
I received this product free for review. All opinions remain my own, and my son’s!

Cub’s obsession with the tv series Paw Patrol came about completely organically. At home, we’ve only got four channels, so he fell in love with Super Why because it was the one of only options available to us around the time we would turn on the TV. He loves Batman and Superman because the older boys at Day Care love Batman and Superman.

Cub loves Paw Patrol because he just loves Paw Patrol.

While visiting my parents in BC, where they have a miraculous little device known as a a digital box (our device is known as “rabbit ears”), of the panoply of television shows Cub could watch, he was very quickly asking for “Troll.” Of course, I did not initially know what “Troll” was, since I would turn on the TV to keep him immobile whilst going upstairs (I’m used to parenting in a very small space, where even if I’m peeing, I can usually still see him).

Once I figured out what “Troll” was, my Mom showed me how to record episodes on her magical digital box, and Cub was a very happy Pup, having “Troll” on demand.

Back home in our tiny apartment, Cub was less than impressed to learn that we did not have “Troll.” We had to resort to poor quality and weird-advertisement-infested YouTube videos.

To illustrate to what extent my son loves Paw Patrol, I can cite the following examples:

He points to real-life fire trucks, helicopters and dump trucks and refers to them by the Paw Patrol Pup to which they belong;

Whenever he sees the recycling symbols (like on the way to Day Care today, it being recycling pick-up day), he yells, “ROCKY!”

He often sleeps with his Rocky plastic toy (not so cuddly);

Once we turn out the lights for bedtime, he makes such requests as: “Troll. Train. Phant.” That means he wants me to recount the Paw Patrol episode where the elephant escapes from the train;

He busts a serious move when I sing the “Pup Pup Boogie” song. (In case you are not familiar with that one, it’s on the DVD!)

Paw Patrol Winter Rescues DVD Review

Needless to say, my status of “Coolest Mom Ever” has been at least temporarily reinstated by the arrival of our Paw Patrol Winter Rescues DVD.

The DVD contains 6 11-minute Paw Patrol episodes, making it perfect to budget screen time as necessary. I was able to get supper on the table by the end of the third episode last night!

Cub loves Paw Patrol because he’s two. He loves the goofy, physical comedy and the predictability of the catch phrases and each pup’s personality. He knows that Marshall will trip over himself as he runs for the elevator, but it makes him laugh every time. My husband and I like Paw Patrol because it’s totally non-violent, it shows friends working together to solve problems, and, honestly, it’s hard not to love something that makes your kid so darn happy.

The DVD includes: Pups and the Kitty-Tastrophe, Pup Pup Boogie, Pups on Ice, Pups and the Snow Monster, Pups Save a Toof and Pups Save Ryder.

Do I ever wonder where Marshall stores all the water in his fire hoses? Or where Ryder’s parents are? (He’s the 10-year-old child-leader of the Paw Patrol with a smart phone.) Or why the adults in Adventure Bay are, overall, completely helpless? Sure I do! But posing philosophical questions about children’s television keeps me on my toes.

Would your kids like to own a copy of Paw Patrol Winter Rescues, plus some surprise Paw Patrol Swag? Enter below!

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