
“If a tired mum of three can do it, so can you.”

Last year, I did something I never thought I’d even attempt.

I ran 8km (yes, EIGHT) during the Mother’s Day Classic, raising money for breast cancer research – a cause I care about deeply.

And it was one of the hardest but most rewarding challenges of my life.

Back then, when it came to running, I was a beginner. So yes, it hurt. A lot. But you know what? Every muscle ache and every stitch was worth it. So that’s why I’m excited to take on thechallenge again this year.

If you’re a runner, or want to be a runner, or if you just want to help out an important cause, you should join me. And if you need some inspiration, this is what it was like least year.

“If you’re a runner, or want to be a runner, or if you just want to help out an important cause, you should join me.”

Just as an FYI, you should know that this post is sponsored byThe Athletes Foot. But all opinions expressed by the author are 100% authentic and written in their own words.

I am aching from head to toe. I am aching in places I didn’t know I could ache. But I did it. I ran 8 kilometres in the Mother’s Day Classic at The Domain in Sydney on Sunday and I feel fabulous; fabulous butincredibly sore.

Here I am – a 37-year-old novice runner and a tired mother-of-three. The longest I’ve ever run non-stop is 4 kilometres. I’ve done someBody Attack classes at the gym. I’ve played soccer with my kids. I’ve always wanted to do a marathon or a half-marathon. This event was the perfect way to start.

I’d been preparing for this event for 6 weeks prior. My first step had been to get fitted atThe Athlete’s Foot for a proper pair of running shoes, where I walked away with a pair of Brooks Trance runners. Once I had the shoes, I knew I could plan out my outfit – pink, pink and more pink.

Not only did they coordinate well, they really helped in my training. It was a motivation just knowing I was preparing the right way with the correct shoes. I made sure I stuck to my plan each week: two cardio classes at the gym and two 4km runs around my local area. My goal was to make sure I could run 4kms start to finish.

Related: This 5yo girl has put your last charity fun-run to shame.

While training, I was also fundraising. I’ve only raised a few hundred dollars, but every dollar counts when it comes to breast cancer research and this is only my first year. Everyone I’ve approached has been happy to donate. We all know of someone with or who has been affected bybreast cancer.

When I arrived at the event, I couldn’t wipe the smile off my face. It looked incredible. There were so many people dressed in special costumes, wigs, superhero outfits, pink boas, tutus… Everyone was with a friend, a family or a group, the atmosphere was awesome.

Stalls selling different delicious foods were set up. A coffee cart, a breastfeeding and nappy changing tent were doing big business. Someone was handing out free packets of jelly beans!

“There were so many people dressed in special costumes, wigs, superhero outfits, pink boas, tutus…”

I also spent time chatting to people about why they were there. Most knew someone battling breast cancer, many had lost someone to the disease. The tribute wall where participants pinned names and notes to those they’d lost filled quickly. It was emotional but inspiring and it gave you a great sense of purpose to be there.

The 8 kilometre runners were called. We were led through an aerobic warm up. It was so fun and there was a lot of laughter. Then we started walking to the starting line. A lot of the chit chat stopped. We were all trying to get as close to the front as possible.

“Wow, I’m pretty fit,” I thought to myself. “This is going to be easy.”

I had to be just about finished when a volunteer called out, “Almost half way.”

“Um, what? WHAT?” A voice shouts in my head.

I thought I was almost done. ALMOST half way. Oh God, I was never going to make it. NEVER.

Related: Superhero stars visit kids charity after bet. The pics melt the internet’s cold heart.

It was at around the 6 kilometre mark that my right ankle started to throb and the inside part up my leg. (What’s that called?) And then my right butt cheek.

And I was chaffed under my arms. It was positively stinging. I would have paid $50 for some talcum powder. I tried to splash some water under them but it didn’t quite make contact.

“I also spent time chatting to people about why they were there. Most knew someone battling breast cancer, many had lost someone to the disease.”

Still,I kept on going. Some runners walked a little and started running again but I just knew that if I stopped running I’d never start again. I kept on going.

The last kilometre was the hardest. Now I know why people vomit during exercise. I did see some casualties along the way. But these were minimal.

It was so well organised, the health and safety tips so clear, multiple drink stations kept us hydrated and volunteers yelling out and cheering us on the entire way. I loved each and every one of them as they propelled me forward with their enthusiasm.

Related: 7 reasons to give running another try.

Soon enough, I can hear cheering in the distance. I can see the finish line. I don’t think I’m going to make it. I imagine myself crossing the finish line, lying down on the ground and never moving again. I imagine myself stopping and being wheeled away on a stretcher. I imagine anhour-long massage or some tape to strap my knees and ankles that are feeling very strained.

As I approach the finish line I have a big, stupid smile on my face. When I cross I can’t help but thrust my fists in the air. I DID IT!

“I can’t help but thrust my fists in the air. I DID IT!”

I take my medal and my banana and I head over theThe Athlete’s Foot Marquee where they were giving away gorgeous pink sashes to all who had completed – you could choose from ‘I did it’ or ‘Number 1 Mum’. I took ‘I did it’, it was a fact I was so proud of. I devour the banana.

My body needs fuel immediately and these eco bananas are so delicious, I could eat 5 more! I also take the opportunity to snap a few pics at the media wall to share and tell the world i.e. family and friends on facebook.

As I ran, I thought of my friend whose mother has been battling breast cancer. Faces of well-known women who’ve had breast cancer flashed before my eyes.

I remember when I once found a lump in my breast and had it checked (it turned out to be a blocked milk duct). I remembered how scared I was, and how sad I was at the thought of my children growing up without me.

By the time I arrived home, my results had been texted to me. I ran 8 kilometres in 51 minutes and 59 seconds. My overall place, 2051st (I didn’t check out where I compared to the total number of runners because that might be deflating).

Related: Sport on Saturdays: The Aussie athlete who conquers mountains for a living.

I can honestly say that participating in the Mother’s Day Classic is one of the highlights of my year so far. I’m not sure I’ll run it every year but the 4 kilometre walk will be fun with my mum. If my completion time for the 8 kilometre run improves I can do both. Ha, listen to me. Next challenge is to run a Marathon before I’m 40.At this rate, I think I’ll get there.

Make sure you join me next year. There’s no better way to start Mother’s Day than taking part in such an incredible event as the Mother’s Day Classic. It’s the largest fun run in Australia this year was held in over 74 locations around the country. Firstly, make sure you’re training and wearing the right shoes – and don’t go for just the cheapest or most colourful shoe.

“There’s no better way to start Mother’s Day than taking part in such an incredible event as the Mother’s Day Classic.”

Get the customer service you deserve and the shoes that are going to last and fit you properly from The Athlete’s Foot. Then in the weeks leading up to the event choose more cardio classes at the gym and go for a few runs or walks around your local area. That’s all I did. I certainly didn’t have to block out hours in my week to prepare. And I have a great pair of running shoes – – my incredible Brooks Trance shoes fitted by the guys at The Athlete’s Foot.

See you there next year and to all those women fighting breast cancer and those families who have lost someone – hang in there. We’re all thinking of you. One day breast cancer will have better survival rates than ever before thanks to events like this. We wish you love, strength and support.

Enter our #MDCSUPERHERO Competition and you could WIN 1 of 10 unique fitting experiences where you’ll receive a FREE perfectly fitted pair of shoes!

SHARE your best superhero pose or outfit in store from March 31st or at the Mother’s Day Classic event (May 10th). Enter the photo on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter and #MDCSUPERHERO for your chance to WIN.

Visit The Athlete’s Foot marquee on the event day, make a gold coin donation and receive a ‘Superhero Fighting Breast Cancer’ Cape. All proceeds are donated to the National Breast Cancer Foundation to help fund vital breast cancer research.

The Athlete’s Foot is a proud Gold Sponsor of Australia’s largest charity fun run event, the Mother’s Day Classic. The Mother’s Day Classic is a national held on Sunday 10th of May and aims to raise funds and awareness for research into the treatment, prevention and cure of breast cancer.

The Athlete’s Foot is Australia’s largest athletic footwear retailer stocking over 50 premium brands across over 130 stores nationally. Our team are passionate about helping everyone in the local community find their perfect fit and providing caring, professional service and quality products. Visit one of our stores and discover the perfect fit for your foot type using our exclusive fitting technology FITZI. Whether it’s running, school, work, sports, walking or a specialist fit, we will ensure you get the comfort, performance and support you need from your footwear.

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