
Welcome back to Advanced CMMS Metrics. In this performance series, we’re looking at those advanced Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) that we can use to optimize and improve your maintenance operations. In particular, we’ll discuss what the principal maintenance KPIs are, what they mean and how they can be calculated using Maintenance Assistant CMMS. KPIs will also help you determine if you are a best in class maintenance organization or not. In this fifth blog in the series, we will be taking a look at planned maintenance percentage.


There are two maintenance types – planned maintenance and unplanned maintenance. You can plan to service a system, inspect for wear, or plan to let a light bulb fail before you replace it. Either way, you consciously plan the maintenance. On the other hand, unplanned maintenance occurs when you least expect it. This is commonly called breakdown or emergency maintenance. Unplanned, breakdown maintenance costs 3-9 times more than planned maintenance due to overtime, rushed parts, service call outs, scrapped production etc. So, in general, we want to plan all non-emergency work where possible.

The easiest way to see the difference is to use your car as an example. You plan to change the oil at regular use-based intervals be that time or meter based; you plan to let the light bulbs run to fail; you inspect the condition of the tires and replace when they have warn down below safe levels; you respond to the warning lights on the dashboard and take the car to the dealer. It’s all planned maintenance. On the other hand, when you smell smoke coming from your engine and pull over to the side of the road, you’ll need some unplanned breakdown maintenance to get the vehicle running again.

Definition of Planned Maintenance Percentage

Planned, predictive and preventive maintenance are organized, documented and scheduled to be addressed before the breakdown occurs. The process of planning the maintenance makes the tasks more efficient and eliminates the effect of maintenance on the operations of the facility. Planned maintenance percentage is the total amount of planned maintenance hours, documented and scheduled in advance, divided by the total maintenance hours in the same period.

Best in Class Maintenance

Organizations with best in class maintenance will spend 85% or more of their time performing planned maintenance. We can get more granular and break the 85% figure up further into planned maintenance types. The top performing organizations will do about 30% usage based, 50% condition based and the remaining planned run to failure. That leaves <15% of available time to perform that unplanned breakdown maintenance. Where does your organization stand on the scale? How do the costs of doing that planned maintenance relate to overall maintenance costs?

How do you measure planned maintenance % in Maintenance Assistant?

You can measure planned maintenance percentage in maintenance assistant using the planned maintenance percentage report located in the business intelligence section. The report will show you how many of your maintenance hours stemmed from planned scheduled maintenance.

This report assumes all planned work emanates from a scheduled maintenance record. The report sums the hours spent on scheduled maintenance as percentage of all maintenance hours. If you manually create work orders for planned maintenance, you can still extract the data from the CMMS using the closed work order excel dump report. Lets say you create a work order maintenance type for planned work. Run the closed work report and filter by that maintenance type + preventive maintenance and sum the hours. Repeat for all maintenance types and compare. Alternatively, use the SUMIF function to calculate the planned maintenance hours.

Keep an eye out for our new report writer due out Q4 2014. It will give you the ability to create your own planned maintenance percentage reports with your own conditions, parameters and specifics.

Benefits of performing planned maintenance

Whatever your organization type or size, planning and scheduling maintenance should be the underpinning of any effective maintenance program. Planning reduced emergency downtime, which in turn reduces any maintenance related costs such as overtime and emergency parts. The benefits of planning include:

Reduction in costs – unplanned maintenance costs 3-9 times more than planned so it makes sense to plan maintenance where possible.

Easy to control maintenance budgets – As the work is planned, we can predict the costs in advance and level them out throughout the year.

Efficient use of resources – work schedules can be planned and optimized in advance

Lower Energy costs – properly maintained equipment uses less energy.

Reduced production scrap – planned maintenance can be written into the production schedule and performed when the equipment is dry.

High staff morale – Constantly firefighting emergency repairs increases stress levels and lowers morale, whereas planning maintenance gives technicians time to properly prepare their work in advance, lowering stress levels and improving morale.

Check out the previous articles in the series:

Blog 1 - Mean Time to Repair

Blog 2 - Mean Time to Fail

Blog 3 - Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Blog 4 - PM Compliance

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