
Indimeet in Kolkata with BergerXP
I have been off for a very long time. None of my faults though! If you follow me on Facebook ( if you don't, do that now!), I posted a photo on my way and I was pretty excited about the meet.

Oh! The Artist! ( Photo courtesy: www.bongblogger.com)

After the week's drudgery, I was too tired, but, still, how could I miss the opportunity of going to this meet up especially, since the meet in Mumbai arranged by Dove and Indiblogger was so much of fun? Anyway, I did dress up and head to the Grand.

Ready, steady, go! Yes, on my way.

The moment I entered, I felt such a rush! The bloggers were everywhere and what did they NOT blog about? From travel to food, from street photography to film, Oh My! Such eclectic medley!

The bloggers introducing themselves

Since, Berger Paints had arranged the meet up, of course, how could we ignore them? After many of the bloggers introduced themselves and their blogs, there was a presentation. Frankly speaking, I liked the information on the new technology, especially, since, last year, we got our apartment painted and during sanding, everything was so dusty; my dust allergy had kicked in and I had been exiled from my own room.

Dust-free! BergerXP

But, the new technology would not only ensure that here is no dust around, but the entire process would be lighter, faster and cheaper (as the brand says). Hmmm. That's interesting! At least, at my place, dust-free painting is always welcome.

After the briefing session, we proceeded to the fun part. There was a 'sanding' competition where we were to smooth out rough surface. In out face-mask, protective caps and rubber gloves, I pretty much felt like a surgeon. But then, we sanded too hard! That wasn't what it was supposed to be! Hahahaha!

Yes! The top left is exclusively mine! The rest, beautiful teamwork

The next round was a painting competition of course, where we were to paint using the wall paints and bring out a message which would change the world. After years, I did paint and of course paint I did! How? I completed the flowers on the top left panel in almost 8 minutes! Beat that! Sure it does look like child-art, but I did manage and helped with the rest of the canvas!

The demo

Towards the end, there were demonstrations of painting with the real machines. And afterward, dinner was served.

Our team Octopus! Wish I had better images.

The Best Part:
Compared to the event in Mumbai, this meet up was perhaps no match. And, this wasn't really a 'Beauty Bloggers' meet'.

A sly washroom selfie! Yes, I am a beauty blogger!

But, keep it in mind that this is the firstĀ  Kolkata bloggers' meet on this scale and I am actually very happy that this had been arranged.

Green and Tea! The secret to success

Honestly, as much as I read beauty blogs and watch beauty videos, I love personal takes on travel, food, social issues, thoughts. It was a colourful assembly of bloggers of such variety and who wouldn't enjoy that?

My team was really fun! The witty exchanges were almost distracting and I am actually glad that I did drag myself over there. I wouldn't have met them otherwise. My team members write about travel, they do photography, they write about SEO, film and what not!

Yes, we blog!

After the meet, thanks to Indiblogger, blogging does feel sweeter!

PS: I might get my hands on a few more photos. Stay tuned for the same on my Facebook page or Instagram. Shall be updating soon!

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