
We’ve got Somalians getting million dollar educations to teach them how to operate a doorknob with white kids who get perfect scores on their SATs living out of a station wagon. Our society is a train wreck.

Multiculturalism is just a fancy word for “divide and conquer.” Break up the cultural homogeneity; make people prisoners in their own homes and heads, then unleash the termites on the rotten wood which lies unprotected and loot everything that can be carried away.

Increasingly, it is ridiculous to pretend that the United States is an integrated whole as a nation. It isn’t. It is being broken up into feudal provinces along ethnic and racial lines. There are more and more places on the map that have to be ignored, avoided, and circumvented in order to maintain the illusion that there is still a country called “America.”

There are many mainstream epidemiologists who believe that bedbugs were the primary vector of smallpox and someday soon may be again. It’s also interesting to note that all it would take is a time machine to get some no-nonsense people from 1955 back to get rid of these bugs. Did you know at one time, washing machines sold for domestic use in the United States ran a steam cycle at 160+ degrees? It’s not just your imagination ... the people of Pleasantville had cleaner, whiter clothes than you do. They had less fungus and mold in their skin, surroundings and linens than you modern people could even imagine. Everything in the 1950’s was cleaner and more hygienic. It’s not just nostalgia.

In some ways, this could be looked upon as a form of genetic selection. Those actually stupid enough to trust these wonderful critters and treat them as equals are selected for death and oblivion in the gene pool. Anybody dumb enough to believe in the faux world of egalitarianism is demonstrating markedly inferior perception and native intelligence, period. Inferior.  It’s exactly like mice born with an affection for cats or sardines who swim towards instead of away from tuna. You can’t expect that anything can be done for an animal that defective.

Another sign of their inferiority is their belief that it doesn’t matter if something is true or false if they seem to have a consensus on a subject. They’ll all die together just the same. Placing a higher value on the group’s fiat declaration than their own six senses could be regarded as cheap/shoddy wiring inside their heads. Bad software/hardware connections upstairs. We all know that a desire to conform is innate for many people but at some stage, it becomes a ridiculous quality. In many white people, you can see as plain as the nose on your face - they’re just not firing on all cylinders correctly. You don’t need to get a group opinion on it. You just listen to them and study their words and you can tell that they need a cerebral rim alignment.

One overriding observation I made in Los Angeles is that Hispanics don’t wash their hands after using the restroom. It’s mind-boggling but remember with an average IQ of 92 you’re going to skip a lot of fine details in your personal hygiene like that.

That’s not what is incredible. What is incredible is that I have noticed recently in Australia that at least half of males no longer practice even these essential traits in their own conduct, like washing your hands before returning to work. This is in supposedly technical professions, mind you.

There is one certainty we can speak of in relation to multiculturalism and diversity - it causes standards in all aspects of human existence to decline very, very rapidly. It means that shame and discipline are discarded in favor of self-expression. It means lonely isolated people who lose touch with the critical discriminating faculties their race has cultivated over the course of many centuries are turned into vulgar and base consumer units who no longer aspire to any standards at all.

The average ‘Kwanzany is so far off with the fairies they can’t even remember what reality looks like. That’s what televitz does to the brain.

The reason I was unable to predict Obama in 2008 was that I could not imagine people being stupid enough to vote for him. It astonished me.


Summary : All five major conflicts of this century involving America were hoaxes that the U.S. never had any business getting involved in at all. These five wars have led the ‘Kwa to complete financial ruin and the absolute rape of their nation.

1. World War One. Engineered false flag attack sacrificed the Lusitania and 1200 civilians to engage America.

2. World War Two. Engineered false flag attack sacrificed Pearl Harbor to engage America.

3. Vietnam. Engineered false flag attack in the Gulf of Hanoi using nothing but radio transmissions to engage America.

4. Afghanistan. Engineered false flag attack on 9-11 sacrificed World Trade Center towers and 3000 civilians to engage America.

5. Iraq. Engineered imaginary weapons of mass destruction story pulled out of thin air used to attack sovereign nation pre-emptively and kill their civilian population


The culture wars of the 1960’s destroyed faith in our ancestral wisdom and shortly thereafter, we lost Western civilization.

Kwanzania is run by faggots, madmen,and communists and it is destined for the trashbin of history. Nothing can stop it now. It’s a done deal.

Kiss Britain goodbye. Last human to leave please turn out the lights.


Total Madness : The Complete Military, Economic, Cultural And Social Collapse of the United States

Science fiction.

Chimpmanzees, manboons, manimals, featherless bipeds and huffin’ hominids finally take their revenge on real civilization by destroying it. The sheeple are staring at the ceiling as their clothing is stripped off and their testicles are surgically snipped and sold to Chinese people for soup broth. Their hair is shaved and used as mattress packing in veterinarial medicine. The sheeple mumble, drool runs down their chin and they mutter something inaudible. Is something happening somewhere? They’re like rheumy-eyed drunks wandering out in the highway at rush hour. They think they might hear somebody honking at them. Is something or the other going on here somehow? They don’t know.

These critters can’t even maintain a nation and they think they can govern the globe. It’s all so forced, stilted, hackneyed and contrived. Are these the propaganda forces of the New World Order? If so, they are pathetic. What a demoralized, debauched, decadent, degenerate, dumbed-down bunch of losers the West is made up of. This kind of treasonous conspiracy within a nation’s borders to overthrow that country’s sovereignty has earned itself a bullet many times over. All in people’s “best interests,” of course - just like the Ukraine Famine.

You don’t even want to know what the sheeple have to say about all this. I took an informal poll from a group of consumer units at the food court the other day and the speech was straight out of Orwell. Is Texas Arcane the last real human being left on Earth? Some days it seems so.

Now here’s the upside.

Communist crows can’t caw if they can’t eat. Big Marxist media is tanking. Nobody is reading or watching much anymore and that means some members of the herd might even start thinking at some point. They’re going to have plenty of time on their hands. It is so obvious that Obama is an implant puppet at this stage that even the left could figure it out. There’s a very serious problem with this Kenyan as President. He isn’t legally qualified and therefore the military is not obligated to take orders from him or any of his proxies, since he is not Commander in Chief and therefore cannot delegate to proxies. People know he cannot be President and are getting ready for this foreign traitor to rip apart whatever is left of the nation to hand over to the UN.

Encirclement of Russia is failing. The Russians are a tougher and stronger people than the ‘Kwans and this is lucky for the remnant in the ‘Kwa, because they’d get their asses handed to them in a bag if they started a nuclear war with Russia.

Everywhere I look, all I see mostly is beasts made in the shape of men. Fit for the atomic fire that is coming. God stocks the Apocalypse with soulless human crash dummies for extras at the end so no real humans will be injured. Considerate, that.

Kwanzans are Vile

Their entire culture is just another shade of their loathsome pornography. Barbarians would regard them as a barbaric people.

Trust me, I’ve read most of the Federalist Papers. The Founding Fathers would conduct a first strike on our own soil with nuclear weapons ten minutes after you gave them the launch codes. These revolting human beings were not what they had in mind for the Republic when they created it. The final days of the Roman Empire were a staid affair compared to the monstrously ugly nation that is the last hour of the ‘Kwa.

Far more degenerate than Weimar Germany

Applying any metric, any standard of conduct held by any civilized people in the last 2000 years would reveal them to be (taken as a whole) people of absolutely no merit in any measure.


The common man is innately incapable of discerning the truth for himself on any subject and will live and die without ever really understanding anything at all. That’s the way the universe is fashioned.

Multiculturalism is a demon and you feed it with white virgins.


One thing most sheeple don’t know about is girl gangs. It’s a well kept secret. The women are as savage and inhuman as the males for the most part.

I worked at this ice cream store in New York for a few months. A nice little old man used to come in each night and have a scoop of ice cream. He had a little dog on a leash. Nice fellow. One evening as he was leaving, a girl gang of bipeds was walking down the sidewalk forcing all pedestrians to step off in front of them. Women, children, animals. This old man had just stepped out our front entrance and intersected the gang as they passed without knowing who they were or what was happening. They beat him severely, cursing him and calling him “white motherf**ker.” The startled little dog ran into the street and was run over by a taxi as it screeched to a halt. They kicked the old man on the ground, laughing and cursing him with racist slogans. Then they walked to the corner and hung out at the bus stop.

The police showed up. I watched from the door of the ice cream shop as the two black policemen tried to get the home phone numbers of the girls in the gang and were flirting with them. No charges were filed and the old man walked off sobbing and bloody holding the little dog in his arms.

But seriously, what’s not to love?

You know them by their fruits. There are naturally born Children of the Devil. All the rest are the Children of God. Their fruits tell you who and what they are. It doesn’t matter what their explanation is. It doesn’t matter what they claim to believe about themselves. Their fruits tell you what they are.


When a nation becomes a multicult polyglot, everybody who lives there stops caring about it.

The media is there to broadcast the opposite of the truth at all times.

People with IQs below 90-95, as a rule, do not really comprehend the notion of private property. It doesn’t matter what color they are.

You have to understand how stupid the average human being is to appreciate it is not so much a “conspiracy,” as it is just humans acting natural. They tend to cluster mindlessly under various ideologies and then defend them vigorously like herding animals stomping on their perceived territory. No thinking really involved in any of this anywhere.

America is building grievances in other nations that can only be forgotten when America is destroyed.

Our Institutions Are Controlled By The Botched And The Bungled

Truth. We are ruled by the ugly puppies, the runts of the litter, the clubfoots, the nacre-exuding sick oysters. They are our masters and the world looks the way it does because they have no idea of what they are doing. The only reason they are there is that they’ve got moxie. Otherwise they are the worst possible choices for leadership in any regard.

Use fluoride long enough and soon you won’t have any opponents to fluoride because the generation that results will be too stupid to be in opposition to anything.

Declining civilizations never go back the other way. Ever.

Once they lose the thread of their principles, that tether vanishes and they find themselves screaming in black oblivion, with no way back to the sane world. Every declining civilization ends thus, in screaming and in darkness. The worst monsters they encounter in that stygian night often turn out to be themselves.

The future never feels sorry for our kind of people when they sit down to settle the accounts. Never.

Reality is all so complicated. The televitz is so very simple. As a critter who generally avoids pain and discomfort and seeks to be lied to in order to allay his fears, Homo Sapiens is the ultimate failure as a hominid.

As somebody who has been out of the country for twenty years, I have to tell you, in many recent videos from the States I do not recognize the population of this nation. It looks like any third world hellhole in South America or Africa, a sea of hooting black and brown with an occasional terrified white floating along in the midst of it.

The average man is only along for the ride and will perform on cue like a genetic automaton when the time comes for violence.

Australians will sleep through their own extinctions.

We’re not all in this together. They are them and you are you and you are nothing to them. Not even a peasant.

I will laugh at them really hard when it dawns on them that they have worked for decades with all due diligence in order to engineer their own extermination.

Think of our society as an anthill that has been constructed in the center of an artillery reservation during the off-season.

Jon Stewart is a big part of the media machine that has successfully deflected inquiry about 9-11 for the past ten years despite it being obviously an internal act of treason.

Without gentiles being so godawful stupid, none of this would ever work.

The leadup to World War III is turning out to be bigger black comedy than anything Peter Sellers ever did.

A Kenyan-born illegal immigrant in the White House during the collapse of Western civilization shortly before the outbreak of global thermonuclear war. You couldn’t make this stuff up.

The fact that thousands of freemen black soldiers fought on the Confederate side is possibly one of the best documented facets of the Civil War.


I no longer pity Kwanzanians because I reserve the right to pity human beings, which they do not qualify to be called. Nothing this dumb can be called “man,” when it is clearly an animal on two legs. The modern Kwanzanian is a domesticated beast just as placid as cattle or chickens. They can no more “reason” than can a prize bull or a Bantam rooster. They are what is left when you have stripped the “man” away. Consumer units. That whole nation is on cruise control for brains. Their distinguishing characteristic is their utter and complete vacuity.

There is no “State.” It’s a collection of fifth rate people who cannot get proper day jobs.

The people who live in the Kwa now are not smart enough to know why the U.S. was so successful for two centuries. They are not smart enough to restore it to it’s former glory. They are not smart enough to do anything but die.

Before he got elected, people might’ve laughed at the notion you could put a Kenyan born Senator (according to his own press releases from 1988-2004) into the White House.

H.G. Wells, said that it is likely that many beautiful and exceptional human beings would have to be exterminated in the march to a world government.


That beautiful music you hear is not the singing of angels. It’s the muzac they play while the animals await their turn on the ramp.

The younger boys cannot help themselves, they f*ck the chickens to death. This is not a rare practice we are talking about. It’s a serious problem in Kenya.

Since modern people are without shame and without consciences, there can be no scandals. All things are permitted to those who know the right people.


Where the ‘Kwa is going, there ain’t no coming back from. The talk of a recovery made me laugh 5 years ago when I first heard it. It still makes me laugh now. It’s like the people of the Upper Congo talking about a recovery. The Upper Congo has nothing to recover from - it has nowhere to go. The magic that made the ‘Kwa indomitable was in it’s people and now it is inhabited entirely by the third world. There was never any enchanted gas that was exuded by the soil that made it special. There is nothing particularly special about the geography or position of the United States. The magic came from the people and now they are all gone. They left these idiots in their place.

The banking system does not work on a system where deposits are the basis for fractional reserve. The banking system works on the basis of loans used as the collateral for more loans.

Read it again. If you don’t know what is being talked about there, you will never be able to successfully predict what is going to happen next economically. Forget about what some egghead says about GDP versus wage gains. That’s gibberish. It has nothing to do with anything of any significance at all.

The banking system does not work on a system where deposits are the basis for fractional reserve. The banking system works on the basis of loans used as the collateral for more loans.

Whereas Madoff’s ripoff was measured in billions of dollars, the “derivatives market” consists of quadrillions of dollars which exist on paper but otherwise exist nowhere else.

If you look at the Milankovitch cycle, we’re on the edge of a temperature precipice. We are about to go through a rapid decline in average temperatures that will be an apocalyptic rollercoaster ride to the bottom. This isn’t a little ‘i’ Ice Age. It’s a real Ice Age, capital ‘I’ for indescribable. We are only at the beginning but we are starting to go over the crest.

What makes me so sure of myself? How do I know these things with such certainty? I have control over the magic power of reading, a lost art amongst the Kwanzanian people. I can read, learn, remember, make associations - it’s akin to powerful sorcery in the modern world.



In the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, we learn of the fate of all declining civilizations that are destroyed by God’s wrath.

In the story of the Tower of Babel, we learn of the failures of globalism and multiculturalism as they have occurred again and again, possibly going back into the mists of antiquity.

In the story of Esau and his brother Jacob, we learn that better races of men have lost the blessing of their father not because they were unworthy but due to treachery and circumstance.

In the story of Eden, we learn that the man who blushes, the original child of God, was corrupted by having his stock polluted by the seed of serpents, the genetics of snakes.

In the story of Abel and Cain we see that the original founders of all civilization are always descended from murderers and liars.

We see that all the mistakes made by mankind are remedied by the sacrifice of the living word of God, Jesus, who died in our place in order that we could be forgiven our sins and rejoined to our father in heaven.

The funny thing about the Bible is that it is always the most relevant book you can read, no matter what era you are born in. Whatever you learn from scripture you will find will apply to your life right now more than anything some mere man can ever say or write. When you learn a lesson from the Bible, you have acquired real understanding.


Any soldier stupid enough to serve in the Kwanzanian Army deserves whatever happens to them.

All the Egyptians were European Caucasians. Didn’t you know that?

They got one thing right, though. The last pharoahs were blacks. They were also the last pharoahs.

They are anti-humans and they are our rulers.

The population of the United States is a largely illiterate, unskilled mass of buffoons who have sent their entire economy overseas.

“Out-Of-Africa” was a result of political correctness, not professional scientific work.

If men learn nothing from history it is because they do not learn, period.

To even speak of the truth indirectly is forbidden. To think of the forbidden ... is also forbidden. Those that vanish cannot be spoken of. The things that are banned cannot be listed. To describe that which has been censored is to commit thought crime. To even dwell for long on the wrong thoughts is to invite unpersonage yourself. This is what sheeple call freedom of speech.

The elite have decided that living is not an option for those slated to die.

They don’t even know what they don’t know. What little they think they know is all wrong. The accepted wisdom is not wise. It’s consensus stupidity.

The reality is monkeys in manpants fed beer and pro wrestling to keep them sedated while tax revenues are throttled out of them.


This is a targeted extinction. The ‘Kwa won’t be coming back because their debt is designed to make sure they don’t come back.


Soon it will be time to break out the champagne and toast the finale of the most decadent civilization that has ever existed in world history that we know of. Ours. It won’t be replaced by something better. It won’t be replaced, period.


You just know God has a sense of humor. Is it possible mankind was made for his amusement? I can see that.


The entire nation is a used condom. It’s a grease rag soaked in diesel and pork fat. It’s that filthy corner of the garage you never get around to cleaning. It’s been passed around for fun more often than Barack Obama’s mom. If Amerikwa was a pile of dirty dishes, they’d be the kind you realize it’s better to throw away than to try to make them clean enough to eat off again. There is nothing here worth salvaging and nobody willing to even tackle the problem.

The country is used up, blown out, sucked dry, exhausted, deflated, and left for dead.

All you’re gonna get right through the collapse and fragmentation of the hellhole called the United States is blah,blah,blah from the televitz about how the government fixed it all by passing some more legislation and now it’s going to get better.

Where the ‘Kwa is going it won’t be coming back from.


[ Britain is one of the worst communist toilets on Earth. I wouldn’t kennel a dog there and most dogs would rather be shot than kenneled there.

Britain is a failed state on so many different levels it is hard to quantify them all. That task will be left to future historians to document just how hard it fell from world empire to socialist latrine in less than a hundred years.

Britain smells funny. The current generation of British people look like somebody squeezed their heads shortly after they were born. On those rare occasions they are sober, they might pause to contemplate the sheer tragedy of all that they have lost.]



Another Nutty Conspiracy Theory 100% Spot On

This H1N1 thing runs so deep and is so rotten it would take me three hours to post all the ugly details here.

Attorneys for the U.S. government have conceded in court that Fort Detrick manufactured this bug originally. They have also shrugged at charges of treason or collusion with drug companies, insisting that there is nothing illegal in creating a flu virus. They have gone on the record saying that once created it is not their responsibility to keep it out of the hands of Baxter Pharmaceuticals.


The Chinese recently discovered a lot of “gold” they were sold by the United States was in fact tungsten bars.

Whenever somebody says “diversity” to me, I always detect the phantom smell of charcoal in my nostrils.

Guess we can expect cops to be too dumb to even know what the law is like all people of average intelligence.

Wouldn’t you like a lovely 1956 Christmas? Remember the spending capital your parents had on a single salary? The tree was so packed with gifts underneath it when I was little that we were still opening packages in the afternoon. Everything was so cheap it didn’t take credit cards to make your kids happy on Christmas morning. We lived like kings but we didn’t know it at the time. It was simply America. The table at evening was crammed with a month’s worth of food and it all cost less than an IPhone cover does nowadays. This was before we went off the gold standard.

Gradualism is the key when you are dealing with morons. These frogs can never tell when the water is too hot.

A nation cannot be ignorant and free. The Kwa was doomed decades ago.

At present the right to freedom of association, freedom of speech and freedom of expression is denied throughout the entire Western world.


Kenya is a failed nation of failed people. Obama’s mother was a failure. His father was a failure. Everyone he has ever known is a failure and he has failed to even so much as learn to mop floors.

It makes my blood boil to think of this functionally illiterate halfwit lecturing us on our errors in the past two centuries. You are not actually bright enough to participate in this conversation, Barack. You would do well to simply sit still and listen. It is like Oprah Winfrey lecturing the American people on children, families and relationships for two decades - a woman who has never had children, married or been in a relationship. If these people were not born on American soil, right now they would be sitting in a mud hut coating their hair with dung and trying to make soup with beetle husks. They don’t even have the brains necessary to reproduce a medieval standard of living without help from the outside.

How did we end up with our genetic runts of the litter lecturing to us?


After numerous Russian athletes were revealed to be nearly unbeatable in the ring, the entire sport was flushed down the memory hole. Officially, boxing no longer exists as a sport and never did.

Obama is a down-low brother who gets a free pass because his politics are correct - globalist and Marxist.

Nietzsche’s great genius was in describing the interplay of these Apollonian and Dionysian instincts in men over two hundred years before we came to understand their actual basis in our genome. There’s an instinct towards order, serenity and introversion we get from the Neanderthal. On the other side there is a mad, orgiastic, lunatic celebration of all change and conflict, even the kind that leads us to destruction, from the crazed killer that is Sapiens. Guess which aspect of man’s nature is being expressed in the Western world right now.

Does it really make any sense to have nuclear weapons in your arsenal without a civil defense program?

A creature incapable of learning will not respect those older than he is or place any intrinsic worth on their counsel.

Laws in most Western nations give vaccine manufacturers complete legal immunity to prosecution.

Baby eating cannibal savages filling the raging flaming streets armed with machetes and crowbars. There’s also a downside.

I reckon that Yoshi thrives most in the latter half of the cycle because he’s an opportunist and like a termite, requires the wood to be rotten to get his teeth into to begin with. I’m no longer so certain they are the initiators. They are more like the finishers who polish it off. Without widespread decadence and complete loss of equilibrium, I don’t know that beany babies would ever be able to rule the roost with such utter aplomb. The first requirement is that the host population must totally lose touch with reality in order to be susceptible to the new modified one that is then offered by their scribes, who themselves live in a world utterly built on sophistry and circular logic. Who would buy into these tortured dreams to begin with when they had anything like a well adjusted perspective? There must be sickness first, then comes the feeble state of malady.


This is a flat out mission statement from Tim Wise. They are going to genocide you with extreme prejudice and erase the memory of your existence. They know all your weaknesses but you have never bothered to inquire into theirs. That is why it is too late to do anything but die for most of Kwanzania.

The United States was the most powerful and wealthy nation on Earth because it was an expression of the people who lived in it. People like that don’t live there anymore.

The people who live in the Kwa now are not smart enough to know why the U.S. was so successful for two centuries. They are not smart enough to restore it to it’s former glory. They are not smart enough to do anything but die.

The biggest socialist scumbag of them all, H.G. Wells, said that it is likely that many beautiful and exceptional human beings would have to be exterminated in the march to a world government.


I don’t want you to think I’m superficial but I have to tell you, the intelligence of the female reporters for the Russian Times is matched by their incredible beauty. Contrast with Fox News, where the women are also handpicked for their attractiveness but have minds on par with hummingbirds.

What is going to happen to the country once known as the United States will make the Argentina collapse look like a caviar shortage.


Kwanzania Is Dead But Not Too Broke To Fight

Ten years ago I gave you two scenarios, a couple of months before all this madness started with the destruction of the Twin Towers in New York City, an event that most of the world today believes (according to statistics) was carried out by elements in the U.S. and Israel as a false flag attack on their own soil.

1. In the first one, I told you that America could slip quietly into genteel poverty and slowly erode into third world status without trying to jumpstart their economy with a world war. By the time somebody thought to load and launch the tens of thousands of cobalt-tipped nuclear weapons in their arsenals, they would have rusted away so as to be harmless. The United States would descend into tribal anarchy, a 3000 mile wide flaming Bosnia-style ruin where you’d have to consult a street map to know what ethnicity you’d be fighting with on every block.

2. In the second one, America’s psychotic rulers would enter into several regional wars that they would fan over time into all-out thermonuclear World War III, which would not run for a day but would continue for several years, with nuclear strikes and counterstrikes that would eventually depopulate most of the planet in the wake of very dirty fallout carried by the jetstream ... in addition to horrific biological and chemical weapons deployed mainly by nations against civilians in opposition countries, not military targets.

It’s ten years later and I have to make a confession.

I only presented scenario #1 as an option because I thought this rose-colored glass, Pollyanna optimist feel-good claptrap might keep people reading long enough to get to scenario #2 and draw their own conclusion.

Scenario #1 was never going to happen.



Kwa = Absolutely 100% Doomed

They are basing their optimism on the series of miracles achieved by a race of men with an average IQ of 104-112 from the years 1776 up to the present day. They seemed to be indomitable. They always seemed to bounce back. It was like magic at times. No matter what happened to the nation, as long as these people were having babies, their children appeared to be capable of sorting it out in the end.

That won’t happen this time. The magic goes away. The long curtain of darkness that is descending will not lift again on another act. It will not lift again, forever.

It is realistic to expect conditions no better than those that prevail in Mexico from now on for the United States. Forever. Where the ‘Kwa is going, there ain’t no coming back from.


If the average person could remember anything that happened over fifteen minutes ago, they wouldn’t need to ask.

The fact that men say so glibly “men do not learn from history” without realizing the implications of the statement is more proof that they do not learn at all. Everything is historical. Everything is experience. If men learn nothing from history it is because they do not learn, period.

“Consensus” is a synonym for “Wrong.” It’s an antonym to the word “Right.”

The “human” looks to me nowadays more and more like a mythical beast. The reality is monkeys in manpants fed beer and pro wrestling to keep them sedated while tax revenues are throttled out of them.

Sociopathy works because sociopaths succeed, therefore proving that sociopathy is successful because if it wasn’t right we wouldn’t have succeeded. Therefore sociopaths are superior because their brains learn how to lie earlier in order to succeed. Sociopathy proves that sociopaths are superior by virtue of sociopathy.

Amerikwa is so deep in the red to fiat paper she couldn’t slog her way out with a million years of payments. This is a targeted extinction. The ‘Kwa won’t be coming back because their debt is designed to make sure they don’t come back.

Soon it will be time to break out the champagne and toast the finale of the most decadent civilization that has ever existed in world history that we know of. Ours. It won’t be replaced by something better. It won’t be replaced, period.

If they can’t see this was a controlled demolition by now ... you have to consider if we are applying the word human with too broad a brush.

Only a child could have been fooled on 9-11 by the government story. Or an adult with the mind of a child.

The time for last stands was twenty years ago. Where Kwanzania is going, there ain’t no coming back from.

The consensus is a trustworthy compass needle to always point you in the opposite direction of the truth.

This entire planet looks like an amateur whorehouse with a one-eyed, hunchbacked chimpanzee with Tourette’s Syndrome answering the phones at the front desk.


If there were no Jews around to take advantage of the average gentile’s stupidity, it’s not as if gentiles would stop being stupid.

The truth is that the majority of all men, especially Jews, are born vulgar, nasty, deceptive and treacherous. It’s not exclusively Jewish, they just excel at the same old sins displayed by all mankind. This is the reason that they are often disruptive to civilizations. They don’t produce many more radicals than any other group, except for the fact that Jews are effective. Your average gentile misanthropic troublemaker couldn’t organize a bowel movement. The average Jewish radical is a powerhouse who seems like a one man army in terms of the mischief they can produce.


The decline of the West is irreversible. Nothing can halt the downward trend. You cannot have a free society populated by slavish knaves. Who will be the advocate of freedom when the desire for it has vanished? There is only the trough and the fresh hay as a concern. The “freedom” of modern people encompasses the demands you would anticipate amongst cattle. Their “freedom” is the song of the barnyard.


The purpose of war is not to kill the enemy. It’s ultimately just to kill, period. The perfection of the history of war is found in situations where the killing no longer requires any justification and no longer has the pretext of targeting military objectives at all. If we consider that the root of all military objectives was to remove the obstacles to killing civilians, then this would seem to be the end of military history when the remote controlled drone is deployed. With these innovations, the beast inside mankind is liberated to just sit in front of a monitor playing one of the most interesting video games of them all - blowing people up and cutting them to ribbons with gunfire. It doesn’t matter if they can’t shoot back. That was never anything but an impediment to the practice.

I believe that this kind of loss of limits, this unfurling of all sane guideposts, will prove to be the last stage of the decline of the West that leads to unrestrained global thermonuclear war.


Modern people are insane. They think if they all take a vote and get a consensus then they can decide this isn’t a Depression, it’s actually a boom.

Britain Moves All Rare Books Into Salt Mine

Just for the next three years, you understand. It’s temporary. Sheeple come and go but the nation’s literary treasures deserve the kind of deep rock protection from radiation and blast that only a salt mine can deliver.

The media is not the people you thought they were. The world is not the place you thought it was. We don’t expect you to share our nightmarish vision of the world the way it really is - we don’t expect you are ready for that.

What value does truthfulness have once it is divorced from its emulation of God?


The inner expression of a race of men will inevitably manifest itself in the external world around them.

During the last Ice Age, a man who advised that his tribe be disarmed and that we open the gates of the village to welcome wolves and predators to eat our children would have been considered a madman. They would have tied him to a tree on a mountain and left him for the buzzards. Today these same people are called liberals and many of them occupy our institutions. They are insane.

The government cannot conceal the fact that they have been involved in underground shelter construction at a feverish pace, particularly since the turn of the century.



The third way of the neocons is essentially all the worst ideas of human history compiled into a gigantic program of failure. Neocons don’t know how to run civilizations. If they did, they’d do so in their own country. All they can do is seize the reins of other people’s civilizations and promptly steer them to rapid destruction.

Anyone who listens to them or gives credence to their ideas deserves whatever happens to them. Ultimately, they are those annoying sorts of people that almost everybody has encountered at some point; who upon discovering they will never really be any good at anything; decide subconsciously that they will be destroyers of everything instead. At this, they excel without peer. They are nation wreckers, not nation creators. In the same way a tree that has died becomes food for termites, a nation that has died becomes food for neocons.


It’s getting difficult for me to actually interact with a lot of modern people because of this problem with basic speech, grammar and spelling. I’m convinced there are increasingly large parts of the population that simply cannot understand a person like me when I am talking or writing. The complete sentences and conclusions at the end throw them for a loop. They are not adapted for structured English and have trouble carrying a train of thought ... their own as well as somebody else’s. They are trained according to the rhythms of broken, fragmented semantics more appropriate to the inhabitants of Papua New Guinea.


Vaccines were created largely in response to the fact there were too many doctors and too many healthy, happy people in the United States. There wasn’t enough business to keep the doctors busy when the medical schools were generating a glut of them.

The single best way to put people into the revolving door of medicine, it was found, was to “vaccinate” them frequently with as many cultures of disease viruses as could be dreamed up or fabricated. Once you got a rube sufficiently vaccinated you were guaranteed a never-ending supply of repeat business because of the side effects and the general debilitating effect that they had on a person’s entire physiology.

So to put events in correct order:

1. Improved nutrition and sanitation was really hurting the medical industry.

2. They responded by initiating programs to vaccinate people, often for “free.”

3. They claimed vaccinations were responsible for the reduced mortality and better health in the United States that was clearly present long before they began vaccinating people.

4. Doctors began to experience record levels of customers pouring into their system from the side effects of vaccines.

You couldn’t make this stuff up. This is the way it really happened.


Amerikwa has nobody to blame but themselves. Vote for a man who has never held a day job, that’s exactly what you get.

I first read Chittum in 1998. It was like taking the red pill.

The last official act of any government is to loot the treasury.

All America is Potterville now. George Bailey is floating facedown in the icy river. Clarence the angel was gunned down in a drive-by and is bleeding out in the alleyway. You’re all worth more dead than alive now. The planet’s rulers believe it is time to cash in that life insurance policy they took out on all mankind.

When was in high school I remember asking my teacher in history class how come the North American indians had cave paintings of people on horseback, if horses came over from Europe.


Krisschannidy Ditched By Former Believers Along With Pet Rocks, Piano Ties and The Noid

Fact is, the second the Bible was modified by Cyrus Scofield to make it into the ultimate cheerleader’s manual for the secular state of Israel, everybody began to assume that Jesus Christ was the only jew they didn’t need to be afraid of. It emasculated Christianity to turn it into the goy outreach support branch of Swindler Central. That’s not the way religion works and any religion that works that way will soon find its pews empty.

People celebrate their own existence through a religion and it is part of their identity to see themselves through this lens. If your religion makes you into an extra standing in the back row with no dialogue who is simply tasked to swoon when called upon to do so, you will find your collection basket is empty and people stop showing up for the Sunday social. Any faith that has only this to offer has nothing to offer to its congregation and it is spiritually dead.

To be called upon to live a righteous life and practice the Christian virtues while Yoshi builds the world’s largest sex slave emporium a block away from the Wailing Wall on your dime is insane and people know it even if they are afraid to say it out loud. It. Doesn’t. Make. Any. Sense.


Being a Neocon apparently means never having to say you’re sorry, long after your crimes have eclipsed Hitler, Stalin and Mao. It’s all for a good cause, you see. American needs to spread the love, preferably with daisycutters on downtown metropolitan areas all over the world.


The Hitcher has hitched his last ride on the coat tails of power. Like all the neoconservative chickenhawks, he never served a day in his life in the military and supported any bombing campaign on anyone worldwide as long as it wasn’t Israel.

Christopher Hitchens has been on camera for the past decade for three reasons:

1. He was hideously, unspeakably evil. A natural born child of Satan himself.

2. He was an international booster and spokesperson for Zionist political objectives.

3. He hated everything, everywhere, forever, to the ends of the universe.

He could’ve done the humane thing and swallowed his rattle in the cradle to go straight to his consignment in hell ... but instead was a curse on the surface of this planet for 62 years before he had the good grace to die screaming. Good riddance to bad rubbish.


To return to the rule of law we’d need to have a 24 hour firing squad working in continuous shifts for years on end.

You can tell a nation has descended into total, absolute corruption when anybody who says the truth about anything is a fool sacrificing themselves for nothing.

Modern people are simply lacking in sufficient native intelligence to grasp this fundamental. They can’t help but feel giving them policemens fewer restrictions will mean more security. They think this way because they are morons.

The sitting President of the United States conspired with vicious foreign criminals in Mexico to arm them with military grade weapons confiscated in the U.S. that were slated to be melted down. Obviously, this was to enable them to engage in high profile attacks against American targets in order to justify a gun control regime that had already been drafted for presentation to the legislature.

A country that could not organize a credible disaster response to a little ole hurricane like Katrina would not stand a ghost of a chance of surviving a nuclear war with China. Even a limited strike that lasted one hour would cream them right from the pages of history.


Here’s an M. Night Shymalayan twist for you. Our ancestors knew what they were doing. Our ancestors were the people we should have respected. It’s you who doesn’t know what the hell is going on. Our ancestors were the ones with their heads screwed on straight. You are the hipster doofus. You are the guys hoisted by their own petard, who take the massive pratfall into a pile of cowpies and future generations come gather around to laugh at you and despise you for it. The guy who doesn’t have any idea of what in the hell is going on is you. Not those “other people” that Oprah was always telling you that “our” generation had so improved upon. Oprah loved making you laugh at your ancestors and ridicule those who had come before you, getting you to reject their wisdom and replace it instead with her foolish, mindless prattle.

The mass media would out any “conservative” member of Congress who was involved in something like this in ten seconds. Obama is a down-low brother who gets a free pass because his politics are correct - globalist and marxist. Could Newt Gingrich get a male companion who logged in each night and slept over while his wife was in another country most of the time, often seen with arms linked together, locked in embraces and giving an endless series of gifts and taxpayer-paid vacations and trips, sleeping in the same hotel rooms with DO NOT DISTURB signs on the door?

No nation that gets like the Kwa has any hope of reform. To reform itself it would still need people bright enough to walk and chew gum at the same time. The Kwa doesn’t have the good basic root stock to restore their vineyard. The grapes that remain are there to be trampled by the wrath of God.

Our society is not a meritocracy and it rewards the valiant with scorn and alienation.

I don’t see anything left of the country I was born in. It’s just gone. All those people there now are strangers to me, most of them born on foreign soil who I will never have anything in common with.

No animal who is unwilling to fight for territory can ever hope to survive.

Sandy Hook is the weirdest and most contradictory of all the massacre stories that have come out of the Federal Government. Is it possible that this administration is simply not competent to carry out false flags? Have they slipped really, really badly on this one?

The reason they do these things in plain sight is that they know that modern people are slack-jawed, dribbling halfwits who do not even possess the means intellectually to pose any opposition. They are right. The mass media tells everybody they are all geniuses and we’re all brilliant because it keeps the barnyard animals placid while the ramps for the slaughterhouse are assembled.

The Kwanstain has been openly looted, stripped down to bedrock and the crimes enforced by government protection and Kwanzanians are still easily led to believe this is about economics. It isn’t. It’s about organized crime taking over the reins of government once and for all. The results speak for themselves.

These people are just smart enough to create problems they can’t solve and don’t understand that they caused.

Euthanasia has nothing to do with relieving the suffering of the ill. It’s about the State acquiring the right to kill people arbitrarily because they don’t like something about them without fear of any challenge from anyone in the judicial system.

Euthanasia has been silently accepted for the past fifty years in most hospitals. They feed the patient higher and higher doses of painkiller until they simply drift away. They pump the ill full of morphine and the doctor writes “Do not resuscitate” on their chart when they are ready for it to finish. You give so much as one inch on this beyond this point and they’ll just be capping old folks in the head for target practice in ten years and melting their bodies down for cattle feed. It is worse than a slippery slope. It’s greased rails to hell.

More on the success of gun control in Australia. Country is turning into a shooting gallery in the urban areas. Crime spiraling out of control with no checks and balances, thugs armed to the teeth. Apparently, law breakers don’t care what laws you pass. I knew all this would happen when they rammed the new laws through in 1997.

All that separates a homeschooling mother from other mothers is a deeper love for their own children.

The real preference of mass murderers is that old standby, “Satan’s Little Helper,” also known as the baseball bat, which kills far more people than guns each year.

  I actually feel safer at night in South Central than I do in Sydney. I can remember when this quiet little town had a homicide once or twice a year with a gun and it was a big deal. In the twenty years since then it has truly gotten enriched and diversified. Sydney residents can thank gun control for the random cracks and pops they expect to hear at night nowadays. Another victory for the State. No sane person would want to raise children in Sydney, it’s an open sewer. When I arrived there two decades ago the main street looked like Heritage USA at Disneyworld. Nowadays it looks like a night time brothel strip in Thailand except with better street wiring.

Monsters and perverts never saw a child corpse they didn’t savour as a political tool.

One thing that all psychopaths have in common is a desire to limit the information available to everybody else.

This has always been a spiritual war. Places like Detroit are only the manifestation of the continual loss of ground to the enemy. This is a spiritual war and mankind is always losing.

“Lord, please do something about this grease stain between the Pacific and the Atlantic. It smells terrible and it looks like a Mardi Gras parade themed as a tribute to the Village People. If you could see your way clear to putting a little pressure on Yellowstone I think it would clean these problems up and bring us all a better tomorrow.  Thanks, Tex


It is not exaggeration to say that the majority of Kwanstainians do not meet the cut-off criteria to be regarded as human.

The majority of mankind wants to return to the warm straw and the trough of their safe stable.

I’ve been watching a documentary on public television while posting this about how wonderful it is that modern women are liberated from the tyranny of children, motherhood, husbands and families. Instead this documentary celebrates that they can have a series of meaningless sexual encounters randomly with cruel, shallow sociopathic men who feel nothing for them, see them only as a sexual toy, no other role for them in life outside of work and barren lonely neurotic angst until they kill themselves in their late 40’s from the sheer miserable horror of it all. Sick, diseased, unwholesome, lethal. The girls can’t get enough of it, they honestly believe they’ve got it better than their mothers ever did. The documentary is a kind of liquid insanity poured into the poor girl’s brains and they believe the idea, the gestalt is their own. It is not their own. It is what another desires that they think and so they do.


Once you accept that the same people who tell you what is acceptable for you to be thinking, speaking and voting for are the exact same people putting on pig masks and anally raping children at secret pedo parties, your world is going to fall to pieces. If you’re a sheeple, you just got served.

Without a properly developed amygdala you aren’t really human at all, you’re just a clever replicant going through the motions. Without an amygdala you can’t think so you’re going to resort to the consensus because it is literally all that you have.

There aren’t enough sane people left in the United States to elect even a quasi-sane candidate.

The best citizen is one raised without any males in the household. Men might complain about the government or even heaven forbid act in opposition to them but women and properly effeminized boys can be counted on to sit down, shut up and do as they are told.

It is obvious why Orwell’s ANIMAL FARM and 1984 were removed from the required reading lists.

Women think they can prevent conflict by ceding anything to newcomers because they cannot understand that it will lead to their own personal extermination.

These people have literally taken every single thing of value from the United States right under the noses of the citizens. They must be planning to ditch the country soon or why would they be so brazen? The Kwanstain is a hollow shell that has only a bunch of gullible citizens inside it with no industry, assets or future.

Kwans have grown up being told they are extra-special and all winners. The ugly truth is that a majority of them read and write at a 2nd or 3rd grade level at best. They are like big, fat children with no adulthood to look forward to.

Really dumb people never admit to what they don’t know. They can’t afford to.

The absolute sickness of having a “President” with no legal social security number is beyond the final decadence of the Roman Empire. It is mass insanity on a colossal scale.


Our Keepers Are Monsters From Hell

Savile had carte blanche to wade through hospitals of spinal patient teenagers molesting them at will, after hours and behind locked doors. He had keys to disabled girls bedrooms in hospitals, for God’s sake!!!

The reason they watched Savile’s back for him is because they are all pedophiles, every single one of them.

Wait, they can’t all be pedophiles. Thank god for Ronald Reagan and family values. Just words they use to lull you to sleep, rube.

Every good man who tried to report him met a wall of silence backed by power and authority. How much do you want to bet Savile was grooming the girls and passing them on once they were broken in? I guarantee you Savile was seeing which girls could have their spirits broken and turned over to other men in the BBC for even worse.

This is what your leaders think your daughters are good for, Englishmen. They are good for whores to satisfy the perverse desires of the sick bastards who run your country. They’ve been telling the police to drop the case going back to 1958 and probably much earlier. Notice the apologists always running defense for this guy even now. “Let’s look at the good things he did.” Why would we want to do that, as if anything he ever did was good? I see a trail of suicides of teenage girls he molested. Jimmy Savile was a monster, make no mistake about it. A beast shaped like a human. A demon from hell. Notice how in the picture at this link, Peter Sutcliffe the “Yorkshire Ripper” who killed 13 women and attempted to murder 7 others is treated like a celebrity and introduced to Frank Bruno for a handshake. He looks like he is staying at a Day Spa for pop stars. A subhuman murdering brute who slashed women. Jimmy really digs his new friend.

This guy was a “made man” in the system who could count on “special protection” from his crew throughout the hierarchy for his degeneracy.

You gave up your guns, Brits. Your dignity would never be far behind. You are not a citizen. You are owned now, like cattle or dogs. You are property and your children are there to serve their needs. Do not cry out to God. If you had kept the fifth commandment to honor your father and your mother then you would not have believed the government when they told you your ancestors got it all wrong about firearms and they knew what was best for you. God does not hear the prayers of the British because you rejected his wisdom and believed in your own.


The majority of all college graduates will never read a book again after “graduating.”

At the turn of the century in America you could walk into any pharmacy in the country and buy a watermelon-sized bag of heroin for 8 cents. The country had drug addicts but they never much hurt anyone but themselves with this wretched vice.

Cops in the Kwa are running wild. They are literally self-styled demigods with no limitations. The “War on Terrorists” has freed them up to behave like wild animals. They know no right, no wrong, no anything. There is only the savage satisfaction of inflicting pain on things. This is a 1000 year step backwards for civilization and it is justified by the “need to stop the terrorists.”

Our leaders are failed people. They are not only personal failures, they have failed everyone else around them who has put their trust in them. A good man would at least resign his position but that’s just another thing they fail to demonstrate any leadership in. If I were Julia Gillard or Barack Obama I would at least recognize that I stink at my job and it is time to hand the reins over to somebody else. If I were Mitt Romney I wouldn’t even bother to run at all.

If they leave a trail of bodies everywhere they go - hint, they are not the good guys.

This is becoming a very common type of genocide in the Kwanstain. Doctors tell parents it is time to get their child vaccinated. Their child is permanently crippled/killed/rendered brain dead. Authorities tell police it could not possibly have been the vaccine, parents are prosecuted for child abuse. Therefore, we could say doctors are so monstrous that first, they murder the children and then they murder the grieving parents or send them to prison for the rest of their lives. Life under Stalin in the Soviet Union was a picnic compared to this hellhole.


The mainstream media creates reality and then tells you that the real world is mere hearsay.

In Kwanstainia, The State Owns The Sky

Prison and fine for man who was capturing rainwater and snow melt on his property.

So soldiers fighting where Obama sends them is good but private citizens don’t need to have the right to defend themselves unless they are fighting in the wars he started. I could substitute any Marxist dictator in Africa with this guy and nobody would notice. You should remember that when he is hinting that James Holmes was a mentally unstable person who should not have had access to these weapons (I agree wholeheartedly) that Holmes purchased all his powerful military weapons with grant money given to him by Obama’s government. I wish was I was making this all up. Seriously. I am not imaginative enough to have invented this story, it is too incredible

Many of you are on the verge of discovering just what it was that the German people were so angry about in 1933.

Do you know when the little voice in your brain goes “Nobody is that monstrous. We are all pretty much the same. Nobody out there is so horribly disturbed they would organize this. That’s impossible.” Well, that’s your weakness, rube.

Females and leftists seem to be interchangeable for a reason - neither one of them has an amygdala functioning correctly.

Leftists are like that because their amygdalas are damaged/broken/absent. Not suppressed.

Animals that have their amygdalas burned out experimentally with surgery or chemicals act exactly like leftists.

The problem, as I see it, is the whites willing to do anything for power. Not the other races.

Politics draws in all the psychopaths in a country just like a fishing net.

The West has plummeted to the degree that somebody like Barack Obama starts to seem bright to the surviving dregs.

Open Discussion In The Stain Of Making War On The Citizens Themselves

Interesting stuff the U.S. Government works on nowadays - if they worked as hard at defending the country from threats outside it, we might not have had 9-11.

Using taxpayer funds to discuss how you will exterminate taxpayers. That’s why we call it Kwanstainia.

Notice how the Constitution and Posse Comitatus have gone out the window along with the rule of law.

A nation with an average IQ in double-digits cannot maintain the rule of law. Period.

This stuff has lost the ability to shock us. We are no longer surprised at anything these idiots do.

Guess who is running the United States. They control what stories are published and what stories are not published, making most of the mainstream media completely irrelevant for information. Most of them have never had real day jobs and only the most fleeting contact with the outside world.

In the last days of the Roman Empire, marriages were legally binding between men and boys, adults and children, men and goats, men and their horses or cattle, women and swans, women and trees. Legal rights were granted to the “spouses” that choked the Roman courts with cases where the man who got the goat who survived the death of his “husband” claimed to be entitled to that man’s inheritance. Women sued their swans for divorce. The Emperor Nero celebrated his honeymoon in front of the centurion guard by deflowe

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