
This 1920s view of Fifth Avenue Beach shows a slightly different landscape than what exists today.


Kaleva Florist purchased

Robert Schmidt of Detroit has moved to Kaleva and purchased the Kaleva Florist effective now. The shop is under his management. Mrs. Jack Luhtanen who has worked here for there for years will stay on and be assisted by Susan Crow.


Cat rescued

The fire department was called out at 8:10 p.m. yesterday to rescue a cat from the roof of the former Della Pia Slipper Co. building on the corner of Eighth and Engelmann streets. The cat was unable to find a way off his lofty position and firemen quickly returned the animal to the safety of the ground.

Making mouthpieces

Dr. Ford Stone, secretary for the Manistee County Dental Society, announced today that the county dentist group is now making athletic mouthguard mouthpieces for all high school athletics at large savings to the players.


Local airport just “usable”

That much work remains to done on Manistee Blacker Airport before it can be give a boost by the state board of aeronautics is demonstrated in the latest bulletin issued by the board and reporting on field conditions of airports all over the state. The local airport, according to the bulletin is “Usable. Rough and rolling.” Much work was done on the field as a relief project but more must be planned, apparently to bring the ground up to par.

Compiled by Mark Fedder at the Manistee County Historical Museum

The post Looking Back for Sept. 24 appeared first on Manistee News.

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