Late last month, dozens of landscape contractors gathered in Chicago to learn how to create and curate Flipboard magazines. By all accounts it turned out to be a remarkable session.
All the contractors were affiliated with Aquascape, a company that specializes in the sale and installation of landscaped water-features such as ponds, water gardens, and backyard ecosystems. Aquascape CEO Greg Wittstock has become an enthusiastic Flipboard user in recent months, and he was quick to realize that Aquascape contractors could also use Flipboard magazines to share design ideas with potential clients.
That’s why Aquascape gathered all those contractors to teach them how to create, manage, update and share their own “pond portfolios” — in the form of Flipboard magazines. Greg explains how it went:
Teaching old dogs new tricks doesn’t sound fun right? Wrong! Both we and our technologically challenged pond contractors had a blast creating well over a hundred magazines together over a two day period at our “Chicagomonium” event. We see nothing but incredible possibilities for our Certified Aquascape Contractors who are forward-thinking enough to engage consumers via Flipboard. Flipboard is a game-changer in how companies can get their messages out, and we know it’s just the beginning. We can’t wait to see how this all evolves!
We can’t wait either. And in the meantime, Aquascape recorded the entire training session, so we all can see how it was done: