
I take a sustained-release Propranolol 80 mg every day, which causes severe tiredness and extreme fatigue, to the point that I am not able to think straight and sometimes cannot even get out of bed. Basically, I find myself physically unable to do anything...

I think this has also exacerbated my pre-existing depression, for which I no longer take any medication, because what I used to take (Prozac / Fluoxetine) also made me weak and groggy. So, I stopped that a long time ago.

So, I am now wondering, should I switch back to regular Propranolol 10mg tablets and only take 4 a day to half the dose? Would that cut my extreme tiredness in half? Or should I switch to Metoprolol as the more modern option to mask symptoms of uncontrollable social anxiety?

I understand Propranolol also inhibits the ability to burn fat, not to mention gastrointestinal issues. Apparently, depression is also significantly higher when taking Propranolol.

I was told Metoprolol, on the other hand, at it slowest does of 25 mg can be very effective for physical symptoms of severe anxiety, and can even help with psychological symptoms without the extreme fatigue and severe tiredness. Is this really true?

Another question: If I do get on Metoprolol (which is a b1 blocker) can I still occasionally take Propranolol (which is a b2 blocker)? Since they block different things, can they be taken together too, or would that cause dangerous interactions?

Thank you

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