Lava, the Indian manufacturer has launched a new budget smartphone in X series called Lava Iris X5. It is launched in India for Rs. 8,799. Lava had earlier teased the phone and now it is launched officially. The phone comes with 5 megapixel front camera with flash.
Lava Iris X5 is touted as selfie smartphone. Last month Karboon has also launched Karbonn Titanium S19 selfie smartphone for Rs. 8,999. Nokia is also working on Nokia Lumia 730 selfie smartphone. Sony has also launched Sony Xperia C3 selfie smartphone in India for Rs. 23,990.
Earlier Lava had launched Lava X1 in India for Rs. 7,999 and now company has launched another phone in X series. The phone runs on latest Android kitkat.
Lava Iris X5 features a 5 inch HD IPS Display with 1280×720 pixel resolution. It runs on 1.2 GHz Quad core Processor with 1 GB RAM. For graphics it has Videocore IV GPU.
Lava Iris X5 comes with 8 megapixel omni BSI Sensor rear camera with Dual LED Flash. It comes with 5 megapixel BSI+ sensor front camera with LED flash. It has 8 GB internal memory which can be expanded upto 32GB using MicroSD Card.
Lava Iris X5 has connectivity options like 3G, GPRS/EDGE, Wi-Fi, GPS, Bluetooth and Micro-USB. It has 2,100 mAh battery. It is a dual sim (GSM+GSM) device with dual standby support.
Lava Iris X5 runs on latest Android 4.4 Kitkat out of the box.
Key Specifications:
5 inch HD IPS screen
1.2 GHz quad core processor
8 Megapixel AF rear camera with Dual LED Flash
5 megapixel front camera with flash
2,100 mAh battery
8 GB Internal Memory, can be expanded using upto 32GB MicroSD card
Android 4.4 Kitkat
Lava iris X5 comes in black and white color. It is priced at Rs. 8,799. It will be exclusively sold on It is available on Amazon India for Rs. 8,649.