Facial Skin : Oily & Sensitive
Body Skin : Dry
Hi girls!
Dark neck is a very common issue with Indian women. We sweat a lot around our neck area, and hence our neck starts to become dark. This darkness is not easy to remove with our regular body wash or scrub. This skin pigmentation is very common but feels very embarrassing. But, proper care can remove these dark patches easily. Baking soda is the most commonly known ingredient to resolve this issue and that’s why I am presenting this scrub and pack to you all. These recipes will remove this kind of darkness and will lighten your neck area.
Face Scrub
• ½ table spoon of baking powder/ baking soda
• 1 table spoon coffee
• 1 tablespoon coconut oil
• ½ vitamin C table
1. Take pure coconut oil in a bowl and add 1 tablespoon of coffee. Mix these ingredients nicely.
2. Add ½ table spoon of baking powder into that mixture.
3. Now make some dust of vitamin C capsule and add half of it to this bowl. Combine all the ingredients nicely.
4. You are ready with your scrub.
Face Pack
• 1 spoon of aloe vera gel
• 1 spoon of coconut milk
• ½ spoon of lemon juice
• ½ spoon of turmeric powder
1. Take 1 tablespoon of raw coconut milk and add ½ spoon of turmeric powder and ½ spoon of lemon juice to it. Mix them nicely.
2. Now mix 1 spoon of Aloe Vera gel with that mixture. And combine them nicely. You can use a blender to get a cream like texture.
3. Your pack is ready to use.
1. Steam your neck for 5-10 minutes with a hot towel. It helps to open the pores and to cleanse deeply.
2. Now, apply the scrub to your neck and massage gently in a circular motion, especially the dark area of your neck. Do this process for 10 minutes and then rinse with warm water. Pat dry your skin.
3. Apply the pack to your dry neck with a brush and leave it on for 15-20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water.
4. Moisturize your neck nicely. Do this whole procedure once a week. Then you can notice a huge change in your neck.
• Baking powder: Baking powder helps to exfoliate skin smoothly and to deeply cleanse. It helps to lighten up dark neck very well. It is the most powerful ingredient to remove pigmentation.
• Coffee: It exfoliates dry skin and makes it feel silky smooth. It’s a rich source of antioxidants. It protects against harsh sun rays. It makes skin smooth and bright. It enhances circulation.
• Vitamin C: Vitamin C offers great lightening properties. It makes skin light and bright. It has antioxidant properties which help to stop aging. It helps to remove pigmentation and dark spots, and even sun tan. It provides bright fresh neck easily.
• Coconut oil & coconut milk: Coconut oil & coconut milk both work great as cleansers. They provide deep nourishment to the skin. Coconut milk makes skin smooth and fresh. Coconut oil gives a natural, bright glow to skin, and both the ingredients help to remove dull skin.
• Aloe Vera: Aloe vera gel is super hydrating and it has a cooling sensation which provides a great relief to my tired eyes. Aloe vera brings the glow back and makes eyes fresh.
• Lemon: Lemon fights against various skin problems like aging, dark spots, pigmentation and aging. It works as a natural skin brightening ingredient. It can control sweat and leave skin fresh.
• Turmeric: Turmeric is an antibacterial agent. Turmeric helps to heal acne. It helps to keep the skin look young and fresh. It contains many antioxidants; it is great for aging skin. Helps keep the skin’s elasticity intact. Controls oily skin too.
This whole procedure helps a lot to remove the dark skin on your neck. It makes neck bright and the scrub really works well to remove all the dirt and dead skin cells. I am using this for the last three weeks now and it gives me fresh skin easily and pigmentation is almost gone now. I am so happy with the results. Try this and I hope it will help you a lot. Hope you enjoy.
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