
Link to listen direct: http://www.unity.fm/episode/MainStreetVegan_092116

Top-of-the-hour guest: Nafsika Antypas, wonder-working Renaissance woman and host of the first ever vegan lifestyle show on national television, Plant-based by Nafsika, airing all across America every Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m. on A&E’s FYI channel.

Website: http://plantbasedbynafsika.com

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Plant.Based.by.Nafsika/?fref=ts

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NafsikaAntypas

Some of Nafsika’s other projects:

People Against Violence: http://peopleagainstviolence.com – People Against Violence Org. is a  non-profit organization with offices in Canada and the U.S. that was founded in 2014 to prevent violence and assist victims worldwide. They offer free services to those who sign up as members, including self-defense classes, counseling, and alternative accommodations.

The uAlert mobile app: http://peopleagainstviolence.com/#sthash.347gL0Lu.dpuf — A major component of People Against Violence is their Protection Program, which includes the very helpful uAlert mobile app, a unique way to facilitate emergency response to victims of violence.

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Mid-show banter: One more reminder about voting in the Peta’s Sexiest Vegan Over 50 competition (I’m a contestant — voting ends on Friday, September 23, 2016 — thanks for your support and participation) . . . Encouragement to visit the post, “Back to School Lunch Ideas,” by teacher, mom, and Vegan Lifestyle Coach & Educator, Susan M. Landaira . . . The recommendation to take a look at a new Huffington Post piece by Joel Kahn, MD, “Saturated Fat Remains the Major Issue for Heart Disease” . . . And a sobering but empowering invitation to join with animal advocates around the world to stand in solidarity with farmed animals by fasting on Sunday, October 2, World Day for Farmed Animals. This massive effort is the brainchild of Farm Animal Rights Movement, celebrating its 40th anniversary next month. Animals are not given food or water en route to slaughter, with an average travel time of twelve hours. In joining together to abstain from food (but not water) for one day, we are participating in the great history of nonviolent movements that went before. Fasting is a strong statement politically, and it also a powerful stand to take spiritually. Here’s the Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/events/1207346895973873/?active_tab=posts, and here’s the website: http://dayforanimals.org/unite. #FastAgainstSlaughter

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Featured guest: Matt Ruscigno, MPH, RD, the smart and personable dietitian and athlete who coauthored No Meat Athlete and is a 3-time solo finished in the Furnace Creek 508: a 500-mile non-stop bike race across Death Valley. Matt is an ethical vegan whose career is devoted to encouraging plant-based eating and supporting vegan athletes and civilians, although he cautions against overpromising the health benefits, and we discuss this — and quite a bit else — on the program.

Website: http://www.truelovehealth.com

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/truelovehealth

Twitter: https://twitter.com/MattRuscigno

And Strongest Hearts, his new, professionally produced YouTube channel dedicated to mini-documentaries featuring fascinating vegan athletes: http://www.YouTube.com/strongesthearts

Blast from the past! More healthy vegan athletes: marathoner Brendan Brazier, Matt Ruscigno’s No Meat Athlete co-author Matt Frazier, and octogenarian actor, singer, and sometimes skateboarder Joel Brody: http://www.unity.fm/episode/MainStreetVegan_120314

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