
growMANkato Going Strong to Promote Awareness of “Men’s Cancers”

Mankato Times

MANKATO, MINN. — Once again, growMANkato, a grassroots effort to raise individual and community awareness of men’s health, with a focus on prostate & testicular cancer (the men’s cancers) will be going strong this November. The efforts started in 2014 with conversation between two local men, testicular cancer survivor, Chris Harstad and prostate and kidney cancer survivor, Jonathan Zierdt who had a vision to build on the success of the 2012 Mustache Bash.

Help show your support of the “men’s cancers” by shaving down on November “eve” (October 31) and continue to grow all month long to help show your support and raise awareness of these cancers. The month-long campaign will officially kick off the morning of October 31 at the “Shave Down” at Y Barbers. It will continue that evening at the Minnesota State University, Mankato Men’s Maverick hockey game which will feature the “Shave Cam” and “Center Ice Shave Down”.

Funds are being raised through the initiative to help support men going through treatment and their families by providing gift cards to help ease everyday expenses such as gas and groceries. Often cancer puts people on paths they have never predicted, things that were once not a burden due to increased expenses or inability to work. growMANkato works with local health care providers to get donations directly to those who are in need. To donate to growMANkato, visit gofundme.com/growMANkato. growMANkato has a goal to raise $5,000 this year.

We want you to help support and raise awareness of men’s cancer all November long. Here are the rules of the game:

No shaving after November 1

We don’t discriminate – mustaches and beards of all kinds are okay – do what suits you!

Post your photo using the hashtag #growMANkato on our Facebook page or on any social media channel (we encourage you to share your men’s cancer story. Whether you, a family member or friend has been effected, tell us why you are letting it grow!)

Pick up your FREE #growMANkato lanyard and mustache window cling starting November 1 at Pub 500 or KEYC TV to show off you and your businesses’ support for the initiative.

Show up (with friends and family in tow of course) to the Mustache Bash on November 30 at Pub 500 for a great time and special events including live comedy, the Mustache Competition, live band and more!

Social Media Information:
facebook.com/growMANkato   |   #growMANkato

Grow MANkato 2015 Schedule of Events:

Oct 31 Sat – Shave Down @ Y Barbers (9 am-11 am)

Oct 31 Sat – MSU Mens Hockey “Shave Cam Night” & “Center Ice Shave Down”

Nov 13 Fri – MSU Mens Hockey, blue stick tape

Nov 14 Sat – MSU Football, blue cancer ribbon on helmets

Nov 18 Wed – MSU Mens Basketball

Nov 18 Wed – BLC Mens Basketball

Nov 28 Sat – MSU Mens Hockey “Beard Cam Night” display before/after shots on jumbotron

Nov 30 Mon – Mustache Bash @ Pub 500 7-10 pm: comedian, competition 8-9 pm, & band 7-8 pm, 9-10 pm

Click Here for MSU Men’s Hockey schedule

Click Here for MSU Football schedule

Click Here for MSU Men’s Basketball schedule

Click Here for BLS Men’s Basketball schedule

About Chris Harstad:

Chris (36) was diagnosed with testicular cancer in October 2007 and shortly after had surgery to remove the cancer. After a year of monitoring, Chris was told that the cancer returned and had moved into his abdominal lymph nodes. About a year after his the original diagnosis he went through eight weeks of chemotherapy which successfully eradicated the cancer. Testicular cancer, if caught early, is 95% curable.

About Jonathan Zierdt:

Jonathan (49) was diagnosed with prostate cancer and kidney cancer in November 2013, and had three surgeries during the winter of 2014 to remove the mass on his kidney and a prostatectomy. In September 2014 Jonathan’s prostate cancer (a highly aggressive form) recurred and he underwent a 6-month treatment involving anti-hormone and radiation therapy. In October 2015 his prostate cancer continues to resist treatment and Jonathan and his medical team are currently discussing a next round of treatment options

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