
photo credit: PascalSubtil via photopin cc

For the last two years, a small committee of writers in Western Australia have been working hard towards the first ever Romance Writers of Australia conference in Perth. As the world’s most remote developed city, Perth has been a little isolated, until now . Some of the people on the committee have put three years of their lives into making it happen, and have honestly put so much time, effort and expertise into this conference, it can’t help but rock. I’m honoured to have worked with them, and my contribution has been small in comparison.

When you have a large number of writers coming together to talk books, attend craft workshops, talk publishing, pitch to publishers and agents, and talk books (did I say that already?), it makes sense to have a book signing, where readers can come and see a number of authors all at once and get signed copies of their work. The Australian Romance Readers Association has organized just that, and it takes place on Saturday from 5pm – 6.30pm at the Esplanade Hotel in Fremantle. Entry to the event is $7 ($5 for Australian Romance Reader Association members) and you can register to attend here, or just arrive on the day. Those who register in advance get put into the draw for some great prizes.

Books by all the signing authors will be for sale through the UWA Co-op bookshop stall on site. However, I am so, so, so excited to say that my wonderful publisher, Simon & Schuster, have sent me 50 advance reading copies of my upcoming October 22nd release, Banquet of Lies, to give away to the first 50 lucky people to come up to my table and ask for one.

I’ll be signing the advance reading copies, obviously, as well as my other titles:

But wait, there’s more!

I thought I’d include some information on some of the writers I’ve been privileged to get to know over the last few years who will also be signing at the event. There will be over 50 authors in all, including historical romance superstar, Julia Quinn, who is one of the speakers at the conference, but these are the writers I regularly see and have formed friendships with:

Jenny Swartz: To say Jenny could not be a more perfect writer to be at a signing in Fremantle is no exaggeration. Some of Jenny’s delightful steampunk novellas are SET in Fremantle. She combines the edgy and wild feel of a frontier port with a gold rush happening just inland, with the fun of steam-driven inventions and romance. And she’s just a lovely person, as well. Here are a few of her books. Not sure which ones she’ll be signing at the ARRA function, but they’re all good.

Next up, Leah Ashton: Leah’s debut romance with Harlequin Mills & Boon, Secrets and Speed Dating, won the Cataromance Reviewer’s Choice Award for Best Harlequin Romance in 2012, and you just don’t want to miss out on meeting her at the book signing. I’m not sure which of her books are available at the signing, but here they are:

Nikki Logan isn’t only prolific (although I honestly don’t know where she finds the time, given everything else she does), but she has some of the best titles ever. Who wouldn’t want to pick up a romance entitled My Boyfriend and Other Enemies? Or How to Get Over Your Ex? Here’s a few of Nikki’s most recent books — again, I’m not sure which will be available at the signing, you’ll have to go and find out!

Rachel Johns is not only a bubbly, very fun person to know, but her book Jilted, set in the West Australian outback, won an Australian Romance Readers Association award in 2012. Rachel writes for Harlequin Australia and Carina Press, and if you love Australia-set stories with heart, you have to stop by her table. Again the disclaimer that I don’t know which of her books will be available at the signing, but here are her current releases:

Shona Husk is one of those people I met, and just instantly clicked with. She is fun, smart and talented. Her books are a wonderful mix of fairy tale, romance and dark fantasy, and I love them all. I’m not sure which ones will be available at the signing, but you can’t go wrong with any of them. I have The Outcast Prince on my TBR pile right now, and once the craziness of getting ready for conference is over, I can’t wait to read it:

And for those of you who can make it, and want to get an advance reading copy of Banquet of Lies, here’s what it’s about:


REGENCY LONDON: Giselle Barrington is living a double life, juggling the duties of chef with those of spy-catcher. She must identify her father’s savage killer before the shadowy man finds her and uncovers the explosive political document her father entrusted to her safekeeping.

Posing as a French cook in the home of Lord Aldridge, Giselle is surrounded by unlikely allies and vicious enemies. In the London streets where she once walked freely among polite society, she now hides in plain sight, learning the hard lessons of class distinction and negotiating the delicate balance between servant and master.

Lord Aldridge’s insatiable curiosity about his mysterious new chef blurs the line between civic duty and outright desire. Carefully watching Giselle’s every move, he undertakes a mission to figure out who she really is—and in the process, plunges her straight into the heart of danger when her only hope for survival was to remain invisible.

See you there, I hope!

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