

20th Anniversary International Year of the Family, theme: FAMILIES TOGETHER, THAT’S US!

jUNE theme:  Youth and their Families


Communicate with us www.marfam.org.za facebook or info@marfam.org.za

Family Matters Printable Version


Reflection:  Leadership

Picture, drawing by D King-Ogden


Article of the month:  Jesus, letter to a teen 

Reflection Poem:    To dads.       

SACBC Family Life Desk News and activities,  

Year Planner: 2014 June theme   



FAMILY SPIRITUALITY for months June-July  

FINALLY …  on a lighter note  

SACBC Prayer for Families



 A Family Prayer is available in English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Sotho, Setswana, Tswana, Sepedi  and Xhosa, Tsonga and Venda.

SACBC 2014 – 2016 FOCUS ON FAMILIES :  A Family Prayer is available in English, Afrikaans, Zulu, Sotho, Setswana, Tswana, Sepedi  and Xhosa, Tsonga and Venda.












Although I was not able to attend the full three days of the Jesuit Winter Living Theology workshop I did attend one of the evening sessions because the workshop title intrigued me: “The Leaders we Deserve.”  Would that apply on all levels, I asked myself.     What kind of leader am I, in my family, workplace, and other settings?  What does my family deserve?  It is amazing that one can behave and feel so differently in different settings.

We, as South Africans spent much of our time in the last month on issues related to leadership.  The elections did not bring many surprises and they were not expected to.  The rise in popularity of the EFF, the Economic Freedom Fighters, did not even come as too much of a surprise as it was to be expected that disgruntled – to use a popular in-word – citizens and in particular the youth were expressing  dissatisfaction with service delivery and employment opportunities and were also looking for someone with whom they could identify.   Julius Malema has been many things to South Africans in the last few years, from golden boy, to fallen hero, to tax evader, to bucker of the system, to butt of many jokes, to a clever manipulator of situations and people.  In many of these he could he said to have taken a lead.

What is true leadership and how is one rated on a leadership scale?  That would depend on what one regards as leadership qualities.  Al Gini, in the talk I attended, noted that true leadership is not necessarily related to power or status and leaders may not be good at every aspect of life.   But essential qualities for good leaders should include such attributes as honesty, moral courage, compassion and care, fairness and selflessness.  Even that can be contentious. Someone in the group gave Malema points for moral courage while others would consider him an opportunist.  A number of people identified older family members such as grandfather or mother as possessing  the compassion and care of leaders.  Our Oscar Pistorius, fallen from grace now whatever the outcome of his murder trial, would have been seen before as a leader in many ways.

Rating oneself as a leader is good and also a challenge.  That kind of thing is done most often In work situations where interaction with staff have to be managed, but it is also important for other and more intimate relationships where expectations are different. Is a man expected to be a family’s leader?  Also remember that one cannot be a leader on one quality alone or in all situations.  Being honest and able to acknowledge that one may be a good leader when it comes to running a workshop but not too good at being mother-in-law does help.  One may be a good leader under pressure but not interested in paying attention to the more mundane tasks in life.  Another may be dedicated to fairness or display moral courage but in too extreme a way and turn others off.  Elderly people may be too humble or too proud of their knowledge and achievements and youth too arrogant or lack confidence to be able to be effective leaders.  It seems to me that the in-between parent generation should get the prize for the quality of selflessness.  Few people are more giving, compassionate  and caring then mothers, more so then fathers.

Somehow we are called to be leaders in as many situations as we can and in addition acknowledge the leaders around us.  That is tricky as shared leadership is tough and having more than one person assuming a leadership role in a group or family can lead to conflict.  Our ideal and example is Jesus as servant leader, modelling all the qualities.   In June, we celebrate Pentecost and focus on Youth and their Families but also celebrate Fathers’ Day.  Let’s reflect especially at Pentecost and give thanks for the past and present leaders in our lives. Let us consider the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit who forms us to be true leaders even starting right away at whatever age and in whatever situation we find ourselves.   Leadership, manifesting the qualities noted above and the presence of the Holy Spirit,  surely is our calling.   But let’s also taken this wise-crack into consideration. “If you think you are leading and no one is following, you’re only taking a walk!

Toni Rowland



FAMILY MATTERS magazine No 1 for 2014 contains relevant articles and reflections on Resurrection people, Pentecost, Week of Prayer for Christian Unity which is celebrated in South African between Ascension and Pentecost.  The challenges that were noted in the questionnaire for the Extraordinary Synod on the Family in October are also being explored in this and future issues of the magazine.  It is generally accepted that on the whole Catholics, especially younger Catholics,  are not well-informed on Church teaching around family life, but there is also some reticence about learning more.  It is not enough to question rules from a position of ignorance.   Armed with knowledge and understanding we are empowered to make the decisions we ourselves need to make and to follow the debates and discussions.

Other MARFAM publications at this time are simpler, presented as reflection and sharing resources another important objective.  Following on from the April to June THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY the July – September booklet will soon be on hand and will use the daily liturgical readings with the themes for the months: the Elderly, Gender and Diversity in families.

The challenges noted by the United Nations for International Day of Families on 15th May and throughout the 20th anniversary commemorations are also highlighted for all organisations.

We are making a little progress with social media but time is a major problem for this oldie.


THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY  April – June  Now R8,   

THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY  July – September, R10,  


GOD’S PLAN OF LOVE, A Resurrection Story, NEW. story and colouring book for children covering salvation history. R10.

Families Become what you Are,   and other faith sharing resource booklets can be used in families or in groups such as SCCs, or sodality groups or RENEW in between seasons.

Downloadable FAMILY ACTIVITY SHEETS are under the liturgy section on the website. Look for Pentecost, Father’s Day and more.

2014 FAMILY YEAR PLANNER.  A full calendar overview for the year is published on the website. It is used each month for the relevant themes and for families as a Family Liturgical Calendar with their own special events and celebrations.




See familydesk.sacbc.org.za created by Mariannhil Mission Press and linked with other SACBC departments. Also see www.marfam.org.za/blog for the links to family movements.



JANUARY : New Beginnings, Towards balanced families

FEBRUARY : Love, the basis for care

MARCH : Human Rights and Family Rights

APRIL : Faith and Families – Together

MAY : Parenting and Work-family Balance

JUNE : Youth and their Families

JULY : the Elderly and Families

AUGUST : Gender Balance

SEPTEMBER : Families, Diverse and Together

OCTOBER : Reaching out, Family to Family

NOVEMBER : Loss and Needed Support

DECEMBER : Healthy Families, Hope for the Future

From THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY, FOR FAMILIES TOGETHER WITH GOD.   June:  Youth and their Families.    

Across the world youth employment has become a major concern. The needs of the workplace and youth aspirations often do not match or youth may become despondent or rebellious.  They may remain overly dependent on their families or due to lack of motivation and suitable outlets become involved in anti-social behaviour.  How possible is it to engage the youth in confronting family poverty and intergenerational concern?  The self- giving that inspires the love of a couple is the model and norm for the self-giving that must be practiced in the relationships between brothers and sisters and the different generations living together in the family. FC37.  We should involve young people directly in the life of society and of the Church, so that they do not fall prey to feelings of frustration and rejection in the face of their inability to shape their own future, especially where they are vulnerable due to lack of education, unemployment, political exploitation and various kinds of addiction. AM 62

A selection of reflections mainly for Sundays is on the website in English. Afrikaans, Sesotho, Zulu, Tswana, North Sotho and Xhosa are emailed out when available.  


2014-2016 FOCUS ON FAMILIES. The bishops of the region have prioritised family life for the next 3 years, a Family Prayer and resource leaflet for Family Days were commissioned and produced.  Prayer cards have been printed in different local languages and are still being distributed in bulk to the dioceses or also to parishes @ R1 each for minimum orders of 100.   The prayer is also being published on the Family Life Desk website in different languages for downloading.   familydesk.sacbc.org.za

These form part of the family enrichment campaign over the next years.   Suggestions and reports from diocesan family teams and family movements are welcomed.  The Desk’s working group will  brainstorm the possibilities too and share any meaningful initiatives.  Outcomes from the Synods are not likely to be received for some time and the need exists to support families at all the different levels and situations on an ongoing basis.    

We have seen and heard how parishes are using a prayer, an icon of the Holy Family, a candle in the parish and at home to use at prayer time, or a small altar where a Bible is enthroned. (See bible enthronement at www.marfam.org.za)    Bracelets are being promoted from Durban  stjosephdbn@iafrica.com  @ R10.   Other novelty items are nice too.   So let us have suggestions for the months and years ahead;   fridge magnet, badge, conferences and workshops at any level, diocese or smaller groupings. but bear in mind they are not just ornaments and gatherings should be fun, but by building in a current topic can also be enriching and informative.  Parish or diocesan family events could be held and take different forms.  Other events e.g. a  Men’s Forum can incorporate a family focus in their projects.

(The poster is available in A3 or A4 size for parish notice board or other promos.)


Fr Chris with a parish family candle

PARISH FAMILY MINISTRY.  Only one short workshop was run in Johannesburg but a visit to the Tzaneen diocese and an introduction to parish family ministry and a commemoration of Mother’s Day in a deep rural parish of 9 different communities some more than an hour apart was a rewarding opportunity to see how that sector of the church lives.  An opportunity to visit Cape Town mainly as part of the CPLO , the Parliamentary office’s  commemoration of the International Year and Day of Families included other meetings and interactions.  An interdenominational breakfast talk, a presentation at the launch of the Johannesburg Archdiocesan Men’s Forum, a mini-conference at the Pauline’s Books and Media Centre and some more parish visits made up the external part of a busy month.  Themes for the month were incorporated into talks.

FAMILY CONFERENCE, BY ALL, FOR ALL.  20-21 September.  Very important news is the FAMILY CONFERENCE and FAMILY FAITH AND FUN DAY  to be hosted at Don Bosco Centre outside Johannesburg by the FL Desk in collaboration with Radio Veritas, the Salesian Family,  Johannesburg Family Life Department and MARFAM.  A working group has started planning and will be inviting other family movements and groupings to participate. This family celebration will relate to the International Year of the Family as well as the Church’s own Synod.  Further details to follow shortly.

2014 INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF THE FAMILY +20.Valuable websites


http://www.viennafamilycommittee.org/    www.family2014.org.    The themes for this year are from International Family Days in 2011 – 2013:   THEMES: CONFRONTING FAMILY POVERTY,  WORK-FAMILY BALANCE,  INTERGENERATIONAL SOLIDARITY and a 4th theme was added EMPOWERING AND SUPPORTING FAMILIES.

The websites also contain research papers to support the need for family-orientated poverty alleviation programmes that can have a spin-off on intergenerational support and work-family balance. According to the UN Nations “the twentieth anniversary of the International Year of the Family (IYF) offers an opportunity to refocus on the role of families in development; take stock of recent trends in family policy development; share good practices in family policy making; review challenges faced by families worldwide and recommend solutions.”

Are we all on board?  Even in the national public domain now, with INTERNATIONAL DAY FOR FAMILIES past, there still appears to be a relatively low awareness of a family focus and of the themes.  In media, society and church one  constantly hears about women’s, men’s or children’s issues and programmes while little is said about programmes for families as units which still include the women, men or children but from a broader perspective. After the elections in SA the new cabinet was sworn in and once again we find ourselves with a Minister for Women but not one for families, although families are catered for in the Department for Social Development Family directorate.  That somehow doesn’t feel as if it is carrying the same weight.

In the light of the SACBC bishops adopting a FAMILY FOCUS and as national and regional policies are examined, we can consider if our dioceses and parishes do have adequate family policies from a church perspective too, with regard to marriage preparation, enrichment, openness to counselling, baptism preparation, family catechesis, etc?     The Family Life Desk objectives include assisting dioceses to establish a family ministry programme.   The picture was taken on Mothers Day at a training workshop in Limpopo.    

All church members as individuals, members of groups or sodalities in their individual and family capacity with their particular skills and all church agencies have a role to play in the strengthening and support of families and all their related issues at all levels.  JP can consider a family focus in their work around land, economic justice, gender and more.   Development agencies and AIDS programmes can also look holistically and adopt a strong family focus.

FUTURE FAMILY MINISTRY EVENTS AND OTHER NOTICES:   Contact 082 5521275 for details or requests.

JUNE, Youth and their Families.  Fatherhood.  

7-8 June.  Maheking, North West Province. Parish Family Ministry workshop,  Pentecost and the Family celebration.

JULY:      the Elderly and their Families.

19 July Parish Family Ministry one day workshop Johannesburg

26 July.   Media expo, Johannesburg.  

26 July or nearest Sunday.   Grandparents Day.  Feast of St Joachim and St Anne. 

Parish Family Ministry Weekend Workshops can be held for any parishes or dioceses. Follow-up sessions are also important.    JHB PFM WORKSHOPS  19 July 2014 (changed from 2 August) , 4 October.    Next weekend in Johannesburg 5-7 September 2014.




YOUTH AND PARENTING. A BASIC PARENTING SKILLS PROGRA MME is offered by the Cape Town Archdiocese and Parenting for children and Parenting for Teenagers by Alpha in the Johannesburg area.   Department for Social Development through its social workers across the country also offers a number of parenting programmes also including support for teenage parents.

LIFE TALK  for Parent-teen support:  www.tugoflife.com


In the local programme for this commemoration each day from Ascension to Pentecost you are asked to pray for a specific group of Christian Churches – that we may be one. For each of the weekdays in this period a scripture is given for reflection on the particular theme of the day.  This commemoration is valuable for families where so many people are attending different churches or changing churches as our church of the home can still be a place for working towards unity.  Interreligious dialogue with groups other than Christian churches is also very important nowadays.  We need the dialogue and prayer for unity of faith and the values promoted by the different religions.   Visit the Turquoise Harmony Institute for some meaningful insights.   www.turquoise.org.za.    The institute, founded on the philosophy of Islamist scholar Fethullah Gullen writes,” in conducting the affairs of Turquoise Harmony Institute we adhere to the following ethos:

Dialogue is about coming together on the basis of common humanity regardless of the background of the individuals. A harmonious future where all peoples of the world will co-exist in peace and harmony will only possible through dialogue in an atmosphere of mutual understanding. Behind most social conflicts of our time lies lack of understanding of the “other”.

Social cohesion is threatened by four major causes, namely ignorance, poverty, disunity and disinformation.

 LAY FORMATION.  The SACBC Inter-diocesan Consultation Phase III is about to begin.  The ultimate aim is to develop a new Pastoral Plan for the region for the next 10-20 years.   What will the needs be and who will be able to carry out the tasks of evangelisation of and with the laity.  From the family side there are two points to consider;   the broader nature of the church as a community of families and the particular issues and needs facing  families.  Interaction between laity and clergy will also be increasingly important as the shortage of priests bites ever stronger.  Even with a shortage without priest support any kind of family ministry will be almost impossible.


His Grace, Paul-André Durocher, Archbishop of Gatineau and leader of Canada’s bishops has written a message for the nation’s second National Week for Life and the Family.  Below is an excerpt from his message.

“I have just returned from the canonizations of two new Saints, gifts of God to the Church. As I think of Saint John XXIII, I recall the night of the opening of the Second Vatican Council, when he spoke to the crowds with a real father’s heart, saying: “As you go back home, you will find your children. Give them a hug and tell them: ‘This is the Pope’s hug!’ Perhaps you will find a few tears that need drying. Have a word of comfort for whoever is suffering…. Let us be filled with life, singing, sighing, crying, but always full of faith in Christ who helps us and listens to us, and let us once again take up our journey” (Discorso alla luna ["The Moonlight Speech"], 11 October 1962).

I also remember the words of Saint John Paul II as he reflected on the family: “The family finds in the plan of God the Creator and Redeemer not only its identity, what it is, but also its mission, what it can and should do…. Each family finds within itself a summons that cannot be ignored and that specifies both its dignity and its responsibility: family, become what you are!” (Apostolic Exhortation on the Role of the Christian Family in the Modern World, Familiaris Consortio, 17).

He concludes with a request from Pope Francis. “Let us pray too for all families as they strive to become what they are meant to be: “Families united in the joy of the Lord.”

To follow the popes subscribing to  www.zenit.org  gives access to regular bulletins from Rome.

The International Year of Family Farming 2014 and more.  This UN worldwide commemoration has relevance for Southern Africa too where family farming has been practised for generations.  www.familyfarmingcampaign.net.  See Family Matters magazine article.     World Environment Day on June 5th is another worthwhile day for educators as well as families to reflect on.  The 2014 theme centres around water and challenges us to RAISE YOUR VOICE, NOT THE SEA LEVEL.    Google for more info.

RADIO  VERITAS broadcasts on 576AM, DSTV audio channel 870 and is streaming on the internet.  Many Catholic issues are addressed and attention is also paid to the International Year of the Family at present. The magagazine programme FAMILY MATTERS is flighted on Wednesday 9-10am highlighting the current IYF themes and is hosted by Toni Rowland with guests.


“The aspiration of  CoLA is to uphold the dignity of life from conception to natural death.  We are aspiring to this call by opening Houses for pregnant women in crisis, so giving them the opportunity to bring their babies into this world in a safe and caring environment.  We are wholly committed to this calling and will need funds to run this successfully.” The Culture of Life Apostolate will host their Annual Golf Day at the Parkview Golf Club on the 20th June, 2014.  It is with great pleasure that we are inviting you and your company to join us.  Contact Marilyn on: 084-461-2592 email : marilyncheketri@gmail.com


Fatima Five Saturdays to commence in June 2014.   Manny de Freitas announced that due to the success of the Fatima pilgrimages that take place annually in May, from the Blessed Sacrament Parish in Malvern East, Johannesburg to Schoenstatt in Bedfordview, the Fatima five Saturdays will in instituted. The Fatima five Saturdays originate when one of the visionaries of Fatima, Sister Lucia dos Santos, then a postulant, received a visionary visit by the Child Jesus and the Virgin Mary in her convent cell.  The rosary will be recited on 7 June,  5 July, 2 August, 6 September and 4 October. “This will also all take place at Schoenstatt at 16h30,” said de Freitas.

On the 13th of May 1917 our Lady, first appeared to three poor shepherd children. During these apparitions, that took place over the next 6 months, our Lady under the title of “Our Lady Queen of the Rosary”, appealed for prayer, conversion and peace in the world. “Since these apparitions, millions of people have changed their lives positively and come to practice the messages of Fatima,” explained de Freitas.


For contacts of local marriage and family programmes see : www.marfam.org.za  and familydesk.sacbc.org.za

SOCIAL COMMUNICATIONS Desk at the SACBC.   www.sacbc.org.za,  Southern Cross online www.scross.co.za

Mariannhill Mission press www.mariannhillmedia.org

South African Catholic Internet Resource Blog set up by Frank Nunan frank@sacatholiconline.org.

RIGHT TO LIFE ISSUES Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute http://www.c-fam.org/ austin.ruse@c-fam.org

Marriage: www.foryourmarriage.org   US Catholic Bishops sponsored newsletter on marriage and family life.

www.smartmarriages.com  carries numerous articles on marriage and family life.

Catholic Education:  www.catholiceducation.org/updates/latest.htm  a very helpful and regularly updated resource for educators and any adults.

Parent-teen support:  www.tugoflife.com and LIFETALK are for parents, teens and teen educators.

CIE (Catholic Institute of Education) has many programmes dealing with school-parent-child issues.  www.cie.org.za

Heartlines films and other resources on values are very helpful for groups and workshops.   

Non-religious family support resources.  Government Social Development departments, FAMSA, LifeLine, Child Welfare and many other NGO’s, social workers and psychologists offer counselling, marriage preparation, family education, divorce mediation and counselling, parenting, fatherhood  and many more.   Family Preservation is a vision and a programme.



Suggestions for June theme: Youth and their Families and July, the Elderly and their Families.   The themes in both months will focus on intergenerational issues, of youth, fatherhood and grandparents.

 “Any good religious educator should be armed with a bible in one hand and a newspaper in the other. That is the way to link faith and life.” Visit www.marfam.org.za  for more ideas or google.

The Easter season or POST EASTER time  is still with us for a few days and the booklet GOD’S PLAN OF LOVE, A Resurrection Story, is still relevant.  This new story and colouring book for children covers all of salvation history up until Pentecost.

 During the week before Pentecost we in Southern Africa celebrate the WEEK/NOVENA OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY.   See Family Matters magazine or contact  cuc@mweb.co.za.  Families experience this painful division and so they can pray as families for both unity as Christians and between different world religions.

STATIONS OF LIGHT at Bosco Youth A scripture sharing activity based on these Stations is published in FAMILY MATTERS magazine with images of the mosaic

A pentecost image

s created for the devotion.  Groups and families can take a trip to Don Bosco Centre in Gauteng  and pray the Stations as part of a family day.

PENTECOST.  This as one of the great feasts of the Church, in families can even be celebrated as the birthday of the Church.  Its significance lies in the empowerment received by the followers of Jesus through the infusion of the Holy Spirit.  We speak of the gifts of the Spirit and the fruits of the gifts.    A family activity around these is on www.marfam.org.za   

St Anthony is a commonly recognised patron saint as he is credited with finding things that are lost.  He is often depicted holding the infant Jesus.  It has been suggested his intercession be requested for finding the missing Nigerian girls.   Other feasts and saints of the time,  St Charles Lwanga and companions, the Sacred Heart,  Corpus Christi, St Peter and Paul.  As a family do some research on the lives of SAINTS, our own name saints and the FEASTDAYS for THE MONTH.  See  www.catholiconline.org or google to find out more.

Youth day. 16th June in South Africa.  There is Much to commemorate but let the “born frees” know some of the history and people that went before them.

Fathers’ day. 15th June.  If you celebrated Mothers’ Day you owe it to the dads too even though many fathers might be absent from their families.  Make a special effort to include all fathers, even young ones in this day. See a Father’s Day blessing on the liturgy section of the MARFAM  website.

THOUGHTS FOR THE DAY, June  as reflections and simple thoughts for faith sharing activities focus on youth and the upcoming July to September  booklet  on the monthly themes elderly, gender and our cultural diversity.

 FAMILY PRAYER BOOK  has many short prayers and suggestions for a “Family Hour,” family faith sharing. Members are encouraged to make up their own prayers and sharing topics. The bishops PRAYER FOR FAMILIES is printed on the back.

Faith sharing in a family – not a prayer group – with members of all ages is a recommended form of family catechesis especially when using current themes.  Even more than important, it should be considered necessary, for normal growth and a stable family.


FINALLY … some words of wisdom for dads and teens

I cannot think of any need in childhood as strong as the need for a father’s protection.  Sigmund Freud.

When a father gives to his son both laugh;   when a son gives to his father, both cry.   William Shakespeare.

My promise to my children for as long as I live:   I will always be your parent first and your friend second.  I will stalk you, flip out on you, lecture you, drive you insane, be your worst nightmare and hunt you down like a bloodhound when I have to because I love you.   When you understand that I will know you have become a responsible adult.   You will never find anyone else in your life who loves, prays, care and worries about you more than I do.  If you don’t mutter under your breath, “I hate you” at least once in your life I am not doing my job properly.

A dad is someone who wants to catch you before you fall but instead picks you up, brushes you off and lets you try again.


Read More about Marfam And its Vision at www.marfam.org.za/. Financial and other support welcomed.

MARFAM’s vision since its start in 1995 has been the renewal of family life in the Church through education and enrichment. Publications are a resource for families, educators, parishes and for the work of the Family Life Desk of the Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference. Read more at www.marfam.org.za/ We thank our advertisers for their support and ask readers to support them in turn. Financial contributions towards MARFAM’s ministry are also most welcome. Details supplied on request.

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