
Medical journalists have served their readers poorly for decades, often grievously. I am sympathetic because they seldom write with any depth of perspective. They seek materials largely from those who promote the prevailing “disease-drug-device dogma.” Here is an astonishing example of such a journalistic misadventure.

The editorial in the January 2, 2015 issue of Science was entitled “Cancer Due to Bad Luck.” The subheading delivered the devastating news in the following words: “Analysis Suggests Most Cases Can’t Be Prevented.” How could any journalist believe that toxicities of food, environments, and stress could not cause cancer? Why didn’t any journalist recognize that Science’s subheading made no sense whatsoever?

The ill-considered and misleading Science editorial was based on the claim of some researchers from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore who reported that in about two-thirds (22 of the 31) of cancer tissue types the cancer could be largely explained by the bad luck of random mutations that arise during DNA replication in normal noncancerous stem cells.

Much damage was done by journalists untrained in the ways of science or even commonsense. They spread Science’s “cancer unpreventability gospel” widely before Science recognized its grievous error and issues an explanation.

Consider this quote from a Medscape Medical News of January 15, 2015: “But the data do not support either of these ideas, noted George Davey-Smith, MD, a clinical epidemiologist at Bristol University, United Kingdom, in a BBC News report. He also noted that “in the press release [from the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine], the authors say they’ve come up with a method to quantify the contribution of these stochastic or chance factors, which their method doesn’t,” he adds.”

How did the Science editor have made such an egregious error? I leave that to your imagination.

Majid Ali, M.D.

For elimination or control of cancer, we must clearly understand seven aspects of this problem:

(1) Cancer is an oxidative-metabolic problem;

This is the making of energy. The oxidative metabolism is the process in which the body breaks down molecules into energy, adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Then uses that energy to build the molecules of our body parts. This is refered to as anabolism.

Aerobic cellular respiration, energy making with the use of oxygen, is the most efficient form of ATP production.

Oxidative metabolism is the process in which the body breaks down molecules into energy, adenosine triphosphate (ATP).

Then uses that energy to build the molecules of our body parts. This is refered to as anabolism.

Aerobic cellular respiration, energy making with the use of oxygen, is the most efficient form of ATP production.

(2) The rational approach to cancer must consider all aspects of accelerated oxidative injury;

Oxidative stress plays a major role in the pathophysiology of chronic inflammatory disease (accelerated oxidative injury) and it has also been linked to accelerated telomere shortening (pre-mature aging)

(3) Oxidative-metabolic disorders almost always begin in the bowel ecosystem;

(4) Surgery in some cases offers a good possibility of total removal of the lesion, but chemotherapy badly damages our antioxidant and enzyme defenses, and except for cancer in children and a few other types of tumors, should be avoided;

(5) There are many safe therapies that slowly kill cancer cells while strengthening human antioxidant and enzyme defenses;

(6) Restoration of the battered bowel-blood-liver ecosystems must be considered the top priority in designing any program for controlling or eliminating cancer; and

(7) The issues of prayer, meditation and spiritual surrender are not only necessary but are the core issues for life with or without cancer.

Cancer is a complex subject and I suggest the reader consider my two-volume book entitled “Oxygen, The Crab, and Cancer” for detailed information concerning items presented in this tutorial.


Cancer book Volume 1- BUY NOW $9.95

Cancer book Volume 2- Describes many natural techniques to support the body’s immune system in cancer in a realistic fashion. BUY NOW $9.95

The Core Message For the Patient With Cancer

Before describing nondrug therapies for controlling cancer, I wish to state the two core messages of this article clearly: For coping with stresses associated with the diagnosis and treatment of cancer, here are two essentials:

First: Spiritual Surrender!

Second: Bowel! Bowel! Bowel!

(1) Cancer is an oxidative-metabolic disorder, and all immune disorders arise in the bowel;

(2) Cancer is considered an immune disorder and all inflammatory disorders begin in the bowel;

(3) Mold allergy and food sensitivities cause troublesome reactions for persons with cancer, and such reactions start in the bowel;

(4) Microbial toxins poison antioxidant and immune defenses, and all such defenses are primarily located in the bowel;

(5) Low levels of certain enzymes (catalysts) set the stage for asthma attacks, and levels of such enzymes fall because of elements in the bowel;

(6) Chemicals trigger reactions that can weaken antioxidant and enzyme defenses, and the bowel is the guardian angel of the liver;

(7) Cancer often appears after severe stress, and many such stresses are related to immune responses rooted in the bowel. The author refers advanced and professional readers to his two recent papers published in The Journal of Integrative Medicine which discusses at length the scientific basis of all of the above statements.

Spiritual Surrender

My emphasis on spiritual work is also likely to irk some. But I do not rank the spirituality so high in my priorities for asthma because it has become fashionable to do so. I have been a student of medicine for 50 years. My work with the sick has convinced him that constant thinking about one’s disease comes in the way of healing. The popular notion of mind-over-body healing does not work. An energy-over-mind approach does work. If that be so, why put the bowel ecology above spiritual surrender? That’s a valid question. Indeed, spiritual work does become #1 item once all the issues of the battered bowel ecosystem have been addressed.

Need for Supervision by An Experienced Clinician

At present persons with cancer in the United States face a difficult problem. The insurance industry under influence of drug manufacturers stubbornly refuses to consider all the facts in an unprejudiced way. Ignorant of the possibility of control and/or elimination of cancer with nondrug therapies, they flatly refuse to honor their legal commitment to their policy holders who suffer cancer. Thus, regrettably many persons with cancer are forced to try nondrug therapies on their own. Whenever possible, persons with cancer should seek advice from clinicians experienced in cancer care.

Immune Aspects of Cancer

Both cancer and mold allergy are common disorders. Thus, many persons with cancer also suffer from mold allergy and food sensitivities. There are two important considerations here:

First, therapy with mold extracts (immunotherapy) offers a possibility of strengthening the immune system, just like tuberculosis vaccine is used for bladder for cancer.

Second, diagnosis and management of mold and food sensitivities help significantly reduce the total oxidative stress on the person. As noted early, cancer is an oxidative-metabolic disorder, and all therapies that reduce total oxidative and acidic stresses are valuable in the fight against cancer.

Mold Toxins Inctrease the Risk of Cancer from Majid Ali on Vimeo.

Does Allergy Increase the Risk of Cancer from Majid Ali on Vimeo.

How Does Sugar Feed Cancer Majid Ali MD from Majid Ali on Vimeo.

Accuracy In Diagnosis

Some practitioners of alternative medicine take the position that doing a diagnostic biopsy of the tumor spreads cancer, and hence it should be avoided. The author thinks that is a serious mistake in most cases. It is necessary to know the type and spread of the tumor for designing a good program for cancer control.

Efficacy of Nondrug, Integrated Therapies for Cancer

In a 1991 outcome study of asthma presented at the 26th Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, the author reported control of asthma without drugs in 77% patients after more than six months of treatment.

Nonchemo Management of Cancer

I individualize care for persons with cancer with focus on the following:

(1) diagnosis and treatment of mold and food sensitivity

(2) optimal choices in the kitchen, avoiding sugar-insulin-adrenaline roller coasters

(3) optimal hydration

(4) cancer-smart nutrients (see below for details)

(5) cancer-smart herbs

(6) enzymes therapies, including fresh vegetable juices* and supplemental enzymes

(7) support for the battered bowel ecology

(8) support for the blood ecosystem with therapies for cleansing blood of microclots and microplaques, such as EDTA chelation, and IV hydrogen peroxide and ozone.

(9) improvement in liver detox with nutrients, such as glutathione, N-acetylcysteine, MSM, and lipoic acid, and use of herbs such as milk thistle, schizandra, and turmeric

(10) and judicious use of liver and gall bladder flush (under professional supervision)

(11) diagnosis and treatment of the troubled trio of thyroid-adrenal-pancreas (which can frequently be diagnosed with proper laboratory tests)

(12) limbic exercise (prayerful and non-goal-oriented)

(13) stress control with prayer, meditation, and spiritual surrender discussed in What Do Lions Know About Stress?

* Suggestions for Vegetable Combinations for Juicing

Ginger, cucumber, spinach, and red beets

Ginger, Chinese cabbage, peas, and turnips

String beans, asparagus, parsley, and celery

Red beets, daikon, Brussels sprouts, and collard

Carrots, broccoli, green tops of carrots, and turnips

Squashes (buttercup, zucchini, yellow summer),

Dandelion, lamb’s quarters, wild burdock, and other weeds such as thistle

Peroxide for Cancer Majid Ali MD from Majid Ali on Vimeo.

Castor Oil Rubs for Preventing Breast Cancer from Majid Ali on Vimeo.

Chelation for Cancer Majid Ali MD from Majid Ali on Vimeo.

Walking Limbically from Majid Ali on Vimeo.

Cancer-Smart Nutrients

The big seven among nutrients are: magnesium, glutathione, vitamin B12, protein and peptide protocols, panetheine, essential oils, and taurine. The following guidelines are often used by the Institute physicians:

(1) antioxidant vitamins, including vitamins A and beta carotene (together 10,000 IU), vitamin C (1,000 to 3,000 mg), vitamin E (400 to 600 IU), pantetheine (150-250 mg), and some members of B complex (25 to 50 mg each)

(2) sulfur-containing antioxidants, including glutathione (500 to 1,000 mg), NAC [N-acetylcysteine] (500 to 800 mg), MSM 500 to 1,000 mg), and lipoic acid (200 to 500 mg)

(3) minerals, including magnesium (1,500-2,500 mg), potassium (200-500 mg), chromium (400-600 mcg) selenium (400-600) mcg, molybdenum (400-600 mcg), and calcium (1,000 to 1,500 mg)

(4) essential oils, including cold-pressed extra virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, pumpkin oils, and sesame oil

(5) protein and peptide protocols containing 80-90% amino acids

Cancer-Smart Foods and Herbs

The big seven herbs for cancer are: uncooked ginger (one-half inch long piece of chopped root eaten with food or taken with water), licorice, wild cheery, hawthorne berry, fennel seeds, blood root, and ephedra. Others of value include sundew, grindelia and mouse ear. Herbs such as lobelia, valerian, skullcap and St. John’s wort are also valuable.

Intramuscular and IV Nutrient Support for Persons With Cancer

Judicious use of intramuscular injections and intravenous infusions of nutrients, in the author’s experience, are extremely valuable in managing difficult cases of asthma, and in avoiding the use of steroids or other immune-suppressing drugs. The seven nutrients mentioned earlier are especially valuable when given by injections.

Restoration of the Battered Bowel Ecosystems

When properly searched, clear evidence of damage to the bowel ecosystem can be almost always recognized in persons suffering from asthma. The author recommends a seed-feed and occasionally weed approach to restore the bowel ecology described in detail The Canary and Chronic Fatigue. The author and his colleagues often prescribe on intermittent basis antifungal drugs, such as Nystatin, Diflucan, Sporonox and others. However, good long-term results can be assured only with natural remedies.

Two Things to Avoid: Antibiotics and Steroids

Antibiotics and steroids are sometimes essential during treatment of cancer. However, both classes of drugs disrupt oxygen homeostasis by many mechanisms. Every effort should be made to use nondrug restorative therapies before resorting to steroids and antibiotic therapies.

Please support the staff of this website keep the articles posting and categorized by considering these books and  long-playing extended videos at $9.95 each.

Cancer Videos Introduction

● Cancer Seminar 1 – The First Encounter
In this 40-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. addresses the crucial issues of coping with the initial stress of cancer diagnosis, second opinion on pathology diagnosis, finding the right professionals for advice, learning about the treatment options, and making the right choice of doctors as well as the optimal treatment plan.
● Cancer Seminar 2 – The Oxygen Model of Cancer
In this 40-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. presents his Oxygen Model of Cancer and describes its crucial clinical significance.  The core of this model is that a cancer cell is a fermenting cell. The Oxygen Model of Cancer is an extension of his Oxygen Model of Health and Disease.
● Cancer Seminar 3 – Should You Have Surgery for Cancer?
In this 40-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. discusses when it is a grave mistake to unduly delay surgery for the early removal of cancer mass and when surgery is not an acceptable approach. He tsrongly recommends not only consulting an experienced surgeon but also to consult a senior and experienced pathologist for making an informed intelligent decision.
● Cancer Seminar 4 – Radiotherapy for Cancer
In this 50-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. discusses when it is a grave mistake to refuse radiotherapy for treating cancer and when radiotherapy is not an acceptable approach. He strongly recommends not only consultation with an experienced radiotherapy specialist but also with an experienced pathologist for making an informed intelligent decision.
● Cancer Seminar 5 – Chemotherapy – Should You Take It?
In this 45-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. offers valuable information to assist people to make informed decision of whether or not to take chemotherapy for cancer. He explains the crucial difference between overall survival (OS) and the falsely claimed benefits of “progression-free survival (PFS) without any true survival benefits of toxic chemotherapy.
● Cancer Seminar 6 – Oxygen Protocol for Treating Cancer
In this 30-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. outlines his Oxygen Model of Treating Cancer. He considers it essential for all patients being treated with surgery, radiotherapy, or chemotherapy. Oxygen therapies integrated in this Protocol are mandatory for restoring and strengthening oxygen’s cancer-fighting roles, including boosting the immune system.
● Cancer Seminar 7 – Foods for Controlling and Killing Cancer

In this 40-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. describes the principles of sound nutrition for creating metabolic conditions that strength the body’s oxygen-regulated cancer-killing mechanisms. He explains why some food are good and others not so. His dietary guidelines are easy to follow. He illustrates his main points with specific examples of desirable food choices and offers a simplied and highly nutritious anti-cancer diet plan.
● Cancer Seminar 8 – Cancer Killing Spices

In this 40-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. informs about his preferred spices to be included in his integrative plans for treating cancer, including turmeric, ginger, garlic, cumin, coriander, cinnamon, and cardimum. He explains their anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, acid-fighting, clot-preventing, and other benefits. Specifically, he explains how spice therapies should be rotated to maximize their cancer-fighting roles.

● Living With and Beyond Cancer

In these 40-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. presents a subject which he considers to be of central importance after the diagnosis and initial treatment of cancer. He introduced the phrase “Living With and Beyond Cancer” for a way of living with cancer as fully and functionally as possible with equanimity. It is to accept fear, anxiety, and life-limitations , until one reaches a state in which these are not issues most of the time. One does not take this journey without many missteps and faltering. This life of learning, understanding, and knowing is usually difficult in the beginning and becomes easier with continued spiritual growth and enlightenment. Cancer diagnosis is expected to unleashes panic, which leads to two paths: a path of continued panic and a path of Living With and Beyond Cancer.
● Cancer CLL Leukemia

In this 40-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. discusses the causes, clinical features, types, and biologic course of CLL (chronic lymphocytic leukemia) and its variants called SLL and PLL). He addresses the important question of when not to do chemotherapy and when to consider it.. He describes his unifying Oxygen Model of Cancer, and offers guidelines for simple, safe, and effective natural therapies for boosting the immune system for controlling CLL, SLL, and PLL.

● Cancer- Fermentation-Inflammation Connections Seminar

In this 40-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. brings together the basic scientific facts of metabolism of cancer, fermentation, and inflammation. He explains his reasons why in the context of cancer, the word inflammation should be replaced with fermentation. Rather than inform, the term inflammation creates layers of darkness. By contrast, the term fermentation clearly indicates lack of funtional oxygen and rapid buildup of acids, alcohols, and toxic byproducts of interrupted metabolism of sugars, fats, and proteins to release ATP energy. This knowledge provides the scientific basis of intelligent and effective natural therapies to be employed alone or with surgery, and when necessary chemo and radiotherapy.
● Cancer – False Cancer, Unnecessary Surgery and Chemotherapy Seminar

In this 40-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. addresses the crucial subject of when something is considered to be cancer but in reality is not. He cites specific examples from his four decades of experience as a surgeon, pathologist, and integrative physcian to illustrate his main points. He underscores the importance of second pathology opinion and opinions from integrative physicians. A July 2013 report in the Journal of American Medicine fully validates his observations and thinking.
● Cancer Pain Control Seminar

In this 35-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali discusses seven core aspects of cancer pain: (1) control of cancer pain is self-compassion for the patient; (2) control of cancer pain is physician’s compassion for the patient; (3) a cancer cell is a fermenting, oxygen-shunning cell; (4) every pain is some cells’ cries for oxygen; (5) stress and dehydration worsen cancer pain, as they do all other types of cancer; (6) natural oxystatic and anti-inflammatory remedies must be considered as the primary approach to the problem; and (7) the use of pain killers should not be opposed if natural therapies do not give effective pain control.
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About this item:

Chapters in theses works include:

1. Restoring Bowel Health

2. Restoring Liver Health

3. Restoring Blood Health

4. Alkalizing therapies

5. Enzyme therapies

6. Oxygen therapies

7. Limbic breathing

8. Sleep

9. Spice Medicine and much more

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