I read this most unfortunate piece of news in The Star today :
"Azalina set to challenge Shahrizat. The mother of all battles is shaping up in Umno with Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil and Datuk Seri Azalina Othman Said poised to fight for the Wanita Umno leadership. "
And for effect The Star ran this rather grotesque picture.
I think UMNO is doomed. Dont they have anyone else? The same old stressed out and controversial faces appearing again and again. Both these ladies have plenty of stories behind them. There is no need to enumerate them as everyone has their own version with varying degrees of toxicity and certainty.
Shahrizat lost her Parliamentary seat in 2008. She was appointed a Senator and a Minister. Her Senatorship was not renewed and so her Cabinet post also lapsed. Azalina was also dropped from the Cabinet some time ago. It looks like they are being recycled now.
Toxic recycling. Is this the best that UMNO can put forward? Tak ada choice lain ke?
I dont know what is wrong with Najib Tun Razak? He seems determined to destroy the party and his own career. Of course the president cannot stop people from contesting. But only if he really does not care. If the president cares he can use many means at his disposal to bring about new change. Promote lah calon baru yang non-toxic.
Then just last week this woman was appointed as Chairman or chairwoman of Tourism Malaysia. She may look like a wealthy Cameron Highlands vegetable farmer but its none other than our home girl Ng Yen Yen.
Singing : "Yen yen yen yen, yen yen yen yen" to the soundtrack of Jaws.
The headlines said this : "Defiant Yen Yen clashes with Soi Lek over Tourism Board post. Former tourism minister Datuk Seri Dr Ng Yen Yen has assumed the post of Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board (MTPB) chairman, defying a party directive not to accept government posts."
Ng Yen Yen was an underperformer as Minister of Tourism. She was also controversial. (She was rumoured to be a great fan of our first Yang Di Pertuan Agong. Have you seen the Agong's picture?) She was so controversial that Najib dropped her as a candidate for the Raub Parliamentary seat. It was almost certain that Yen Yen would lose the seat. She was not a winnable candidate. So this is another toxic candidate being recycled.
When it became known that she would no more be the Minister of Tourism, the entire staff of the Ministry of Tourism celebrated and rejoiced. (I know people inside the Ministry lah). That was how toxic she had become.
Now, Najib has reappointed her as Chairman of Tourism Malaysia. What is the logic? This is a failed Minister. Not a winnable candidate at all.
Then last week Najib did something else that was quite inexplicable. He appointed Noh Omar as the Selangor UMNO chief.
This is just more toxic recycling. Here I defer to Blogger Parpukari who Blogged about this : BIAR BETUL? NOH OMAR DILANTIK PENGERUSI UMNO SELANGOR?
Out of 99 comments posted on Parpukari's Blog was this one, the very first comment :
AnonymousJune 25, 2013 at 10:35 PM
"kalau betul cerita ni, maka konpem lah najib ni memang PM dan prsiden UMNO yg paling teruk dalam sejarah. lagi teruk dari pak lah yg suka tidoq. najib ni pusing2 tang tu jugak, ambik yang tu jugak. menyampah betui dah aku. ptuih!!!!"
This is just more and more toxic recycling. Tak ada ke orang lain? Pi mai pi mai orang tu juga.The unpopular, the controversial, the failures, the tainted, the unwinnable candidates in the elections and the leftovers from the Jurassic Park. All the toxic candidates.
And previous to this Najib had appointed this person as Chairman of SPAD.
Even with or without SPAD, Syed Hamid Albar is already a controversial figure. He has legacy issues. He lost his job as Minister of Home Affairs under a big cloud. Recall that Chinese reporter? And Theresa Kok?
Tapi Najib buat toxic recycle juga. Talk is that they often serve a whole 'kambing guling' or 'kambing golek' roasted on a spit for lunch at the SPAD HQ for the Boss and his henchmen. Satu kepala about RM30.00 - paid with taxpayers' money. Makan style Arab padang pasir ke Pak Syeikh. Kalau banyak makan kambing golek, darah tinggi nanti.
SPAD has been attracting a lot of negative attention. The latest is their tiff with the express bus operators. (Apa macam - itu bas express sudah setuju nak jual tiket bas 'Balik Kampong' tak?) July 1st is on Monday. If the express bus operators do not start selling their tickets by 1st July then you know we are going to have serious problems.
Or they are going to sell just enough tickets only. Maybe just enough to make SPAD happy - they are afraid of losing their licenses. There may not be enough tickets and buses available.
Ok here are more toxic people. Here are the morons at Khazanah Nasional. The super dunggu who runs Khazanah has been reappointed for another 300 or 400 year term at the helm. (There is no one else in Malaysia).
Here is something that will make you fall off your chair. Khazanah plants vegetables as well. They grow shrimps too. All run at a loss. Once they sold cabbages to Tesco or someplace. For ease of packing Tesco wanted cabbages of a certain size only. Khazanah grew cabbages to full size, then paid people to peel the cabbages to reduce the size and then sold it to Tesco. Brilliant isnt it?
They have bought sinking companies like Pinewood Studios from England - just in time to bailout the sellers of the studio. The James Bond movies were made at Pinewood Studios. The investment was a minimum RM400 Million in 2009. We dont know how much more money has been sunk into this venture since 2009. Here is an ad from PIMS (??)
"Pinewood Iskandar Malaysia Studios will be a state of the art Film and Television Studio production facility, scheduled for completion in May 2013. The Studios are located in the state of Johor, the southern gateway to Peninsular Malaysia in the flagship development project, Iskandar Malaysia. Pinewood Iskandar Malaysia Studios will be the new destination facility for the production of filmed entertainment in the Asian region"
Completion in May 2013? The studio was bought in 2009.
Now Khazanah is embarking on another tax payers' money sucking venture right here in the middle of Kuala Lumpur. It is a Theme Park to be built on 27 acres of land at the site of the Tugu Negara.
I think this is another project tak masuk akal by Khazanah Nasional. The expected investment involved? Not much lah. Only about RM1.2 BILLION !!
Firstly I think 27 acres is small to build a world class theme park. Here are some comparisons.
The present Bird Park in KL is already about 20 acres in size. This is a relatively small area.
Universal Studios Singapore which is crammed for space is built over 40 acres.
Khazanah's own Legoland in Nusajaya is built over 76 acres. (and charges exhorbitant ticket prices of RM140 for adults.) The Legoland investment was in excess of RM750 Million.
At Sunway Lagoon Theme Park, the wave pool alone is three acres in size.
So now in KL, Khazanah is going to spend RM1.2 Billion to build a theme park on 27 acres of land. How much are the tickets going to cost? RM150? RM200?
By the way how is Legoland doing in Nusajaya?
Blogger Apanama has been running a series on this Theme Park Project here : TRUSTEES playing DUMB in theme park?
Legoland, theme parks, land flipping, udang, lobster. Where are the value added high tech investments? Not to worry. If they need money, Khazanah just sells Tenaga shares which Dr Mahathir gave them since 1998. That will help cover their losses. Yet the same toxic individuals are being recycled.
The next toxic candidate who has been recycled is this guy - the ever effable Jamaludin Jarjis.
No more ambassador to the US and most recently director of the disastrous BN War Room which almost lost the PRU 13.
But not to worry JJ has been appointed advisor to the PM with Ministerial rank. Another recycled toxic candidate. JJ and I actually have some power links - very strong cables that run through Kulim in Kedah. Maybe another day.
Again the same guys keep popping up. If people fall head over heels in love with them, it wont be so bad. But lets just do a random survey - do you like these folks? (No need to shout ok).
Then there is this guy.
Nor Mohd Yakcop was dropped as Parliamentary candidate in Tasek Gelugor. Talk was that there would be a revolt in Tasek Gelugor if he was not dropped. He was dropped but there was still a revolt. He also lost his Ministerial post.
Despite being an unwinnable candidate, he has been reappointed Deputy Chairman of Khazanah Nasional, Chairman of the much, much more powerful Khazanah EXCO as well as Chairman of PNB.
One former Finance Minister said that placing one person as chairman of both RM96 billion Khazanah and maybe another RM100 billion PNB is putting too many eggs under one guy. Where is the check and balance?
Plus Nor Yakcop is also identified with too many controversies. Blogger Another Brick In The Wall is running a series of critical posts about him here.
Last but not least is this character - now becoming even more controversial and even more toxic.
This is Omar Ong - the Prime Minister's very, very close advisor. Folks like JJ cannot even hold a candle to this guy. The really major boo boos like 1 Malaysia and the most controversial and overpriced AES traffic cameras system are all linked to this guy. It is Omar Ong.
Yet even after the disastrous PRU 13, he has also been recycled. Toxic recycling. He is also a Director of Petronas. I think he is the most influential person in Petronas. Everyone knows the PM calls Omar Ong urgently to come and have breakfast with him - in Melbourne !!
He is believed to have single handedly "told" the PM to abolish the ISA and the Emergency Ordinance.
Now folks, I am sure there must be people in the world who are crazy about all these toxic candidates above.
But if you ask the public, if you ask the voters, if you ask the regular UMNO people, if you ask the everyday, honest and hard working BN supporters this question - do you like to see these people stay or do you like to see them go? I think the answers will be substantially different. Lets hear your answers folks.
Do you want to see these people stay or see them go? Go ahead. Take a shot.
Breaking News : Folks here is the very latest from Rocky's Bru. Rocky says that this guy is going to be appointed the new Chairman of Tabung Haji.
This is Azeez Rahim from Baling in Kedah. Rocky says :
"Azeez Rahim. Azeez with a doule E, his name is being bandied about as the next Chairman of Tabung Haji, the billion-ringgit co-op formed by the government to send Malaysian Muslims to Mekah for their haj. If it's true, it would be an amazing feat for the 46-year old who won back Baling for Najib Razak in the recent general election."
Folks, what do you all think? This is Najib Tun Razak's administration.
Rocky makes a final note about Azeez : "But question is, will he have what it takes to re-organize Tabung Haji? Will he, for instance, replace long-time CEO Ismee Ismail? Or will it be, you know, business as usual?"
Business as usual ?? What business is that?
p.s. If I have missed anyone, please let me know.
Posted by Syed Akbar Ali