My kids attend Awanas at our church. For 3rd grade and up kids can sign up for the pine box derby races. Children are given a block of wood to make their own pine box derby cars. My husband and son worked together. The theme that we chose was a Batmobile.
My son told my husband what shape he wanted his car to be so together they cut it out and then sanded it. Next we painted it black and then on I printed off a Batman logo and a Batman Lego character. Then the wheels were added and my son colored the Batman and then glued all the accessories to the car. My husband added the weights on top of the car so that it would meet the requirements of 5 oz. Finally we added a coat of Modge Podge to give it that final shimmer.
* Great resources on how to make a pine box derby are Pinterest and Youtube. These resources are not just great for how to make a car but they give tips on how to make your car fast!
Then it was time for the race. On your mark, get ready and go………………….
Guess what my son won 1st place!!!! His car was the fastest against his team mates!
If you are not part of Awanas I encourage you to have your children join. Has your child ever made a pine box derby car?
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