
DELAWARE — London and Madison-Plains are among eleven Ohio FFA chapters chosen to receive a $500 grant to participate in the Ohio Small Grains Marketing Program’s (OSGMP) nutritional-awareness campaign, “Food for Thought Challenge.”

Introduced at the annual Farm Science Review, Food for Thought is a statewide competition among FFA chapters to increase awareness about the nutritional value of a diet with whole grains, among other healthy behavior changes, in their schools and communities. Participants will create a campaign that will promote small grains in any way they choose.

Participating FFA chapters submitted campaign entries in September and were selected in October based on the originality of their campaign ideas.

Other FFA chapters selected to participate in the Food for Thought challenge include:

• Cory-Rawson

• Cedarville

• Eaton-MVCTC

• McComb

• Mowrystown

• North Union

• Ridgedale

• Riverdale

The selected chapters met Nov. 10 at the Ohio FFA Center to kick off the contest. Participants met past winners who are serving on the Youth Advisory Board, learned about gluten, received their $500 checks and brainstormed creative ideas for this year’s contest.

Many chapters have already begun implementing their campaigns, which include tactics such as promoting the use of student food journals, organizing educational fairs with health-related groups and providing healthy snacks between classes.

The FFA chapters will present their campaigns to a panel of judges at the 88th Ohio State FFA Convention on May 3 and May 4 at the Ohio State Fairgrounds. One chapter’s efforts will also be selected as the winner and they will be honored with the $2,000 grand award.

Madison-Plains FFA members, Chris Young, chapter president, left, and Kelsi Lingerfelt, chapter secretary, received a $500 grant check from the Ohio Small Grains Marketing Program at the Ohio FFA Center.


Madison-Plains FFA members, Chris Young, chapter president, left, and Kelsi Lingerfelt, chapter secretary, received a $500 grant check from the Ohio Small Grains Marketing Program at the Ohio FFA Center.

Staff report

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