Master entropy has inherited my old iPad 2 and he will be using it at school to help him organise himself and as an aid in the classroom.
His biggest problem (apart from TF2 addiction) is that he is very poor at organising his time and is extremely prone, to a fatal extent, to leaving things to the last moment. And by that I mean much worse than the typical 14yo.
So what we need is some kind of assignment planning/ homework app that provides notifications of sub tasks, that is easy to input and set up new homework or assignments with key dates. Ideally it would also integrate with something like MyBigCampus which is what the school uses for teacher/student/parent interaction, or maybe just the calendar app.
we have tried out The Homework App which does not yet sync across mac, web and iPad, and we cannot seem to set up sub tasks with notifications. They only seem to set up a a list within the overall task that you progressively marl off as you complete them.
ihomework does not seem to be as user friendly, and also cannot set up notifications (assuming I can't means it can't).
so any ideas?
what we want to be able to do is set up a project (eg. English assignment) and set up a list of sub tasks and when they need to be done by. The sub tasks will have their own notification date that can be set up with multiple notifications/reminder as the complete by date approaches.
typical business project management apps would be much too complicated for what we are looking for here.