
As a small business owner you wear many hats. You also need to stay on top of things so your business can run smoothly and efficiently. However, if you tried to do everything all by yourself absolutely nothing would ever end up getting done. That is why small businesses quite often outsource services that they can’t perform themselves. It does make good business sense to outsource some activities so you can concentrate on your core operations. Some of the non-core activities that small business owners should consider outsourcing are telecommunications, accounting, energy services, facilities management and IT services.

Many small businesses find that outsourcing the non-core and operating tasks make employees more productive in getting customers in and keeping them happy. Facilities management is also a good thing to outsource because as a small business owner you don’t want to worry about how your communication network is working or if your building is warm or cool enough to work in.

Keeping Connected-Telecommunication Services

Every business owner knows that without a good communication network you might as well not be in business. Different companies such as ACN Inc. can provide telecommunication services to both individual residences and businesses. Bundles with companies like might even include high speed Internet and phone services with 24/7 support. That is definitely a great way to save money and still be able to keep up with communication.

Keeping Your Employees, Vendors and Customers Happy-Accounting Services

Unless you are in the accounting or financial services field, having a payroll service instead of an in-house accounting or payroll clerk makes good business sense. Outsourcing credit card processing can save you a lot of headaches and helps you comply with regulations and fees. Outsourced accounting services can help you regulate your books, keep track of your expenses and provide an audit.

Keeping Warm or Cool-Energy Services

If your small business has a physical location energy services are probably a big concern for you. Outsourcing these facilities management services just makes sense. When looking for a company that provides facilities management it is prudent to also consider energy costs and rates. This is especially true when you’re on a budget. You need a company that has:

No fluctuations in delivery and maintenance

The ability to offer you a fixed rate or variable rate

The flexibility to offer you a variety of electricity plans and pricing options

The choice for renewable energy options

Cost savings are important. You could realize substantial savings by outsourcing this task. It could also relieve you of the stress involved in maintaining your building.

Keeping Utilities Running-Facilities Management Services

You really don’t have time to worry about all the tasks that are required to maintain your physical building. Yet you know that you are ultimately responsible for its upkeep. As was mentioned in the preceding paragraph energy services are a part of facilities management. There is however seven other areas that need your attention but would be better outsourced. These are:

Ventilation and Air Conditioning Units

Fire Safety






There are many strategic advantages for outsourcing facilities management services. One of the biggest benefits is being able to focus on your core business.

Keeping Your Customers and Employees Connected Online-IT Services

As important as communication and facilities management is to your business, IT services are even more important to your business bottom line. It is both a cost effective way to run your business and a prudent way to manage your business operations.

So, to answer the question posed in the headline, it is worth the effort to outsource some tasks in order to concentrate on your business core activities. You will see cost savings, labor reduction and increased productivity by outsourcing these tasks.

Kara Masterson is a freelance writer from Utah. She graduated from the University of Utah and enjoys writing and spending time with her dog, Max.

Outsourcing: Is It Worth The Effort As A Small Business?

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