2015 THEME: Marriage and Family, committed to love and life.
April theme: Committed to God and Faith
MARFAM – MARRIAGE AND FAMILY RENEWAL MINISTRY – NPO 103-814. Communicate with us facebook or
Family Matters Printable Version
Reflection: Fire Power
Article: Mercy Musings
Reflection Poem: “By your Cross and Resurrection you have set us free.”
SACBC Family Life
2015 Family theme April: Committed to God and Faith
BITS AND BYTES. Family Synod, Christian unity and more
FINALLY … Chocolate Power and Easter Fun
Photo T Rowland, Resurrection picture Missio
“Family ministry is strengthening the living of Jesus’ message in the home as a light to all.” 2011 Family Leaders Conference
EDITORIAL : Fire Power
Having spent a few days in the Cape recently I got to understand a little better what an incredible and devastating force wind, fire and heat can be. I was particularly struck by how the fires that raged for days at the beginning of March reduced whole stretches of vegetation to a desolate wasteland. Almost every day we see news items of floods or raging fires somewhere on earth. Truly the power of nature has us at its mercy.
fire destruction
As I reflected St Francis and his Canticle to the Sun came to mind. He speaks kindly of Sister Water and Brother Fire “so masterful and bright that givest man both warmth and light.” But surely no gentle creatures they! Then another aspect of the Cape Town fire fascinated me. Barely three weeks later and new life is already evident amid the scene of utter devastation through which the road meanders. The Cape fynbos is a unique floral kingdom. Many common plants such as gladioli, arum lilies and the humble geranium originate from here but other species are only found in this relatively small area. Ideally every 15 years a fire helps to regenerate the plants but as civilisation and urbanisation has spread the risk and danger of such a fire have grown. What made the phenomenon relevant for me at this time was the unending cycle of life, destruction, death and yet regeneration of new life. It reminded me of the Resurrection and a popular Easter hymn. “Pray Magdalene what did you see there by the way? Life died and soon revived again and even death by it was slain?”
That is the Easter event, but sadly will not be the experience of many who will have lost loved ones, many on our SA roads where these holiday periods can be devastating in a different way with 1000 families bereft by the loss of one or more members. Around that time the sad but unnecessary death of a popular politician, Collins Chabane, was described as “the turning point in the battle against road carnage.” It was not only the truck driver who apparently made a U-turn but also the driver and occupants of speeding car that crashed into him who have to take responsibility.
All in all the principle of the common good finds a place. Salvation for all belongs to the spiritual domain but is not divorced from life. The life, death and resurrection of Jesus are relevant for us today, in the context in which we live, not only in a remote spiritualised way. Yes he showed himself as master of the elements too, and we pray for God’s intercession when the elements overcome our human capacity to respond. But our response to God’s salvation plan is to reflect on our responsibility for much that does go wrong, that is evil or harmful to ourselves and others. Who starts the fires, real or symbolical, that cause damage and personal loss and yet how strong is the need for fire’s kindlier qualities?
As we move from Easter to Pentecost and pray for the coming of the Holy Spirit I think there will be some among us who will think more deeply about the words in the prayer, “Enkindle in us the fire of your love.”
Toni Rowland
The questionnaire on marriage and family life that was due to be completed by the end of March in preparation for the October Synod on the Family highlighted topics that are of ongoing concern to families on a daily basis. These included rights of divorced and remarried Catholics and their children, those with a same sex orientation, sexuality and family planning in marriage, single parents and more. Articles in FAMILY MATTERS magazine this year will explore these further in addition to the spirituality of family life, parenting, youth and the elderly.
The small THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY booklets contain shorter, simpler reflections linking faith, scripture and life. The process of faith sharing with a family focus is incorporated frequently as a tool for family communication. During April and school holidays for many, the saying “the family that prays and plays together, stays together” will surely resonate.
STATIONS OF LIGHT for Easter to Pentecost is one of the resources that was adapted from the Salesian programme and can be requested from us. You’re invited to like MARFAM’s facebook page too which is also linked with the website.
While MARFAM is essentially Catholic a non-denominational, interreligious focus is also developing as after all, every religion is built on families.
CURRENT FAMILY PUBLICATIONS. The advert shows current resources and the prices which are deliberately kept low for maximum accessibility.
FUTURE PLANS. More use will be made of the website too as we consider on-line subscription in addition to publishing the daily reflections. A blog is also in the pipeline.
MARRIAGE. Every 3rd year in the year B of Mark, i.e.2015, we have introduced the stronger focus on marriage as the ideal foundation for a family. In line with liturgical readings of Weeks 21-27 there will be a special marriage awareness campaign ending with a celebration of MARRIAGE DAY on 4th October, which by chance coincides with the 2015 Synod on the Family.
The Article of the month “MERCY” is relevant for Divine Mercy Sunday. It was inspired by the book MERCY by Kardinal Kasper and even predates the YEAR OF MERCY that Pope Francis has proclaimed for 2016.
The Poem of the Month is “By your cross and resurrection you have set us free.”
The mini-survey about the use of this e-newsletter continues and we would appreciate your response to these questions in this form, alternatively please send us an email with your answers.
Do you read the whole or skim through the FAMILY MATTERS e-newsletter?
Do you read it on line, or print it out?
Do you access the MARFAM website and if so for what?
How can the e-newsletter become more user-friendly or interesting?
Is Family Matters e-newsletter too long? What could be left out?
DID YOU KNOW: FAMILY MATTERS is also the name of a weekly programme on RADIO VERITAS South Africa’s only Catholic radio station on Wednesday 9-10 am. Broadcast on 576AM and also on channel 870 on DSTV as well as streaming on the Internet. This also helps us to connect with oversees family followers.
See for links to family movements.
2015 THEME: marriage and family, committed to love and life.
2015 Family Year Planner. See this Family Life Desk resource distributed by MARFAM with an overview of the monthly themes on as a pdf doc. Add all the family’s own important dates so that it becomes a liturgical calendar for a family’s little church of the home for faith sharing and family prayer around the themes.
APRIL. Committed to God and Faith. The joyful Easter season is a celebration of commitment to our faith lived out in our lives and begins with a renewal of our baptismal promises. Baptism is the initiation into the life of faith. Confirmation invites to a deeper level of commitment. Their marriage is for married people a fulfilment of their baptismal promises. Every phase of life forms part of one’s journey in faith that requires commitment. Encountering Christ, letting themselves (young people) be caught up in and guided by his love, enlarges the horizons of existence. Faith is no refuge for the fainthearted, but something which enhances our lives. It makes us aware of a magnificent calling, the vocation of love. It assures us that this love is trustworthy and worth embracing, for it is based on God’s faithfulness which is stronger than our every weakness” (From Pope Francis Lumen Fidei 53). Taken from THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY, FOR FAMILIES
A selection of reflections is published on the website in English and from time to time on facebook. Some translations are emailed when available.
JANUARY : Committed to a Good Start
FEBRUARY : Committed to Love
MARCH : Committed to Promoting Family Rights
APRIL : Committed to God and Faith
MAY : Committed to Life and Parenthood
JUNE : Committed to the Youth
JULY : Committed to the Elderly
AUGUST : Committed to Women, Men and Relationships
SEPTEMBER : Committed to Marriage
OCTOBER : Committed to Marriage and Mission
NOVEMBER : Committed to Those experiencing Loss
DECEMBER : Committed to Those experiencing Loss
Although I, Toni, have retired as co-ordinator of the Desk I was happy to be part of the team facilitating the PARISH FAMILY MINISTRY workshop 13-15 March for delegates from 11 dioceses around the country. There were couples, individuals, priests and a sister who participated actively, as can be seen in the picture, and went home committed to promoting a greater family focus and support for the various types of family situations in their communities. After this training the diocesan teams are expected to begin to implement this in their own dioceses and train their parishes. The work of the Bishops’ Conference for family ministry now falls under the Department for Formation, Life and the Apostolate of the Laity under Fr Sakhi Mofokeng with a working group of which I am still a part. MARFAM initiated the programme from 1998 and has been active in its development and in providing resources. Contact Fr Sakhi Mofokeng on 0825961932 or
FUTURE FAMILY MINISTRY EVENTS AND NOTICES: Contact Fr Sakhi on 0825961932 or Toni 082 5521275 for details or requests.
Talks and miniworkshops on the Synod and related topics, 16 May and 27 June at Paulines centre by MgrBarney McAleer and Toni Rowland .
MARFAM is available to present talks, retreats, and workshops on other relevant family topics in dioceses, parishes and groups.
World Meeting of Families September 2015 Philadelphia
May, a month for Family and Life.
Weeks 21-27 (Aug-Oct) Marriage Awareness Campaign
2014-2016 SA BISHOPS’ FOCUS ON FAMILIES. This focus remains a priority along with the Year of Consecrated Life. The Family Prayer card has been widely distributed and can still be ordered at R1 each for minimum orders of 100. Different groups, dioceses and parishes have developed ideas and materials e.g. family candles, pilgrim cross from family to family week by week and more.
XIV SYNOD ON THE FAMILY, OCTOBER 2015. The 2015 synod is to be held Oct. 4-25, 2015, at the Vatican on the theme: “The Vocation and Mission of the Family in the Church and Contemporary World.” In preparation for the Synod as the 2nd phase in the Church’s discernment on family issues a questionnaire from Rome, the Lineamenta, was simplified and distributed to dioceses to pass on to parishes and families for completion by the end of March. It is important and necessary that families themselves speak out about their issues. That is what Pope Francis is asking. This work can also be seen as an aspect of lay formation which does not end with the questionnaire. Debate is hotting up around the Catholic world especially on some controversial issues and what has been described as “wounded” or “unconventional” families. The ongoing discussions can be followed on a number of sites and through Google. MARFAM publications also present ongoing insights. The full Vatican document can also be downloaded from
Love is Our Mission: The Family fully alive. Called together from all over the world in faithful celebration of the family—the sanctuary of love and life.
This meeting is held every three years. World Youth day attracts thousands of youth. Families from South Africa would be greatly welcomed to this event too. There will be a Congress for Families, and the Holy Father will attend the Festival of Families on Saturday and a Papal Mass on Sunday. Preparatory catechesis on 10 themes can be bought through the website. Relevant information can be found there too including some free resources. More information about the Archdiocese of Philadelphia can be found on Costs from South Africa would be around R20 000 per person, include travel, visa, registration for the congress, accommodation and food etc. A delegation from the SACBC is to participate.
DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT FAMILY SERVICES FORUM, POST IYF and POST 2015 DEVELOPMENT GOALS. The SA Department for Social Development is working on implementation plans following the International Year of the Family 20th anniversary Summit held in October 2014. These will consist of ways to promote family strengthening and Family Preservation and will align with the priorities of the government’s White Paper. All government departments, civil society organisations, NGOs and Faith-Based organisations (FBOs) are all part of the implementation process. MARFAM and the Family Life Desk have been part of this structure for a number of years. Family themes for International Day for Families each year on 15th May will continue. Contact MARFAM for info or visit
At UN level there is discussion about the post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals which will take over from the Millennium Development goals. While economic and environmental issues are of great importance SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT of people must be a primary concern for national wellbeing. 2015 marks the 20th anniversary of the 1995 COPENHAGEN CONFERENCE ON SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT which promoted the family focus. Also see
THE YEAR OF CONSECRATED PERSONS. The Leadership Conference of Consecrated Life LCCL(SA) is an association of the elected leaders, men and women, of Religious Congregations or Societies of Apostolic Life (legally called: Institutes of …) in Southern Africa. The purpose is to promote the welfare of the institutes, to foster their religious spirt and their apostolic work, while respecting the autonomy, nature and spirit of each. The LCCL acts as a liaison body with the SACBC and with the Holy See. Some 40 men’s and nearly 70 women’s congregations are active in Southern Africa. Some of these are of European origin, some local and some from other African countries. In South Africa almost all experience a decrease in vocations and ageing communities. However they continue to make a great contribution and play a very important role not only in traditional professions such as teaching and nursing but in many other professions too, working and caring for the poor and needy. The 4th Sunday of Easter is commemorated as Vocations Sunday. Contact details for LCCL(SA). Tel & Fax: (011) 327 0145. E-mail:
Pope Francis’ Message: “We are called to know and show that God is able to fill our hearts to the brim with happiness; that we need not seek our happiness elsewhere; that the authentic fraternity found in our communities increases our joy; and that our total self-giving in service to the Church, to families and young people, to the elderly and the poor, brings us life-long personal fulfilment.”
CHRISTIAN UNITY. South Africa commemorates the week of Prayer for Christian Unity between Ascension and Pentecost while many countries hold this in January. The theme for 2015 is “THE WELL IS DEEP.” This year’s theme comes to us from the churches of Brazil. Brazilians, who have traditionally been tolerant of their various social classes and ethnic groups, are now living through a time of growing intolerance made manifest in high levels of violence, especially against minorities and the vulnerable. The logic that undergirds this kind of behaviour is competition for the religious market. Increasingly, in Brazil, some Christian groups compete with one another for a place on the mass media, for new members and
for public funds. The Brazilian churches have begun to recognise that intolerance should be dealt with in a positive way – respecting diversity and promoting dialogue as a permanent path of reconciliation and peace in fidelity to the gospel. A number of websites exist offering suggestions for use.
Families suffer greatly from division along religious lines which is a growing reality. Family prayer is still possible while recognising different expressions and forms.
EARTH HOUR. ESKOM AND ENVIRONMENTAL CARE. Eskom reports that during Earth Hour from 8.30 – 9.30pm on Saturday 29 March South Africans saved 641 megawatts of electricity, just a drop in the ocean but nevertheless a useful drop in a parched economy. Did you switch off your electricity? Are we all doing our bit for the common good? In these school holidays can kids check out the topic of a carbon footprint? In order to enlighten their elders, many of whom drive gas-guzzling cars, but also complain about the increase in the petrol price!
THE SHROUD OF TURIN. Check on the latest research about this mysterious cloth. Was it the burial cloth of Jesus? Pope Francis will travel to Turin in June to view and venerate the icon.
SA CATHOLIC ON LINE is an Online Ministry Dedicated to promoting the use of the Internet to Spread the Word of the Lord, and His Kingdom, in South Africa. We need your assistance to continue with this work and to improve this Ministry.
Newly relaunched it has many kinds of offerings from a dating site to travel club, many spiritual resources and a shop. Visit them on to take a tour and register to join the club. .
From Erna Rheeder of SAVF, a colleague in the DSD Family Services Forum. “Toni mentioned her wish that families should get more positive emphasis in the media. With Front Page Father we often find that our cause is seen as too soft to report on. But I believe strongly that if you praise that which is good, you will see more of it. I would like to suggest is that we praise the advertisements and series or movies on television or any report or speeches which express good family values. We could do it in different ways – by writing an email to a letter column, by using a press release or by leaving a message on a webpage.” Visit
Fatima Pilgrimage to take place again. On Saturday, 9 May 2015 hundreds of Catholics (if the previous years are anything to go by) will be taking to the Johannesburg streets again. This will be the 16th time and for the 9th time in succession that this pilgrimage will be taking place. The pilgrimage on foot celebrates the apparitions of Our Lady to three shepherd children in the hamlet of Fatima in Portugal.
On the 13th of May 1917 the Mother of Jesus, our Lady, first appeared to three poor shepherd children. During these apparitions, that took place over the next 6 months, our Lady under the title of “Our Lady Queen of the Rosary”, appealed for prayer, conversion and peace in the world. Manny De Freitas [] Tel 082 788 6824
First things first. This US based family enrichment organisation is worth a visit on facebook or twitter. It offers relationship growth programmes for couples, newly-weds, singles and others.
Fr Vincent Carroll of the diocese of Tzaneen continues his quirky Lucan SMS/email reflections. Families, catechists or Religious Educators may find this appeals to young people familiar with sms speak. His message on 28th February: Email
NEWS FROM THE CHURCH IN AFRICA. Some sources for news are: Catholic Information Service Africa (CISA) and CANAA,
USEFUL WEBSITES AND RESOURCES FOR FAMILIES. Contacts of local marriage and family programmes and other resources for marriage and family life in the Church and society can be found on under resources.
Suggestions for APRIL – HOLY WEEK and EASTER
“Any good religious educator should be armed with a bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other. That is the way to link faith and life.”
Encountering Jesus during Holy Week can be done in various ways. This is a time for personal reflection but there is great value in sharing some activities as a family. The following suggestions are offered. See also
The Lenten focus was on MEETING JESUS IN THE MASS, so read and reflect on some of the Eucharistic Prayers.
Participate in the liturgical celebrations during Holy Week paying particular attention to Jesus’ experiences.
Read and reflect on the Passion narratives in the gospels slowly and meditatively and allow the images to emerge and the pictures to come to life. Matthew, Mark and Luke’s accounts are similar. John’s account is different so be sure to read that one and at least one of the others. FAMILY MATTERS magazine No 1 of 2015 contains an article on the differences in the gospels.
Stations of the Cross are based on Scripture and tradition and are prayed on Good Friday. Try a new text, or use the Stations of the Cross for Families at home allowed family members to share their thoughts.
A Family Prayer Meal at home and a Reconciliation Service can be particularly meaningful introductions to the main liturgical events. See texts on A simple veneration of the Cross and reflection on our baptism can be done at home too. Read the story of St Kizito and his baptism.
The Sorrowful mysteries of the Rosary are meditations on the events of Holy Week. Take time over each one.
Listening to music e.g. Handel’s Messiah, or even Jesus Christ Superstar which is a modern rock opera are all ways of meeting Jesus in new ways. Listen to and join in singing some suitable hymns.
The Chrism Mass on Holy Thursday morning commemorates the priesthood and their communion with the bishop. Pray especially that they will live according to the example of Jesus, their model.
Watch a film like the Passion of Christ or Jesus of Nazareth and share one’s thoughts and feelings with others.
Pictures can evoke special feelings. Some people like traditional art, others like modern art, look for something that speaks to you.
See under MARFAM NEWS for booklets and programmes for this time. GOD’S PLAN OF LOVE is a popular new children’s version of salvation history to read and colour in.
How can you celebrate SA’s FAMILY DAY on EASTER MONDAY?
Use the THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY – April to June alone or sharing in families or groups. Some of these are posted on MARFAM’s Facebook page.
April Family theme is Committed to God and Faith. Share beliefs and practices and pray together. Does each home have some Catholic symbols, a home shrine or altar, with suitable pictures of family mementoes, a crucifix, a Bible, statue or picture of Mary or favourite saints? The family’s liturgical calendar/year planner can be kept there.
Meet St Kizito
MEET ST KIZITO. Not many people may know that child-martyr St Kizito is the patron saint of children. He will be a character in MARFAM publications for children, telling his story, other stories and helping children to develop the kind of love he had for God. The first article in FAMILY MATTERS mag 1 tells of Kizito’s baptism. Families can have a lot of fun looking up pictures and discussing their own baptism.
Saints and the FEASTDAYS for THE MONTH can be explored with google to find out more. April 27 is Freedom day in SA. What is freedom to you? See Poem of the month on
Family catechesis, is learning about and sharing our faith at home with members of all ages and families of all kinds. On a secular level too family communication is seen as very important for normal growth and a stable family.
FINALLY …… Chocolate Power and Easter fun
“All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn’t hurt!” Lucy Van Pelt, “Peanuts” (Whatever happened to Charlie Brown?)
Rules of Chocolate Easter Eggs
If you get melted chocolate all over your hands, you’re eating it too slowly.
Chocolate covered raisins, cherries, orange slices and strawberries all count as fruit, so eat as many as you want.
Diet tip: Eat an Easter egg before each meal. It’ll take the edge off your appetite, and that way you’ll eat less.
Chocolate has many preservatives. Preservatives make you look younger.
The problem: How to get two pounds of chocolate eggs home from the store in a hot car.
The solution: Eat the eggs in the car park.
Why is there no such organization as Chocoholics Anonymous?
Because no one wants to quit.
Easter Bunny’s Funnies
Q: What do you call a bunny with a large brain?
A: An egghead.
Q: Why did the Easter egg hide?
A: He was a little chicken!
Q: What do you call ten rabbits marching backwards?
A: A receding hareline.
Q. What’s invisible and smells like carrots?
A. The Ether Bunny
Q: What did the rabbit say to the carrot?
A: It’s been nice gnawing you.
Q: Why did the rabbit cross the road?
A: Because it was the chicken’s day off.
Read More about Marfam And its Vision at Financial and other support welcomed. MARFAM’s vision since its start in 1995 has been the renewal of family life in the Church through education and enrichment. Publications are a resource for families, educators, parishes and for the work of the Family Life Desk of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference. Read more at We thank our advertisers for their support and ask readers to support them in turn. Financial contributions towards MARFAM’s ministry are also most welcome. Details supplied on request. NPO 103-814.