
“The staggering amount of data readily accessible in 2014 means the federal government must take specific steps to ensure personal privacy is protected and Americans aren’t discriminated against, a special White House panel recommended Thursday,” Ben Wolfgang reports for The Washington Times. “The ‘Big Data and Privacy Working Group,’ appointed by President Obama in January, unveiled six specific steps Congress and the administration should take, including extending full U.S. privacy protections to non-citizens and ensuring that information collected on students is used only for educational purposes.”

“White House Counselor John Podesta and his colleagues said that today’s level of data is a two-sided coin that could lead to abuse, unless proper protections are put in place,” Wolfgang reports. “Other members of the review group included Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker, Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz, White House Science Adviser John Holdren and other administration officials.”

Wolfgang reports, “The group’s six specific recommendations are: Advance the stalled Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights; pass legislation establishing a national data breach standard; extend U.S. privacy protections to non-citizens; ensure data collected on students is used only for educational purposes and is not shared inappropriately; ensure data isn’t used to discriminate against Americans or violate their civil rights; and update the Electronic Communications Privacy Act to fix ‘archaic’ provisions.”

Read more in the full article here.

“The panel recommended that an aging law be changed to require that authorities obtain warrants to seize cloud-based content and e-mail. Such data, when it is stored on third-party servers and older than 180 days, is not constitutionally protected,” David Kravets reports for Ars Technica. “‘The laws that govern protections afforded to our communications were written before e-mail, the Internet, and cloud computing came into wide use. Congress should amend ECPA [the Electronic Communications Privacy Act] to ensure the standard of protection for online, digital content is consistent with that afforded in the physical,’ the panel concluded.”

“But it’s uncertain whether Congress would actually amend ECPA, the privacy law in question that was adopted during the Reagan era,” Kravets reports. “Here’s why: the Senate Judiciary Committee passed a reform measure last year requiring the authorities to obtain a probable-cause warrant to acquire cloud-based data — the same Fourth Amendment standard necessary to search the same material if it was on a hard drive in your house. However, an anonymous lawmaker or lawmakers has blocked the measure from going before the full Senate for a yes or no vote.”

“And that’s despite the unheard of support from the Justice Department saying it backs the Senate package to enhance the public’s privacy protections,” Kravets reports. “What’s more, at least 200 lawmakers on the House side have co-sponsored a similar bill, yet it remains idled, too, amid concerns from the Securities and Exchange Commission, which opposes the plan. That’s an unprecedented number of lawmakers to ever sponsor a piece of legislation. And similar packages have been floating about for years.”

Read more in the full article here.

The “Findings of the Big Data and Privacy Working Group Review” report is here.

MacDailyNews Take: Last month, The Center for Democracy & Technology, American Civil Liberties Union, Heritage Action for America, and Americans for Tax Reform sent a letter to the Securities and Exchange Commission calling on the agency to drop its opposition to reform of the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA).

For the past year, the Securities and Exchange Commission has opposed reform of the ECPA. Recent statements by senior SEC staff and your testimony in the House have confused us about the source of the SEC’s opposition. We have asked the SEC for recent examples of the type of access to communications that the SEC believes would be cut off by pending ECPA reform bills. So far, we have received none.

You can read the full letter here.

Visit the Apple-backed reformgovernmentsurveillance.com today.

[Thanks to MacDailyNews readers too numerous to mention individually for the heads up.]

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Tagged: Barack Obama, Big Data and Privacy Working Group, Consumer Privacy Bill of Rights, ECPA, Electronic Communications Privacy Act, Fourth Amendment, John Podesta, obama, privacy, probable-cause warrants, U.S. DOJ, U.S. House of Representatives, U.S. NSA, U.S. Senate, U.S. surveillance

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