
Gabriela Peacock from GP Nutrition is sharing her top nutritional and lifestyle advice for banishing cellulite in preparation for Summer.

Many women can empathise with the appearance of dimpled skin known as cellulite. Linked to the hormone oestrogen, cellulite only really affects areas of fatty tissue such as the buttocks, thighs and hips. The appearance of dimples is due to the presence of little fat cells located in the subcutaneous layer of the skin (below the surface).

Men may rejoice in the knowledge that cellulite remains predominant in females however, being overweight, inactive and consuming a diet high in sugar and processed foods is not going to do either sexes any favours (so we suggest all those male readers read on!).

Unfortunately, there isn’t a quick fix for banishing cellulite. But there are a few things you can do to help support your body in moderating the factors that cause cellulite to form and stay. The lymphatic system plays a critical role in the development of cellulite. When sluggish, the lymphatic fluid that should carry away waste becomes trapped and the fats and toxins aren’t removed because of the poor circulation. Healthy, well-functioning lymphatic system is key to helping the cellulite cycle.

Here are a few suggestions to keep your lymphatic system tip top:

Limit Exposure to Chemicals, Additives, Sugar and Salt

When the body is overburdened, the liver struggles to keep up and the lymph has to work harder too. Preservatives, chemicals, additives, alcohol and caffeine all test your lymph system so cut back on them as much as possible.

Eat a Clean, Alkaline, Unprocessed Diet

Consume alkaline forming foods – such as fresh, organic fruit and vegetables, vegetarian sources of protein such as beans, nuts and grains and avoid excess animal products. Some people might find a short 3-day juice cleanse appealing.

Hormonal Balance

Hormones play a role in healthy skin; especially oestrogen which helps retain the skin’s elasticity and tone. When your hormones are out of balance, the skin can suffer. If you are concerned about hormonal imbalance, talk to Gabriela about her Balance Me supplement range.

Manage Your Stress

When our bodies are stressed, blood is directed away from the skin, affecting circulation and decreasing the nutrients being delivered to our skin. Increased cortisol tells the body to store fat which contributes to cellulite. Deep breathing helps lymphatic flow – and it helps you relax. Make sure you take 5-10 minutes a day to relax.

Consider a High­quality Multivitamin

It is difficult to get the nutrients we need from the foods we eat. Farming and processing practices have reduced the nutritional values of foods. A daily multivitamin is an easy way to close the gap between what we the body needs and what we are able to take in on a daily basis.

Exercise Regularly

Regular exercise helps increase muscle tone and burn fat. Both help to reduce the appearance of cellulite and eliminate toxins.

Skin Brushing and Moisturising

By using a dry bristle brush, sweep your skin from toes towards your heart. The massage effect stimulates circulation and helps drain and move lymph fluid through your nodes and vessels. Nourish your skin with moisturising natural oils and creams such as coconut oil, olive oil or a luxurious organic moisturiser.

READY. SET. GLOW. Save 20% on cleanses booked between 1st-3rd June. Enter code SUMMERGLOW at the checkout. Or, why not give us a call on 0207 603 8002 and we’ll place your order for you.

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