
Oxygen, Ozone, & Hydrogen Peroxide

By Majid Ali, M.D.

My clinical experience has led him to conclude that oxygen based antioxidant therapies such as nasal oxygen and intravenous ozone mixed with hydrogen peroxide are among the most beneficial therapies for reversing the many chronic problems and illness.

Since oxygen, ozone and hydrogen peroxide act as oxidants in a laboratory setting, therapies employing those agents are generally deemed oxidative therapies. Until recently, I accepted that view uncritically. However, it is clear from studies presented in this article that this is a gross error. In reality, such therapies in the context of the ORPEC state are powerful oxygenative and antioxidant therapies. The reason for that widespread misconception is the failure to clearly understand the complex biologic consequences of adding oxygen, ozone, and hydrogen peroxide to severely impaired enzymatic and cellular ecosystems in patients with accelerated oxidative injury.

A Burst of Thunderstorm, A Burst of Oxidants

An analogy of a burst of thunderstorm may be used to explain the possible mechanism action of ozone. The still air in a city on a hot, humid summer afternoon is thick with stagnant smog. The traffic on city streets is snarled. Tree leaves are dry and limp. Many persons are distressed by air pollution. Suddenly, dark clouds loom large and bring a heavy thunderstorm. Strong winds push out the polluted air. Tree leaves are bombarded by heavy rains. The healthy and robust leaves of trees withstand the storm well, while older and weakened leaves are severely damaged. Many withering leaves on tree brances are blown away. After the thunderstorm subsides, the air is clean and crisp. The trees looked washed, their leaves fresh and shiny. Bursts of intravenously injected ozone and hydrogen peroxide affect the blood elements the same way. The membranes of healthy erythrocytes withstand the oxidative stress of ozone and hydrogen peroxide well, recovering their normal morphology after initial membrane deformities. The senescent cells, by contrast, shrink and undergo lysis.

Below, some theoretical, clinical and experimental considerations are presented that shed light on the apparent paradox of agents that are oxidizing in their essential roles, and yet provide the basis for oxygenative antioxidant therapies.

Intermittent Nasal Oxygen

The oxygenative role of nasal oxygen is self-evident. Oxygen is also a powerful oxidizer, as discussed earlier in the section devoted to spontaneity of oxidation in nature. The ORPEC hypothesis provides a clear scientific basis for oxygen’s ability to also serve the opposing antioxidant role. As discussed earlier, anoxia increases oxidative stress directly by facilitating the generation of toxic reactive species as well as indirectly by causing acidosis.

In this author’s clinical experience, the use of intermittent nasal administration of oxygen (2.5 to 3.5 L/min given for periods of one hour two or three times a day) benefits most patients in the ORPEC state. It is also the opinion of the author that oxygen therapy is very underutilized in the care of patients in the ORPEC state, such as those with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue state, severe autoimmune disorders, and spreading malignant tumors. Oxygen is readily and inexpensively available to all patients. Also available are inexpensive portable rental units that may be used in travel as well.

When used intermittently and in moderate doses as described here, this therapy has been found to be completely free of adverse effects. The author also has limited experience with oxygen therapy in patients with severe pulmonary emphysema and pulmonary interstitial fibrosis. Evidently, the use of oxygen in such patients must be monitored closely so that oxygen therapy does not cause further deterioration in the function of central sensors for oxygen and carbon dioxide.

Intravenous Ozone Therapy

Ozone is triatomic oxygen with a high electrovoltaic potential. Ozone gas infused intravenously at the Institute consists of a gaseous mixture with oxygen containing a very low concentration of ozone. It is prepared by passing pure oxygen through a high voltage field. The concentration of ozone generated depends on the rate of flow of oxygen as well as on the conditions of voltage and spacing of electrodes. The gaseous mixture used in our clinical practice is titrated to contain from 0.3 to 2.5% (30 to 50 ug O3/ml O2). Thus, intravenously administered “ozone” in reality represents 97 to 99.7% of pure oxygen.

Practitioners who have never administered ozone gas mixture intravenously often express concern about the possibility of air embolism caused by gas infusion. Such concern is totally unwarranted. Pure oxygen and ozone diffuse immediately into the blood and do not persist as gases. The author has tested for that on numerous occasions by injecting 2 ml of the ozone mixture into a large vein, then immediately drawing the blood back. Except on uncommon occasions, the blood drawn back from the vein is pink (ozone turns dark venous blood into pink blood) and free of any gas bubbles. One can safely presume that the process of dissolution of the gas mixture would be complete by the time it reaches the large veins in the thorax.

Another concern expressed by those unfamiliar with the clinical uses of ozone mixture is the toxicity of ozone as discussed by environmentalists. It must be recognized that those individuals are perturbed by the products of reaction of ozone with other ecopollutants such as oxides of nitrogen. Ozone is a highly reactive molecule. Indeed, ozone owes its many antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal properties to this aspect of this specific aspect.

Microscopic Evidence for the Antioxidant Role of Intravenous Ozone Therapy

In the concentration used our in clinical practice, ozone causes temporary and reversible erythrocyte membrane damage as evidenced by clumping and red cell membrane deformity. The evidence for the oxidative nature of such erythrocyte membrane deformities has been previously demonstrated by the reversibility of such changes with antioxidants such as ascorbic acid, tocopherol, and taurine.56,57

How may the observed overall invivo antioxidant effects of ozone, a powerful invitro oxidant, be explained? Ozone has well established effects of improving tissue perfusion and cellular oxygenation.67 Just as the duality of oxygen allows it to be a molecular Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, reactive oxidant species also play dual roles. Not only do they inflict oxidative damage to enzymes, induce mutations, and damage cell membranes, they also serve many useful functions such as modulation of cellular redox dynamics, activation of gene transcription, signal transduction, and apoptosis.93-95 It seems that ozone evokes an upregulatory response from cell membrane-associated antioxidant enzyme systems just as all oxidants do from all biologic antioxidant systems. Though, direct quantitative data for those effects are not yet forthcoming. One may also, with good reason, speculate that ozone elicits similar responses from other matrix- and cell organelle-related antioxidant systems. There is yet an other important mechanism by which ozone protects patients with chronic illnesses from accelerated oxidative stress. Viruses, bacteria, fungi, PLFs and parasite inflict cellular injury by causing oxidative stress. Ozone also is a well established antiviral, antibacterial, and antifungal agent.58-63. Ozone through its powerful antimicrobial effects reduces the overall oxidative stress on persons with chronic viral, bacterial, fungal and PLF overgrowth syndromes. Thus, the ORPEC hypothesis carries strong explanatory power for the empirically observed biologic antioxidant effects of ozone.

Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy for the ORPEC State

The biologic antioxidant effects of hydrogen peroxide, a potent oxidizer like ozone, are mediated by all the mechanisms cited for ozone in the preceding section. The clinical benefits of hydrogen peroxide infusions observed at the Institute in patients with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome are the subject of a separate report.72

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In this DVD video seminar, Prof. Ali describes his guidelines for gentle daily bowel detox and colon cleanse. He explains the advantages of this approach over intense one-week to 3-week programs which, notwithstanding their temporary benefits, often create adverse effects programs bowel.

Colon Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis Seminar One
In this 35-minute part 1 of his Crohns Colitis Seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. discusses the causes, signs and symptoms, pathology, clinical course, and consequences of colon diverticulosis and diverticulosis. He focuses on the issues of stress, unhealthy foods, colon fermentation, and bacterial infections.

Colon Diverticulosis and Diverticulitis Seminar Two

In this 35-minute part 2 of his Crohns Colitis Seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. continues with his discussion of his evolutionary perspective of colon diverticulosis and diverticulosis. He focuses on the issues of stress, unhealthy foods, colon fermentation, and bacterial infections. He describes nondrug management plans for prevention of attacks of diverticulitis.


In this 40-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. discusses the causes, clinical features, and natural remedies for constipation. He presents his holistic, integrative, and ecologic view of the physiology and pathology of the alimentary tract and the bowel transit time. His recommended natural remedies are simple and low-cost. He offers other video seminars giving detailed information on the subjects covered.

Crohns Colitis Seminar One

In this 35-minute Seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. discusses the causes, signs and symptoms, clinical course, and consequences of Crohns Colitis. He focuses on the issues of mold and food allergy, inflammatory factors, environmental pollutants that cause chronic inflammation in various segments of the alimentary tract, as well as organs, such as skin, eyes, and joints.

Crohns Colitis Seminar Two

In this 35-minute part 2 of his Crohns Colitis Seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. continues his discussion of pathology of Crohns Colitis. He describes his integrative plan for addressing issues of mold allergy, food allergy, inflammation, leaky gut state, and abnormal immune responses for healing the bowel and preventing recurrences.

H. Pylori

In this 40-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. describes and explains serious errors of the so-called H. Pylori infections and ulcers. He informs that H. Pylori microbe is part of the normal stomach flora and its presence must not be accepted as an indication of antibiotic therapy. Indeed, children without this microbe as a part of the stomach flora have much incidence of asthma, eczema, and other immune disorders than children who do have this microbe. Prof. Describes his unifying Oxygen Model of Gastritis and GERD and looks at the disease in a broad evolutionary perspective. This model is the basis of his rational and scientifically sound plan to control and reverse lupus with simple, safe, and effective natural therapies.

Spastic Colon
In this 40-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. describes signs and symptoms of spastic colon and irritable bowel syndrome. He explains how neglected food allergy and mold allergy, and the problems caused by sugar and antibiotic abuse disrupt colon ecology and irritate the bowel. The irritated bowel literally becomes “spastic.”  He cautions against the use of drugs without addressing these factors. Then explains his guidelines of controlling gut fermentation and leaky gut state,and for restoring the bowel health.

Stomach Fermentation, Gastritis, GERD, and Gastric Ulcer Seminar

In this 40-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali explains how fermentation occurs in the stomach and sets the stage for the development of gastritis, GERD, and stomach ulcers. Chronic inflammatory and immune disorders involving the colon, small intestine, stomach, esophagus, and the oral cavity are the consequences of fermentation.

Ulcerative Colitis Seminar One

Professor Majid Ali, M.D. discusses the causes, signs and symptoms, pathology, clinical course, and consequences of ulcerative colitis. He presents his evolutionary, microscopic, and clinical perspective on this chronic inflammatory disorders. He focuses on the issues of mold and food allergy, gut fermentation, stress, unhealthy foods, colon fermentation, stomach fermentation, and bacterial infections. In Part Two of this seminar, he describes his nondrug treatment approaches to effectively address all aspects of ulcerative colititis.

Ulcerative Colitis Seminar Two

In this 35-minute part 2 of his Crohns Colitis Seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. discusses the causes, signs and symptoms, pathology, clinical course, and consequences of ulcerative colitis. He presents his evolutionary, microscopic, and clinical perspective on this chronic inflammatory disorders. He focuses on the issues of mold and food allergy, gut fermentation, stress, unhealthy foods, colon fermentation, stomach fermentation, and bacterial infections. In Part Two of this seminar, he describes his nondrug treatment approaches to effectively address all aspects of ulcerative colititis.

See Yeast and Fermentation problems in the gut

Healing Seminar 9 – Oxygen Model of Health and Disease

Professor Majid Ali presents his Oxygen Mode of Health and Disease and Oxygen Model of  Disease. He speaks about his journey of a surgeon-turned-pathologist-turned-immunologist-turned-nutritionist-turned-ecologist-turned-“energy physician.” His unifying oxygen models are based on his evolutionary perspective of health, disease, and healing.

● Healing Seminar 10 – Acid-Alkali Balance

Professor Majid Ali explains the importance of acid-alkali balance in health preservation and the reversal of chronic disease. In his evolutionary perspective, he recognizes oxygen as the ultimate regulator of this balance. He cautions against too much reliance on the values of pH (acidity indicator) in blood, urine, and saliva samples, since these samples reflect the body’s responses to threats to the balance.
● Healing Seminar 11 – Oxidant – Antioxidant Regulation

Professor Majid Ali presents the scientific facts of oxidant-antioxidant regulation, beginning with definitions of terms and simple explanation of natural processes called oxidation (loss of electron energy) and reduction (gain of electron energy) with simple analogies. Next he shows how oxygen regulates oxidant-oxidates reactions and why oxidant therapies are more important than antioxidant therapies.
● Healing Literacy

In this 50-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. presents the anatomy, physiology, and an evolutionary view of the pathology of cell membranes. Specifically, he focuses on the structures and functions of cell membrane receptor proteins, hormone receptors, and cell communication molecules. He then presents his “The grease and Detergent Model of Health and Disease.
● Endo Literacy Seminar Part 2

In this video seminar, Professor Majid Ali focuses on the crucial importance of understanding the anatomy, physiology, and pathology of endo cells (short for endothelium cells) that line the interior of vascular and lymmphatic channels in the body. He explains how no chronic disease can be understood or treated with natural therapies without a clear understanding endos.
● Cell Membrane Literacy – Course on Healing Intermediate Part 3

In this 50-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. presents the anatomy, physiology, and an evolutionary view of the pathology of cell membranes. Specifically, he focuses on the structures and functions of cell membrane receptor proteins, hormone receptors, and cell communication molecules. He then presents his “The grease and Detergent Model of Health and Disease.
● Matrix Literacy Part 4

In this 30-minute video seminar, Professor Majid Ali, M.D. informs us that in 1958 in medical school, he was taught to consider the matrix as the “cement” that holds the “bricks” of cells. He explains why he considers this analogy misleading. In reality, the matrix regulates most cellular functions. In his “Oxygen’s 3 M Model of Health and Disease, M1 refers to mito (mitochondria), the second M to membrane of cells, and the third M to the matrix. At the structural level, this models offers the foundational knowledge of cellular health and disease


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Reference from the complete article in The Journal of Integrative Medicine 1998;2:4-55


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