."

"It gave me new insights into the place where I'm living, thanks!"

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