
Live PreviewPurchase $49.00

Villareal is advanced Real Estate WordPress theme. Product is the result of years of experience and developement in the

real estate industry. It offers complex features for creation of real estate agencies or directory portals. The most valuable

features are compare the properties, custom fields managements, advanced filters, payment gateways like Stripe & PayPal and more.

If you are looking for stable solution which has high quality codebase, you are on the right place. Find good developers and

use this theme as the starter framework for your new business. You will get great value for a small price. Theme has tons of

WordPress actions and template engine which allows you to extend the functionality as needed.

Unlimited Listing Post Types & Fields

From the admin interface you are able to create your own listing post types. Ary you going to list something specific like

paintings or used games? Not a problem at all. Just create new listing post type, custom fields and everything is automatically

avaialable on front end.

Front End Submission

Core functionality of this directory theme is to allow users to post their submissions from the front end. It is not required

to allow access to WordPress backend to post the listings. After submission site admin is able to review each submissions.

Packages & Pricing

It is easy to create the packages for your users and start monetizing the business. Create the packages and then map them on the pricing

tables. You can create the free and trial packages. Users are able to pay for the packages by using Stripe, PayPal account, PayPal credit

card and wire transfer.


With the notification plugin you will never miss any important event in your system. You will be informed for example about

new submissions or the package expirations.

Mail Templates

It is possible to create own mail templates for the events in your website. From the WYSIWYG you can defined your custom

mail messages.

Favorite Listings

Allows your user to collect the list of their favorite listings. Everything what is required is to enable Favorites plugin and

everything will be available for your users.

Build on Bootstrap 4

We are using Bootstrap 4 framework to build this directory theme. All basic elements like buttons, forms, alert messages and so

on are properly styled to match SpotGuide theme styles. Responsive funcitonality is coming from the Bootstrap 4 as well.

Compare functionality

Favorite listing

Advanced filters

Front end submission


PayPal account and PayPal credit card payments

Stripe gateway support

Wire transfers


Google map support

Inquire now form

Pricing tables

Responsive layout

Child theme

Custom POI icons font family

Reviews and ratings

Sorting options for listings (price, title, popularity, rating, date)

Km and miles support for geolocation

Get directions

Google geocomplete

Extended developer documentation

SASS for modular SCSS

SEO friendly

Prepared gulpfile for SASS automatization

All strings are properly wrapped in translation function

Retina ready


Images on our demo site are not a part of package. Downloadable package contains only placeholders.


Font family: Raleway

Images: Unsplash,

Tags: real estate, business, property, agent, agency, realtor, rental, house, home, listing, directory, google maps, open street maps

Live Preview Purchase $49.00

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