
By Srijita Poddar

Hi my lovely ladies!

How have you all been doing? Did you know that around 90 percent of women in the world are unhappy with their weight? Every year we make new fitness and weight loss resolutions and try and go about making them happen. To fulfil our desire for that perfect-ten body, we often join a gym. However, did you know that there are some basic etiquette that you should be following at the gym? Read on to be your polished best at the gym.

Wipe up that sweat

We understand that running at 10 km/hr can get sweaty and so can be doing 10 kg chest press but not wiping that sweat off can be very unhygienic. Imagine you are running on a treadmill beside someone who is flinging sweat. Therefore, always carry a towel. Use it to periodically wipe your sweat off from your body as well as from the benches and mats that you have used.

Be punctual

Punctuality is an etiquette that should be maintained not just in the gym but everywhere else too in your life. I have come across so many people who come late for their personal training sessions or just somehow manage to dash in time for aerobics or other fitness classes offered by the gym. Remember, you are here for yourself, you are not doing anyone a favour. Fitness and weight loss require a lot of commitment and dedication along with discipline. Therefore, start by being punctual to your gym.

Be polite to your trainers

This is one of the most important etiquette rules that you should be following. Remember that a trainer is there to help you and guide you through the process. He doesn’t work for you that you can bark orders at him whenever you can. It is very important to be polite and respect your trainer. Don’t try and prove that you know better than him; listen to his advice and point out your objections subtly.

Talk about your injuries

I have seen so many people come to the gym with enthusiasm, start working out and then stop because they had not talked about a previous injury or ailment. And then they blame the trainer or the gym for it. Please remember that nobody knows you or your medical history, and it is you who has to take the responsibility of informing about previous injuries, ailments, diseases etc.

Look after the shoe smell

Sweaty socks and damp trainers can be a horrible concoction for the olfactory senses when you are in the closed environment of a gym. So, be very careful to keep that shoe smell in check. Wear proper, sweat-absorbing cotton socks, clean your trainers periodically and use a foot spray if your feet have the tendency of smelling.

Re-rack it

The gym cannot and should not resemble your messy bedroom and hence don’t turn it into one. You are not the only one working out (or even if you are) just to maintain the aesthetics of the gym always re-rack your dumbbells and other equipments. Keeping them in proper place will benefit you and others to look for it and locate it at one go.

Dress right

Nobody is asking you to be a prude but a barely-there tank top or a loose pair of tracks which constantly need to be pulled up or baggy clothes which can catch on to machines are a big no-no. More than anyone else, it will prevent you from concentrating and working out to your optimum. Therefore, wear light breathable fabrics and colours that won’t make sweat patches visible in the right fit.

Don’t get over friendly

You might be a very friendly person in general, but the girl beside you with her headphones on probably doesn’t want to talk while working out. Even when two people are very friendly and chatty, others might get distracted by the noise. So respect their privacy and keep socialising for outside of the gym. Even with your trainer, there is a thin line between polite and over-friendly. It’s best not to cross it.

Don’t scatter your things all over the place

Your towel is in one corner on a rack, your bag is strewn across the floor, your water bottle somewhere else. This is a severe etiquette mistake. Don’t scatter your things all over the place. Keep your gym bag with its contents in a locker if it is provided, otherwise, keep it neatly stacked in a corner.

Keep the mirror use to minimum

The mirrors in the gym are meant to keep a check on correct form and movement and not for vanity purposes. Therefore admiring your newly formed abs in the mirror or using it to apply lip gloss while blocking the view of someone who is working out is a strict rulebook no.

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