
I have to first admit to you that I am putting this post up for completely selfish reasons.

I am hoping that I am not the only person here that can tend to be a little neurotic. lol

I am hoping that you will read this and then tell me that you do the exact same thing and that I am not crazy.

I might be hoping for too much though on this one. haha.

I have to give you a little background first for you to completely (or at least a little bit) understand.

I think most people at one time or another make the statement "I am a good driver" and I think most of us believe it.

I won't make that statement today, but I will say that I haven't had a ticket since I was 16 and I drive cautiously never going over the speed limit.

Yes... for those who like to speed, I am that person you are cursing at when you want to go fast. lol

I usually have two toddlers in my car so I am always doing everything I can to make sure I am keeping them safe when I drive.

So here is where it gets weird... every time a cop pulls up behind me I PANIC!

I act as if I am in a movie and I start looking in my rear view mirror trying to figure out my next move.

I act as if I have stolen my 10 year old "Hunk of Junk" car and I look for my opportunity to bail.

As you can see in the photo above I purposely pulled over to the side of the road to let him pass me.

Now in all fairness I didn't see the Animal part until he passed me. lol

I probably wouldn't have bailed to the side of the road if I had seen that it was an Animal Control cop.

So I want to know, do you do this? Maybe on a smaller scale? Do you panic for a second and then let it go?

Are You Neurotic Too? Or Is It Just Me? I would love to know! :)

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