
My friend Sally challenged me with this project ……

We have been friends for a few years now ~ we are both passionate knitters ~ but we almost never talk about knitting. She loves to knit scarves, and she loves to tell me that she doesn’t ‘do’ baby knitting!

I love to tell her that I hate eyelash yarn – I find it so difficult to knit with!  You have to go by feel rather than by seeing the stitches….. and it is impossible to unpick if you go wrong …….

So we respect each other’s preferences and just don’t discuss it!!!

Until last week.

When we last met up Sally challenged me with finding a way to use up her small part balls……… she has a lot of eyelash yarn left over from completed projects.

Those of you who have been following me for a while know that I love a challenge !!!!

My first thought was perhaps some cute little teddies ……

But what do I know about toys? (though I am happy to learn of course) …. So - that may well be a future project for 2016 ;)

My thoughts then turned naturally to what I know best. And the Sally Hat was born.

Hope our friendship survives it!


Hat for a baby of around 6 - 12 months

M = Main colour        C = Contrast colour (use an eyelash or other novelty yarn)


Width:    6½“ (16.5cm)   13“ (33cm) all around

Height:   6½“ (16.5cm)


Using M, cast on 73sts

Work 10 rows in k1,p1 rib

Work 4 rows in stocking stitch

Add in C (do not cut off the first colour, simply carry it loosely up the side and use as required)

Using C, work 2 rows in stocking stitch

Using M, work 6 rows in stocking stitch

Using C, work 2 rows in stocking stitch

Continue in main colour only

Using M, work in stocking stitch until work measures 5” from the cast on

Shape the top ~
1st Row:  (K6, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
2nd, 4th,6th,8th,10th,12th Rows:  Purl
3rd Row:  (K5, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
5th Row:  (K4, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
7th Row:  (K3, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
9th Row:  (K2, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
11th Row: (K1, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
13th Row: (K2tog) repeat to last st, k1
Cut yarn (leaving a long ‘tail’ to use for sewing up), draw the end through all stitches, pull up tightly.
Sew up the seam.  Darn away ends.

* * * * *

Hat for a toddler of around 1 – 3 years

M = Main colour        C = Contrast colour (use an eyelash or other novelty yarn)


Width:    7½“ (19cm)   15“  (38cm) all around

Height:   7½“ (19cm)


Using M, cast on 81sts

Work 10 rows in k1,p1 rib

Work 4 rows in stocking stitch

Add in C (do not cut off the first colour, simply carry it loosely up the side and use as required)

Using C, work 2 rows in stocking stitch

Using M, work 6 rows in stocking stitch

Using C, work 2 rows in stocking stitch

Continue in main colour only

Using M, work in stocking stitch until work measures 6” from the cast on

Shape the top ~
1st Row:  (K6, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
2nd, 4th,6th,8th,10th,12th Rows:  Purl
3rd Row:  (K5, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
5th Row:  (K4, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
7th Row:  (K3, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
9th Row:  (K2, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
11th Row: (K1, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
13th Row: (K2tog) repeat to last st, k1
Cut yarn (leaving a long ‘tail’ to use for sewing up), draw the end through all stitches, pull up tightly.
Sew up the seam.  Darn away ends.

* * * * *

Hat for a child of around 4 – 10 years

M = Main colour        C = Contrast colour (use an eyelash or other novelty yarn)


Width:    8“ (20.5cm)   16“ (41cm) all around

Height:   8“ (20.5cm)


Using M, cast on 89sts

Work 10 rows in k1,p1 rib

Work 4 rows in stocking stitch

Add in C (do not cut off the first colour, simply carry it loosely up the side and use as required)

Using C, work 2 rows in stocking stitch

Using M, work 6 rows in stocking stitch

Using C, work 2 rows in stocking stitch

Continue in main colour only

Using M, work in stocking stitch until work measures 6½” from the cast on

Shape the top ~
1st Row:  (K6, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
2nd, 4th,6th,8th,10th,12th Rows:  Purl
3rd Row:  (K5, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
5th Row:  (K4, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
7th Row:  (K3, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
9th Row:  (K2, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
11th Row: (K1, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
13th Row: (K2tog) repeat to last st, k1

14th Row: P2tog to last st, k1
Cut yarn (leaving a long ‘tail’ to use for sewing up), draw the end through all stitches, pull up tightly.
Sew up the seam.  Darn away ends.

* * * * *

Hat for a teenager

M = Main colour       C = Contrast colour (use an eyelash or other novelty yarn)


Width:    9“ (23cm)   18“  (46cm) all around

Height:   9“ (23cm)


Using M, cast on 97sts

Work 10 rows in k1,p1 rib

Work 4 rows in stocking stitch

Add in C (do not cut off the first colour, simply carry it loosely up the side and use as required)

Using C, work 2 rows in stocking stitch

Using M, work 6 rows in stocking stitch

Using C, work 2 rows in stocking stitch

Continue in main colour only

Using M, work in stocking stitch until work measures 7½“  from the cast on

Shape the top ~
1st Row:  (K6, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
2nd, 4th,6th,8th,10th,12th Rows:  Purl
3rd Row:  (K5, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
5th Row:  (K4, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
7th Row:  (K3, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
9th Row:  (K2, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
11th Row: (K1, k2tog) repeat to last st, k1
13th Row: (K2tog) repeat to last st, k1

14th Row: P2tog to last st, k1
Cut yarn (leaving a long ‘tail’ to use for sewing up), draw the end through all stitches, pull up tightly.
Sew up the seam.  Darn away ends.

Copyright © 2016 ‘made by marianna’  All Rights Reserved

This pattern (the information and photos) may not be copied or reproduced or republished

on another webpage or website.      ‘This work is registered with the UK Copyright Service.’

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