Today I have something really special to share with you guys, although it's going to be a little bit more interesting for my Slovenian readers...I believe in life it's all about growing and moving forward, stepping out of our comfort zones and trying something new. I absolutely love blogging, it is my passion and it has become a huge part of my life but in the last couple of months I realized I wanted something more. Among taking risks there's one more thing that I believe is so incredibly important in our lives and I'm talking about all of the people that we met during our journey. There are people that challenge you and even though they don't come out as the most positive ones, they give you an important life lessons, that make you stronger. And there are people that come across, giving you a chance to prove yourself and with their amazing attitude and personality you know they are here to make your life even better. For me this person was Lorella Flego, that I'm sure all of my Slovenian readers know already, and she gave me an amazing opportunity to try out as fashion journalist! So I'm so incredibly happy to announce, that I'm now a part of Glitter team, where I'll be sharing my thoughts with all of you, so keep checking as my first article will be up really soon! :)
Have an amazing day everyone!