
A Peek into Planning, Preparing, and Packing!

     I'm due in a few weeks with our 3rd son. I was unprepared for the birth of our 1st son and found myself stuck in the hospital for 5 days! I packed for 2 days.... With the birth of our 2nd baby I was more prepared. Even though I was fortunate to have a VBAC and stay 48 hours, I was packed and ready for anything. This time, I want to share my experience and knowledge with other Moms! You may not need every item I'm packing here, but this list should definitely get your wheels turning and doing some educated packing for the hospital or birth center.
     First order of business was finding a worthy suitcase! Look at this amazing deal I found at TJMaxx! You can see the $280 msrp on the price tag, and my fantastic clearance price of $54 minus the $25 giftcard I had!! I avoided the stress of finding a suitcase to borrow for this venture and am so happy to get my packing on early!

Working in health care, I am aware of the toiletries given out at hospitals. Every patient gets the same pink basin, soap, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and several other items that you would only want to use in absolute desperation. Taking personal care items that I use every day at home with me is a huge comfort. After going through the birth process they are so nice to have in an uncomfortable hospital room. Zipper bags are pictured here to hold items and prevent spillage onto my clothes.
Items include:

1. Q-tips. If you like to dry your ears after a shower you'll need to take your own q-tips.
2. Face wash
3. Contact lens case and solution/glasses and case
4. Face/eye lotion
5. Deodorant
6. Baby wash (unless you want to use the J & J that may be provided at your hospital) I'm taking baby Dr. Bronner's Baby Castile soap
7. Moisturizer for baby, I have coconut oil
8. Makeup bag (see below)
9. Body lotion for Mama
10. Soap and/or body wash for Mama, I'm taking my Earth Mama Angel Baby Grapefruit Ginger Wash.
11. Toothbrush and toothpaste
12. Hair ties and clips if needed
13. Shampoo and Conditioner
14. Hair styling tool
15. Hair product; I'm taking Yes to Carrots anti-frizz cream
Remember, these will be the first photos of you with your baby, take what you need to look as presentable as you desire.
     Unless you plan on staying in a hospital gown for your whole visit, you will want to take some pajamas and other clothing items with you. These items may include:

16. Nursing pajamas
17. Nursing bras; shop for and try on nursing bras towards the end of pregnancy to get the best fit. I'm taking the Essential Embrace by Bravado.
18. Underwear
19. Socks
20. Flip flops for the shower/slippers
21. Outfit to wear home, including shoes!
     Not only do you not want to step on a hospital shower floor with bare feet, but flip flops can double as slippers too. In Pennsylvania finding flip flops in November is a feat! I was thrilled to learn that Old Navy carries a selection of flip flops year round!! They were even 2/$5.

      If you're planning on breastfeeding, a nursing pillow is one item that you will put to use right away. Getting baby in a good position and level with your breast will help to ensure a proper latch and comfortable position for Mama and baby. In the early days/weeks I learned that it was common for baby to nurse for long periods of time, and was normal and healthy. My first pillow didn't get baby high enough and I was hunched over nursing resulting in a sore back. Check out this fantastic "Bliss" pillow from Born Free and all the different positioning options!

    At our local hospital, every baby is given the same pink and blue blanket with matching hat, white thermal t-shirt, and pampers disposable diaper. If you want to help others identify your baby in the nursery, or dress him/her up for photos, or just to put the items you lovingly choose in the months preceding birth...then you need to pack for baby too!!

22. Outfits for baby, if you can find ones with the hand-covers built in great! Don't forget hats.
23. Hand covers to prevent his/her little face from being scratched (if they're not already on your NB outfits)
24. SwaddleMes and blankets, and or baby carrier
26. Temperature appropriate outfit for baby to wear home
27.  Cloth diapers if you plan on starting in the hospital
28. Carseat! (You actually can't leave without this one)
29. Electronics; cell phone, computer, ipad, video camera. Any device you will need to document your little one and share! Plus their chargers. Don't forget the chargers.
30. Pillow/blanket from home, many hospital rooms don't have temperatures you can individually adjust.
31. Food
32. Supplies for your spouse or birth partner
33. Gifts/bonding items for other siblings.

If you're getting ready to welcome a little one into your family, Congratulations! I hope my packing experience has sparked some thought and helped you on your way. If your hospital doesn't have you on file, you may need insurance cards, paperwork, birth plan, drivers license or ID. Pr-registering has been a wonderful option for us. It has allowed us to head straight for the maternity ward and go to our room, bypassing the registration desk!  Can you think of anything I forgot?

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