
A new client is running on Enterprise 13.1, using Varnish with disabled FPC and a community theme. Since this a quit bad setup and Varnish is causing several issues we want to get rid of Varnish and using Magento’s FPC.

I never had to deal with FPC in detail nor had to make a theme supporting EE. But hey there is always a first time. So I read a few very interesting articles about FPC. The best I’ve found:

How do I include a dynamic block in the product page with full page
caching turned on

How does magento full page cache work

Overcoming Magento’s full-page cache through hole punching

Full Page Cache invalidation on cart (quote) change

Perhaps you already noticed, every article focus on how to deal with dynamic blocks/content (keyword: Hole punching). Definitely a very important topic! But this leads me to the issue:

Is this the only difference? I mean if a theme is only supporting CE or also EE?

Beside learning how FPC works I set up a dev environment, removed varnish and enabled FPC. And I’m really surprised: The site is quite fast and nothing seems to be broken. Its not a complicated setup with dozen extensions but also not just Magento default. But I couldn’t find any issue so far. But I’m also wondering if I didn’t miss something and if the site is really running on a "full" FPC? And why does the theme is not supporting EE then?

I'm a little bit lost here and would really appreciate it, if anyone can help me here. Perhaps with other links and your personal experience?

Thank you so much in advance!

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