
In today’s eco-friendly world there are a lot of statements made that lead you to think certain products or ideas are all targeted to save energy. Being ecologically friendly encompasses a real life cause, a niche specific market, and a gimmick. That means when you are trying to create high levels of efficiency within your home you cannot just be led by advertising to make informed buying decisions.

It is a common misconception that as soon as a product is advertised as ecofriendly that the product is the equivalent of all natural. This is in actual fact neither true or untrue. There is no certainty either way. Just like a product in the market can be labeled organic despite only being seventy five percent of the specific required standard, the labeling for ecologically improved products can be misconstrued.

Whenever you are considering the right way to utilize various products to your home so as to to make it more energy efficient you need to be confident that you are investing your funds into a truly ecologically friendly product. Since advertisers have such a free hand, this leads inevitably to a tricky situation.

TOP TEN HOME ENERGY SAVING TIPS 1. Control Your Gas/Forced Air Thermostat. All forced air furnaces have filters that keep dust and dirt from blowing into your house. If not periodically cleaned or replaced, dirty filters can

Energy Saving Virtual Home Tour our virtual home for an array of facts and tips to help you save energy, Dirty filters slow air flow through your system — clean or replace filters every month to improve equipment efficiency.

Central Electric Power Association energyright solutions Energy Saving Tips * Caulk and weather-strip around windows and doors to stop air leaks.

Cost-efficient air filtration always pays off Saving energy – but how? The words „saving energy“ are on everyone’s lips nowadays. Prices for the fossil fuels gas and

All of the air handling units (AHUs) at the customer’s Energy Saving Benefits The advantages of switching to AAF’s MEGAcel I AAF MEGAcel™ I Filters Save Energy – Lower Costs at Engine Manufacturing Plant Customer Profile

Hi-Flo ® ES Energy Saving, Extended Surface Area, High Efficiency Air Filter Energy saving pocket filter with guaranteed lifetime efficiency. Camfil Farr Product Sheet

2 compressed air systems Guide to Savings Save money and optimize SyStem performance air compressors can account for 10% or more of the electricity use

This energy-saving air purifier provides a crisp, clear indoor environment, the air in your home can be up to 100 filters, four pre-filters effectively remove large particles such as visible dust,

Home Energy Saving Tips A Resource for Home Owners and Renters 1 Vacuum your radiators and filters. Close the fireplace damper when not in use. Credits for air sealing, insulation, new systems and renewable energy.

Energy Saving Tips * Caulk and weather * Change air filters monthly * Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent – they use 75% less energy and last 10 times longer * Install aerating, * Perform a do-it-yourself home energy audit.

Missing a great energy-saving opportunity. You can set a programmable the hidden air leaks in your home. A Home Energy Rater can help you find contractors that offer air sealing services in your area. Hidden Air Leaks

Energy Saving Tips Summer • Change air filters monthly. • Replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent save money and energy. 2. Order an In-Home Evaluation: Call 1-866-441-1430 to schedule your home evaluation. The cost is

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