
I'm trying to have the login form, sign-up (registration) form and the reset password form (forgot your password) on the home page. I followed a tutorial ( thanks to this post http://turnkeye.com/blog/magento-registration-login/ ). The login form seem to be working correctly. However, I have two problems:

problem 1 - there is an error message showing up after I click the submit button for the registration form. After clicking submit, I'm redirected to the original Magento create account page url ( which is : ../customer/account/create/ ) and the error message is "e-mail is a required value" , it is repeated 2 times (one error message for the login form and one for the register form ).

problem 2 - When I enter a registered email adress in the "forgot your password" field and submit, I get a "Whoops..page not found" message and the url is: ../cms/index/forgotpasswordpost/

To be clear, Here are some details of what I did so far:

1) Changed the customer.xml layout file to include the login, register and forgot password templates in the 'content' node:

2) in the customer.xml layout file , I added <update handle="customer_account_login"/> inside <customer_account_create> and inside <customer_account_forgotpassword> , just as explained in the tutorial post. The result is:

2) Because I wanted the login , register and reset password forms on the homepage, I've put the following code in "layout update" in my 'home' CMS page via the admin backend

As a result, I have the 3 forms (login, register, and reset password) on the home page thanks to the layout update. But the email input seem to be a problem.

What I've tried :

I removed the "required-entry" class for each email input, but the error message still shows after submit and redirection to ../customer/account/create/ .

I even removed the email input fields to see what happens, the errors still show (after submiting and redirection to ../customer/account/create/ )

I Tried to create an account from the /customer/account/login/ url, same result: the errors about the email being required show up.

I can only create an account succesfully on the customer/account/create/ page.

If anybody could help me out or point me into the good direction, that would be awesome.

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