
If plopping your behind on a five-gallon bucket and then staring at a hole in the ice doesn’t meet your criterion for winter fishing, take note! There is an open-water fishing option in Nebraska during the coldest part of the year and it involves trout.

Grab the neoprene waders and gloves, and rig the spinning rod, it is winter trout stream fishing!

Fed by groundwater springs, many of Nebraska’s trout streams, or at least stretches of them, remain relatively ice-free all winter.

And, guess what? The rainbow, brown and brook trout in these flowing waters can offer some fun fishing action on nice winter afternoons.

Daryl Bauer, Fisheries Biologist and the Fisheries Outreach Program Manager for the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, offers these tips for winter angling in Nebraska’s trout streams which are found predominantly in the north and west (see the Trout Fishing in Nebraska Streams publication).

Where are they in the water and do they put up a fight? The cold-water trout species feed less during the winter as their metabolism has slowed. In flowing water they tend to settle into some of the deepest holes and spots with the least amount of current during the winter to conserve energy. But, don’t be deceived, when hooked these trout will fight with almost the same vigor as those hooked in the summer!

Be stealthy, wear camo.  When fishing for trout in streams, it’s best to work your way upstream (against the current) whenever possible. This is especially important when fishing for wild or spooky fish in clear water. Trout usually face into the current and will be less likely to see you approaching from behind. Wear camouflage clothing or “natural colors,” and try to avoid brightly colored clothing and hats. Move slowly and disturb the water as little as possible. A ball cap and polarized glasses will aid you when wading and for seeing fish and fish-holding areas. Trout have great eyesight, feel vibrations and are very wary in any of these streams as water conditions will be super-clear with lower flows.

Think small to catch trout in winter. Trout in streams during winter eat a variety of prey, and in general all of the typical trout presentations can catch fish in the winter as well as in the summer. Of course, matching the actual prey the fish are eating is always a good place to start. This means going smaller for trout with more natural baits and artificial lures.

Fly fish! Fly fishing can be highly effective during the winter months – a variety of beadhead nymphs are particularly attractive to trout in streams in the winter, but on a warm afternoon there most likely will be hatches of midges or other small insects and a fly angler can pick up some fish on dry flies or emerger patterns.

Crankbaits, really? Small crankbaits can also catch trout in open water during the winter, however, they have to be fished quite slowly – usually just enough to get them wobbling. Frequent and extended pauses might also be needed to trigger fish. For that reason neutrally buoyant crankbaits that maintain their depth at slow speeds or even when stopped are often some of the best crankbaits for trout in streams.

Other trout offerings. Waxworms, salmon eggs, prepared baits,  small jigs, or tiny spinners or spoons (silver on sunny days and gold on cloudy days) should also not be overlooked for successful winter trout stream fishing.

Fish when it’s warmest. The trout in these streams are more apt to take your lure or bait on the nice, warm winter days, either sunny or cloudy, when the temperature hovers around or rises above freezing. Skip the morning and head out during the peak daytime air temperatures – usually during mid-afternoon.

Little competition. Don’t expect much competition to catch trout on public access areas along popular trout streams such as the East Branch of the Verdigre and Long Pine Creeks. There may not be anyone fishing these creeks on weekdays.

Know before you go. Be sure to check the current Nebraska Fishing Guide booklet for regulations pertaining to trout before you go stream side.

Selective harvest; put the big ones back. For conservation purposes, keep the more abundant smaller fish for a meal, but return the larger trout to the water to swim and spawn another day! Remember to keep the fish you want to release in the water as long as possible, particularly in the winter as the outside temperature can harm and possibly kill them.

Safety. Although the splendors of winter trout stream fishing in Nebraska can be fantastic, the downfalls can be tragic. Slipping or falling into an ice-cold creek can mean more than just numb fingers and toes — it can mean hypothermia! Careful observation of the weather and water you are going to be fishing is a must. Pay close attention to weather reports. Winter weather can change rapidly and you could possibly get stuck out in extremely cold, snowy conditions if you are not prepared for them.

With careful planning and warm clothing plus the proper equipment and presentations, winter can provide some of the best fishing action of the year in one or more Nebraska’s pristine trout streams!

Go fish!

The post No Ice Required for this Winter Trout Fishing appeared first on NEBRASKALand Magazine.

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