
In today’s renewable energy world there are a lot of statements made that lead you to think certain products or ideas are all targeted to save energy. Being ecologically friendly engages aspects of a real life cause, a niche specific market, and a gimmick. Therefore when you are trying to create high levels of energy efficiency in your home you cannot just go by advertising to make the right buying decisions.

It is a common misconception that when a product is advertised as ecologically friendly that the product is the same of all natural. This is in actual fact not necessarily true or untrue. There is no certainty either way. Similarly a product for sale in the market can be sold as organic despite only being seventy five percent of the requirements, labeling for ecologically improved products can be misleading.

When you are considering the best way to apply various products to your home in order to make it more energy efficient you want to be assured that you are putting your funds into a truly energy efficient product. Since currently advertisers have such a free hand, this leads inevitably to a tricky situation.

Wikipedia:Help Desk/Archives/2010 June 2 – Wikipedia, The …
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Seasonal Guides To Green Your Home – About.com Home Renovations
Want your home to feel comfortable and be green year round? you can decide if it was worth it by determining how much you're saving on your energy bills. Summer install blinds or shades on your windows, or consider a low-e coating. Technology

How Can You Help? Wish List From Nonprofit Organizations, Nov. 3
Following is a wish list of items and volunteer opportunities from nonprofit organizations in Racine County. They were provided by local nonprofit organizations.

Reduce Your Home's Cooling Costs – About.com Saving Energy
Running your air conditioner during the summer months can raise your energy bill quite significantly. Learn how to save money while air conditioning your home to a nice cool temperature.

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For Solar, Safety and Energy Saving Solutions blinds wide open, without the excessive solar heat you’d expect. All of the home’s expensive windows offer phenomenal views of Geiger’s spectacular landscape, a 300,000-gallon water wonderland

Transmission (telecommunications) – Wikipedia, The Free …
In telecommunications, transmission (abbreviation: Tx) is the process of sending and propagating an analogue or digital information signal over a physical point-to-point or point-to-multipoint transmission medium, either wired, optical fiber or wireless. Transmission technologies and schemes

Energy Savings Tips – FortisAlberta
1 Start saving electricity now! Check out our energy saving tips for your home or office. Clothes Washer: No Cost / Low Cost • Wash your clothes in cold or warm water.

Energy Saving Window Treatments | March 2012 | Blinds.com
Save Energy and Dollars: Save up to upgrade blinds to be energy efficient for any season of the year. Learn some tips with this infographic presented by Blinds.com

Go Green And Save Some "Green" – About.com Interior Decorating
Tilt window blinds up to filter out hot sun. More Images (3) See More About. Use about 5% less energy each time you turn down your thermostat 1 degree! hot air in the summer can really warm up your home if you leave the windows open.

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