
Obama Trounced, Losing Google's Popularity Internet Search
Engine Wars, Negatives Much Higher than Positives & Google: U.S & World Governments Censorship on Blogs/Websites Rising:   

By Marc Chamot

President Barack Hussein Obama, master of the Internet losing Net influence.

If we gauged and predicted elections by Google search
engines, Obama would be trounced in 2012. President Obama is losing the Internet
popularity wars badly. It seems that conservatives or anti-Obama messages are
resonating on the Internet.

Obama and Liberals are being trounced on the Net.  Obama’s negatives are shockingly much higher,
than his positives on Google search. There’s nothing positive on Obama, it’s
far easier to be negative on Obama on the Internet for lack of achievements
these past four years.

When President Obama first ran in 2008, his negatives were
being suppressed, by Medias everywhere and including major Internet search
engines. But today my friends, it’s a total different world for Barack Hussein Obama.

You see; when this man ran for president back in 2008, he
promised total government transparency that never occurred. President Obama
ruled the Internet in 2008, but today, Obama’s losing the Internet war embarrassingly

Barack Obama has a total of 492,000,000 mentions on
Google. What I did, I placed quotation marks on every word in Google search. For
example, “Obama is a nightmare” has 14,000,000 mentions on Google. Following
with “Obama what a nightmare” with 5,380,000 mentions. “Obama is a leftist” has
3,500,000 mentions and "Obama is a socialist" 2,540,000.

The most alarming part of the Internet search, more people
and majority of posts, truly believe Obama is racist than not. In “Obama is a
racist” have 2,170,000 mentions, “Obama is a racist” 2,170,000, “Barack Obama
is a racist” 1,310,000, “Obama a racist” 260,000 against to “Obama not racist” 1,290,000
and “Obama is not racist” 262,000.

“Barack Obama failed” 1,860,000 to “Barack Obama
succeeded” 349,000, some of posters say “Barack Obama is honest” 63,900, “Obama
is honest” 119,000, but majority of Internet posters say “Obama is a liar” 1,
340,000 and “Barack Obama is a liar” 809,000.

As polls have indicated, most people do like this
president, however, a large majority despise his leftist domestic policies on
economics, they believe he’s a failed presidency, a racist, and a big liar; very few are
saying that Obama is an honest person or has done well during his presidency.

But there is more; “President Obama is doing a good job”
1,040,000 vs. “Barack Hussein Obama” 5, 790,000, and “I like president Obama”
3,890,000, I like Obama; 2,710,000. “I don’t like Obama” 1,940,000. More people
say, “Obama will lose” 1,730,000, and “Obama Failed” 773,000, to “Barack
Obama will win 2012” 375,000 and “Obama will win 2012” 40,000.

“Obama is doing a good job” 142,000, “Obama is good for
America” 53,200 and “President Obama is good for America” 26,200, “Barack Obama
is doing a good job” 61,000 to “Obama is doing a terrible job” 60,400, “Obama
is a disaster” 830,000.

“I will not vote for Obama” 2,950,000, “I will not vote
for Obama in 2012” 2,130,000 to “I will vote for Obama” 326,000 and “I will
vote for Obama again” 297,000 and “I will not vote for Obama again” 232,000.

Not only that; these are big implications on major mainstream
Medias. These Google searches show how far major Media influence on American
life and politics, and to the world for that matter, has diminished. No wonder they
want to unplug Google. More from Google search list;

Barack; 300,000,000

Barack Obama; 278,000,000

Obama; 3,060,000

I love Obama; 1,130,000

Obama is a communist; 1,020,000

I love President Obama; 1,020,000

I hate Obama; 800,000

Barack Obama is racist; 456,000

Obama Sucks; 467,000

Obama socialist; 369,000

I love Barack; 318,000

I like Barack Obama; 275,000

Fu#@ Obama; 273,000

Obama worst president; 255,000

Screw Obama; 246,000

I love Barack Obama; 215,000

Barack Obama will lose in 2012; 207,000

Obama worst president ever; 202,000

Obama is bad; 182,000

Barack Obama the racist; 170,000

Obama communist; 159,000

Obama best president ever; 151,000

Obama is great; 151,000

Obama is terrible; 111,000

Obama is horrible; 111,000

Obama is not a racist; 111,000

President Obama is bad for America; 88,700

Obama is not communist; 63,700

I love Barack Hussein Obama; 61,200

There no question that the Internet is making world governments
very nervous, even American politicians. According to Google, they’ve had the
highest requests to remove blog posts from government, including the United
States, on bloggers everywhere.

In Google
Reports "Alarming" Government Requests for Censorship in 2011 “Google says it
continues to see cases of governments asking Google to remove political speech,
which are alarming "not only because free expression is at risk, but
because some of these requests come from countries you might not
suspect—Western democracies not typically associated with censorship."

Google also revealed which
countries requested data pertaining to specific users. In that category, the
country in which requests encompassed the highest number of users and accounts
was the United States with 12,243.

Google says its
compliance rate for the data requested was 93 percent. The other top countries
were India, where it had a compliance rate of 66 percent for requests covering
3,427 users or accounts and Brazil, where it had a compliance rate of 90
percent for requests covering 2,222 users or accounts.

In terms of raw
numbers, Google was able to disclose more items requested for removal through
court order coming from the United States (3,800), Germany (1,300) and
Australia (633) than from other countries. But in terms of compliance, Google's
rate of implementing those requests was 40 percent for the United States, 80
percent for Germany and 17 percent for Australia.

For removal requests
from other branches of government or the police, the countries with the highest
number of items requested removed were the U.S. with over 2,300, the U.K. with
750 and Germany with 418. However, the compliance rate for those countries is
44 percent, 54 percent and 72 percent. In that category, Switzerland, Thailand,
Kazachstan and Malaysia had a 100 percent compliance rate.

In the United States,
Google said it did not comply with a request from a local law enforcement
agency to remove a blog because of a post that "allegedly defamed a law
enforcement official in a personal capacity.

" Google also did not reply
with a request from a local law enforcement agency to "to remove 1,400
YouTube videos for alleged harassment." But it partially responded to a
different local law enforcement agency to remove five user accounts that
allegedly contained threatening and/or harassing content.

Google says it removed
four of those accounts, resulting in the removal of approximately 300 videos,
but did not remove the fifth account with 54 videos. In response to a court
order to remove 218 search results that linked to allegedly defamatory
websites, Google removed 25 percent of the results in the request.

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