
This week the kids and I tested for our new belts in Taekwondo (I'm the lowest since I recently started). My daughter really had a tough time with her kicking technique (flying sidekick). The last round of testing she wasn't allowed to test because of this — the dojon doesn't just "test" kids, if they're not 99% sure the kids will be able to pass they won't allow them to even show up (and each test costs money).

Our daughter was very disappointed, there were tears everywhere. She sulked for a few days, but to her credit she went back and practiced even harder.

My wife was nervous, especially since many kids on her level had problems breaking the boards.

She broke the board on the firs try!

Now that's a life lesson.

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Book Review: Rocamora by Donald Michael Platt tinyurl.com/o4jg4b2 #BookReview

A new Twitter Update for Week Ending 7 September, 2013 & a Rosh HaShanah postmanoflabook.com/wp/?p=9859

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