
We want to know what games you're playing!

What games are you playing on your Android phones or tablets? We want to know!

We've started a thread in the AC Forums as a place to share your opinions on games you think more people should be playing. Look out for posts by me (Marc Lagace) and say hello! You can also comment below!

Updated February 10: In this week's edition, we shine a light on a handful of casual games: BBTAN, DDTAN and EETAN, and Nebulous, Orborous and Rebelious!

Submit your gaming reviews and opinions!


Whether you know it as Arkanoid or BreakOut, there's few video games more classic than the old paddle-and-ball-brick-breaking game which has been remade and reimagined over the years in countless ways.

AC user BeeVee23 pointed us in the direction of a great collection of BreakOut-inspired games published by 111%, which add new wrinkles to the classic gaming style while retaining the retro graphic style straight from classic arcade cabinets.

BBTAN is closest to the classic BreakOut gameplay, combined with a little bit of Space Invaders. You launch a series of balls up and try to destroy as many bricks as you can, but after each turn the bricks move down and a new row appears at the top of the screen. You gotta be strategic and keep clearing the bricks before they reach the bottom of the screen.

Download: BBTAN (Free)

DDTAN combines the BreakOut formula with billiards, where you launch the ball around the play area trying to destroy the bricks as fast as you can. You'll need to be strategic with your shots so you can set yourself up for another effective shot. There are 30 balls to unlock that offer different power ups, offering tons of replayability.

Download: DDTAN (Free)

Finally, we'll also recommend EETAN, which combines BreakOut with a top-down shooter. You play as a superhero whose superpower involves busting bricks with balls launched from his fist. You must break through walls and avoid faster falling bricks from ending your run. How far can you fly?

Download: EETAN (Free)

There's even a fourth game, CCTAN which you play as an elephant. It's definitely the weaker game of the collection, but worth noting if you fall in love with the gameplay here.

These games have bizarre names, but the gameplay is so fun that they're definitely worth checking out.

Nebulous, Orborous and Rebellious

This recommendation came from the forum thread via Don Nichols:

If any of you have ever played Agar.io, Slither.io, or Diep.io on your PC browser, Simplicial Software has recreated those three with loads of content the originals don't have. Money and XP systems, multiple game modes, tournaments, pvp arenas, user-created servers, unlockable skins, and they're still sending updates to all three of them regularly. Nebulous is effectively Agar.io, Orborous is Slither.io, and Rebelious is Diep.io. The money system (which is referred to as plasma) spreads across all three, so whatever you earn in one, you can use in the other two. They're all free with IAPs, support Bluetooth controls and they have cloud save as well. I personally like these better than their PC equivalents just due to how much more they have in them.

After checking them out for ourselves, we have to agree. Last year around this time, Slither.io took our Winnipeg offices by storm, so I'm already well addicted to this style of game. And he's absolutely right — the features that Simplicial Software have added to the mix make these way better for mobile users, especially the option to play with a Bluetooth controller.

Download: Nebulous (Free w/IAPs)

Download: Orborous (Free w/IAPs)

Download: Rebellious (Free w/IAPs)

Let us know what you're playing!

We would love to see this as a regularly occurring column but that will only happen with your help! Check out the forum post and start discussing your favorite games, or you can email me directly with your questions or reviews.

Submit your gaming reviews and opinions here!

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