
The Carnival of Money Pros is brought to you to by the Money Pros Team, and you can submit articles at Blogger Carnivals.

Lance @ Money Life & More writes Passive Income: Not As Passive As You Think - If there is one topic personal finance bloggers absolutely love it is passive income. According to wikipedia, “Passive income is an income received on a regular basis, with little effort required to maintain it.” There are two key phrases in this definition that will help you define what passive income is to you.

Squeezer @ Personal Finance Success writes How to save on college textbooks - I am a part-time college student, so I look for any ways to save money that I can. One of the ways I do this is by saving as much as I can when purchasing textbooks.

Jennifer Lynn @ Broke-Ass Mommy writes Bitcoin, the 'Comeback Kid' - Bitcoin is a fascinating concept! Read about how it's making a comeback and see if it could have a place in your financial arsenal?

Jason @ Work Save Live writes Saving a Down Payment For a House - Our Journey June 2012 – Saving a Down Payment for a House The end of May and throughout the month of June presented a lot of great changes for us.

MR @ Money Reasons writes Earning 25 Percent On My Previous Mortgage Payment - Earning 25 Percent On My Previous Mortgage Payment by overlapping some awesome money instruments

Roger the Amateur Financier @ The Amateur Financier writes Job Hunting Success - Interview 201: At the Interview, and Beyond - Some advice on how to appear more confident and assertive during your job interview, as well as following up after your interview

Bridget @ Money After Graduation writes What you can learn about blogging from 50 Shades of Grey - Oh yeah, you read that right. I promise this is NOT a joke post. I have some serious advice for you guys here. Just like Christian Grey, I don’t mess around! Now, I’m not going to launch into a lengthly review about the book, though I am tempted.

A Blinkin @ Funancials writes Your Obsession With FREE - Are you drawn to things that are BOGO (buy one get one free)? I’m guessing you are. We all are. The sound of FREE is music to our ears. Why? Because it’s not only free, it’s RISK FREE. The majority of us are such sissies that we would rather “not lose” than “win.&

PITR @ Passive Income To Retire writes Why Blogging is a Respectable Business - Find out why blogging is a respectable business model and why it aligns with the future of online usage.

Luke @ Learn Bonds writes How to Predict Inflation and Deflation - Inflation is something that market participants care a lot about. How exactly do you go about predicting inflation? Learn here.

J Wayne @ All Things Finance writes The State of Social Security - Social security has often been described as a Ponzi scheme. This infographic details why people have labeled it as such.

YFS @ Your Finances Simplified writes How I Almost Got Cheated out of 650 bucks - So as you all may know we recently purchased our 3 rental property. I did a lot of talking about in the following posts.

Bryan Maltier @ Gajizmo.com writes Millionaires By The Numbers – Up Close and Personal - Meet the millionaires of the United States. With 8% of all U.S. households qualifying as millionaires, the million-dollar club is more attainable than ever with the right financial habits and attitude.

Crystal @ Budgeting in the Fun Stuff writes Life is Too Short to Spend Time Ironing Sheets - Here is the list of things that I refuse to waste time on since they do not give me enough satisfaction to justify the time spent. Life is too short.

Kyle @ The Penny Hoarder writes How to Earn Extra Money by Renting Out your Home Wi-Fi - Why not make more money by renting out Wi-Fi access at your home?

Corey @ Steadfast Finances writes Should You Build Your Own Home? - Owning a home is the dream of most middle-class families. Not only does it offer the ability to be in control of your own housing environment (as opposed to renting), but it offers long term financial security. Yet, it's not always attainable. As we have mentioned before, buying a house can be difficult with the recent economy.

Jester @ The Ultimate Juggle writes Starting Out Rich Is Not As Satisifying As Becoming Rich - My background from being poor to working and believing that I could become wealthy.

Passive Income Earner @ The Passive Income Earner writes Dividend Growth Index - 2012 Q2 Results - We are currently in our 3rd quarter of the Dividend Growth Index (DGI)which started back in September 2011 as a project to see how our picks (a group of dividend focused bloggers) would perform over time compared with an index. Here is a background on the Dividend Growth Index (DGI).

Don @ MoneySmartGuides writes New Consumer Finance Protection Bureau - 9 Things You Need to Know - The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau was created to help regulate financial businesses and protect consumers from the kinds of practices that contributed to the recent recession.

Jon the Saver @ Free Money Wisdom writes Should You Invest with Less the $5,000? - If you have a small amount of money, should I invest on a regular basis? Let's answer this question together and start multiplying our money!

Eddie @ Finance Fox writes If You're Traveling, Don't Forget To Pack Travel Insurance - Travel insurance protects more than just the expense of your flight.

Ted Jenkin @ Your Smart Money Moves writes Did You Read Your 401(k) Statement? - Many Gen X’ers do not pay enough attention to their 401(k). With the last decade having been less than stellar in the stock market, I’m finding more and more of the ‘slacker’ generation acting just like that when it comes to staying on top of their most important asset to help them make work optional. Here are few important things you need to review every time you go through your 401(k) statement.

JP @ My Family Finances writes Average Family Spending On Back-to-School Shopping in 2012 - This year total family spending will be a record $83.8 billion. How do you stack up against the average family spending on back-to-school shopping.

MMD @ My Money Design writes What are Mutual Funds and How Do I Invest in Them? - Have you ever wondered what are mutual funds? This is your complete guide to understanding mutual funds and getting started on them as part of your investment strategy.

Greg Field @ NerdWallet writes What Are the Best Ways to Send Money to an Individual? - A really useful review of the different ways to transfer money to people and how you can save the most. Enjoy!

Evan @ My Journey to Millions writes Where Would You Invest If You Didn't Trust the Market? - I am obviously not as fearful and distrusting as the people who answered the Forbes Survey since I have money in the market but I think there is an absolute need to know what alternatives one may have besides just socking cash away in a savings or money market account. Some investment opportunities that do not include the stock market:

Jason @ Live Real, Now writes Sammy's Story Part 2 - For those of you not following along, please read the previous installment of Sammy’s Story. The short version is that we’re thinking about helping someone launch a small business and put “at risk” teenagers and young adults to work.

Jason @ Credit Resource Center writes One in Four Americans ‘Poor,’ a New Study Shows - More than one in four Americans believes they live in poverty, according to a new TNS Omnibus study sponsored by CashNetUSA, yet approximately one in six actually lives below the federal poverty line, according to the 2010 U.S. census.

J.P. @ Novel Investor writes How Often Should You Do An Investment Review? - Tracking your investments is more than glancing at those monthly statements. A regular investment review needs to be done.

Peter @ Bible Money Matters writes 4 Reasons Why You Might Have Problems Buying a House Despite Low Rates - Another problem to getting into a mortgage despite low rates is that with many lenders the lending requirements are more stringent now than in the past. It’s more important than ever to make sure your credit score is good as it can be when looking into buying a house or refinancing. Those with lower credit scores may find it difficult or near impossible to get a loan.

Mr. Money @ Smart on Money writes 3 Things to Consider When Investing During Retirement - While you don’t need to become a day trader, there are some things to think about when investing during retirement to make sure that your portfolio survives throughout your golden years:

Hank @ Money Q&A writes Five Professional Athletes Who Are Struggling Financially - I always find it so interesting to see some of the inner workings of professional athletes and famous people's finances. Below are five professional athletes who filed bankruptcy.

Lazy Man @ Lazy Man and Money writes I Was Paid to Write This Slanted Article to Raise My Client's Stock Price - A couple of months back, something very interesting happened on an earnings call for HerbaLife (NYSE:HLF)... David Einhorn possibly the biggest hedge fund manager asked some pyramid scheme questions that cause Herbalife to lose 3 billion dollars. He did so slickly that most of Wall Street didn't even pay attention to the questions, but instead focused on his appearance on the call and his history on shorting stocks. Those who knew the industry though figured it out quickly. It goes like this:

Shilpan @ Street Smart Finance writes 10 Reasons Why it's Easier to Build Wealth Now - Have you ever thought that — with all the pervasive fear mongering by our politicians and media alike — we are all living a better life than those who lived hundred years ago, or even 30 years ago?

John @ Married (with Debt) writes Does America Need Small Businesses to Fail? - Does the American economy need small businesses to fail? And from this question: does the economy depend on having both losers and winners?

Jen @ Master the Art of Saving writes We're Buying Our First House! - Around a month ago, my husband came to me and said that we really need to buy a house right away. Scary! I'm the one who handles the budget and all the money...

Wayne @ Young Family Finance writes Tips for Buying a New Car - Learn a basic step-by-step guide for buying a new car. It's not as easy as you might think.

Corey @ 20s Finances writes Five Ways Anyone Can Make Extra Money - Ever since I started making a little extra money from my hobby (and realizing the difference that it makes on your monthly budget), I have been a little obsessed with different ways to make money. There is so much more that you can do with extra money. The idea of it being extra money can be dangerous though because it can encourage more splurging.

Ted Jenkin @ Your Smart Money Moves writes The Best Time To Buy A Home Might Be Now - From a financial perspective, the window for pouncing on a once-in-a-lifetime deal on a home might be narrowing.

Shawanda @ You Have More Than You Think writes The Rent vs. Buy Debate: Why Renting Makes Sense - Is it better to buy vs rent? Buying your home may give you the warm and fuzzies. But before you take on the expensive cost of home ownership, run the numbers.

SFB @ Simple Finance Blog writes What is Offshore Savings? - Offshore savings is an aspect of offshore banking that focuses on just savings accounts. This is a popular option for many people looking to diversify where their cash is held, but don't necessarily need the full features of an offshore bank. Having an account offshore can offer diversity that being in a single country cannot...

krantcents @ KrantCents writes The 3 Y's of Success - The 3 Y's of Success is the twenty-fifth in a series of articles to help you reach your goal.

Sustainable PF @ Sustainable Personal Finance writes Do Parents Have To Help? - Just how far should parents go to ensure their children have reduced debt burden after they graduate?

Tushar @ Start Investing Money writes Why is it Important to Create Your Own Unique Investment Plan? - Read my article on why it is important to create your own unique investment plan!

Suba @ Broke Professionals writes The Hidden Costs of My Husband's New Job - My husband's new job has come with some major hidden costs. Here's what we're doing to attempt to deflect his job's negative impact on our bottom line.

Maria @ The Money Principle writes Cuts in public spending are not going to affect front line services! - In this post how cuts in public spending affect adversely public services is discussed through my latest business trip experience.

Daisy @ Add Vodka writes Handling Mistakes at Work - When I first started in internship #1, I was so excited to get a little bit of real world experience in my field.

Invest It Wisely @ Invest It Wisely writes How Hard is It to Become a Freelancer? - Do you find that the world is becoming a little bit more entrepreneurial, these days? Read my experiences and see if you agree!

Brent Pittman @ On Target Coaching writes Extended Service Plans: Why? Is My Fridge Junk? - Should I buy an extended warranty? I did the math, used my brain, and learned about extended warranties. I share my thoughts about extended service plans and why you shouldn't bother 99% of the time.

My Own Advisor @ My Own Advisor writes Why don't you just buy dividend ETFs? - Every week, I receive many requests and questions from readers in my inbox. One of the more frequent questions to My Own Advisor is: why don’t you just buy and hold a dividend ETF instead of individual stocks? Hey, I love dividend ETFs, but I've got my reasons.

Little House @ Little House in the Valley writes Is Self-Employment the Answer in a Troubled Economy? - In cities where employment has stagnated, is there a chance where a significant percentage of the population who has struggled with unemployment could turn their finances around by becoming self-employed? Or, maybe it’s really “freelance” that I’m thinking?

Call Me What You Want Even Cheap @ Call Me What You Want Even Cheap writes Do You Increase Your Expenses When You Get A Raise? - This post is about people who increase their expenses when they get a raise.

Amanda L Grossman @ Frugal Confessions writes My Family's Circle of Savings - I try to imagine the looks on the faces of Transportation Security Administration Inspectors when they x-ray my bag full of liquids, perishables, drugs

Miss T. @ Prairie Eco Thrifter writes Budgeting for Life - Planning and preparing for the future is a never-ending process. And as evidenced by my parents’ situation, retirement doesn’t signal that the need to plan has ended.

Teacher Man @ My University Money writes Student Lines Of Credit - Student lines of credit are great to have because of the insanely low interest rates. We'll show you why these are superior to most loans.

Young @ Young And Thrifty writes Why Starting Your Career Rurally Makes Sense - Starting Your Career Rurally can give you an edge over people living in the cities, we'll show you why.

BARBARA FRIEDBERG @ Barbara Friedberg Personal Finance writes 3 PRODUCTIVITY TIPS FROM MY SUMMER VACATION - Put all the same type of tasks together. Work through them quickly and with focus. Next move on. Don't recheck, reread, and review. It's a waste of time. Once done with a task, don't come back to the same task to do just one more little bit. That is totally inefficient. Move on.

Daniel @ Sweating the Big Stuff writes The 6 Best Wedding Gifts To Give - Don't know what to get the bride and groom? Here are some great suggestions that you simply can't go wrong with!

L Bee @ L Bee and the Money Tree writes Everyone remembers their first.... - Credit Card that is…. I remember one day in late fall of 2005 I didn't have money to pay for some sisterhood retreat I wanted to go on. So I got online and applied for my first credit card. It was shockingly easy and I received it in the mail less than a week later.

Kevin @ Thousandaire writes I Saved a Bunch of Money on Food Last Week - I identified a spending problem and I fixed it. I saved a bunch of money by not eating out last week.

Aloysa @ My Broken Coin writes My Top 10 Worst Shopping Mistakes - Read these top 10 worst shopping mistakes! Do you do the same ones?

PPlaner @ Provident Plan writes Shop Around for Your Property, Not Your Bank - Looking for a home? If so, then you know shopping around for both your mortgage and your new home can save you thousands of dollars.

Investor Junkie @ Investor Junkie writes WTF Fund Update (Mid Year 2012) - I still haven’t added the promised $10,000 to the WTF Fund annually, and hope to have the funds available at the second half of this year. If Google is still around the same price it is currently at when I add more funds, I will use a portion of it to add to my position.

Jeremy @ Modest Money writes Does Everyone Need An Emergency Fund? - I just cannot wrap my head around the concept that apparently everyone should tie up a large sum of money in a low interest savings account. While it does make sense for people with debt problems, it just does not seem logical for anyone with decent credit. In such cases a small emergency fund should be adequate.

Sicorra @ Tackling Our Debt writes Are You an Impulse Spender? - Are you an impulse spender? Do you spend money because it is fun to spend? Do you often find yourself looking at your...

Steven Zussino @ Grocery Alerts writes Ultimate Cloth vs. Disposable Diaper Calculator - Do you know if cloth diapers or disposable diapers less expensive? We created a calculator that looks at 17 types of cloth diapers (including all-in-one and hybrid cloth diaper systems) and provide pricing for different types of disposable diapers. The calculator looks closely at the cleaning costs, electricity, and hydro and looks at diaper use estimates from several sources and tells you what each system costs.

SB @ One Cent at a Time writes Earning Quick Money - $100 a day - various tips to earn quick cash in a day without investment . This article lists various ways to earn $100 in a day legally and without a single penny of investment.

SB @ Finance Product Reviews writes Iberia Bank Visa Gold Card Review – Almost Lowest APR Card in the Market - We reviewed Iberiabank visa gold card card and found it to have one of the lowest APRs in the industry, this can be an excellent choice for your short term cash need.

Beating Broke @ Beating Broke writes Can You Fund Your Own Lending Club Loan? - In order to be both a borrower and a lender at Lending Club, you have to open two accounts. With two accounts, can your lender account fund your borrower account’s loan?

Glen Craig @ Free From Broke writes Steps to Take if You Lose Your Job and You’re Now Unemployed - Losing your job and being unemployed are usually tough blows to a person. Here are steps you should take once you have lost your job to help you get back on your feet.

CCS @ Credit Card Smarts writes Why Your Credit History is Important - Your credit history is important, even if you don't plan on borrowing money. See why it's important and how to stay on top of your credit history.

Steve @ Brip Blap writes The Only Real Sources of Passive Income - Don’t think you’ll get rich without working for it. Everything you can generate wealth from takes effort. Writing a book is hard work. It may create a wealthstream for years to come, but that’s what you should be aiming for: wealthstreams, not passive income.

Katie @ The Discount Coder Blog writes Save money on small business marketing… by DIY blogging! - Small businesses have a hard enough time competing with the big boys without wasting money on tired online marketing practices. That’s where blogging comes in. If you're a small business and want to get closer to your customers, blogging is a super cheap and effective way to get that done. Here are our top tips...

Jefferson @ See Debt Run writes Help, I Can’t Turn the Water Off! - Our outside water faucet wouldn't turn, and then broke off completely, leaving the water running all night. This is the story of the plumbing visit that followed

Cash Flow Mantra @ Cash writes Buying Only Stocks That Pay Dividends - Fortunately, it is possible to teach this old dog some new tricks. That is why I am simply working on changing all the stocks in my retirement accounts to dividend paying stocks and tracking my dividend income this year. I did manage to hit my goal for the 1st quarter. Over the next 25 years, I will allow those accounts to grow and reinvest those dividends into more stocks.

Cash Flow Mantra @ Cash Flow Mantra writes Buying Only Stocks That Pay Dividends - Fortunately, it is possible to teach this old dog some new tricks. That is why I am simply working on changing all the stocks in my retirement accounts to dividend paying stocks and tracking my dividend income this year. I did manage to hit my goal for the 1st quarter. Over the next 25 years, I will allow those accounts to grow and reinvest those dividends into more stocks.

Penny Thots @ Penny Thots writes The Volatile Stock Market - The other day I posted about the low yields in the bond market and as an alternative, you should look into investing in high quality stocks. I want to address a concern that some may have about the stock market: investing in stocks right now is too volatile.

Earth and Money @ Earth and Money writes Seven Reasons for Renting over Buying - There's a lot of reasons to buy property, but sometimes its better to rent. Here's seven reasons why renting is better than buying.

Robert @ My Multiple Incomes writes How to Avoid High Credit Card Processing Fees for Your Small Business - Understanding the processor’s total fee structure and comparing merchant service plans from the beginning is integral to keeping card processing fees low.

Deacon Hayes @ Well Kept Wallet writes Get Out of Debt Fast! - Most people want to get out of debt fast and I don’t blame them. It can be like this dark cloud looming over you as long as you are in debt. At least that is how we felt when we were in debt. It felt like we were just getting by and it was hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. We decided that we needed to get a handle on our finances and developed a plan to eliminate our debt. Here is what we did to Pay Off $52,000 in Debt in 18 Months which makes us debt-free except our home.

Robert @ The College Investor writes Best Valuation Ratios for Stocks - Valuing a company is more of an art than a science. You could put hundreds of analysts in a room to value a single stock, only to find that the values have a wide range from top to bottom. You certainly wouldn’t find a consensus for any given company.

Robert @ Entrepreneurship & Life writes 4 Ways to Reduce Taxes for Self-Employment - Everyone is always looking for ways to reduce taxes. And it can be even more important for owners of small businesses, because you bear an even higher tax burden than a regular employee. Here is how you can reduce your taxes:

Everything Finance @ Everything Finance Blog writes Career Vs. Family: The Pressure to Have It All - At 28, I have heard the faintest tick-tock of my biological clock and am starting to wonder where motherhood will fit into the career path I have created. I have spent the past six years since graduating college on working my way up the corporate ladder to get to the place I am now, making a solid five-figure salary doing a job I enjoy. And yet, one of my biggest fears is that I will have to place my children in daycare.

Paul Vachon @ The Frugal Toad writes Forex Pattern Recognition - Although pattern recognition programs cannot yet outperform experienced technical analysis in terms of accuracy, they can usually provide a relatively quick and numerically accurate graphical analysis of a forex price chart.

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