Hi, my name is Sam Lyons and in the next few minutes I am going to show you exactly how you can start to play guitar and your favorite worship songs with ease.
Even if you've never picked up a guitar before or if you have tried to learn guitar before but didn't quite "get it".
I'm going to give you the exact formula that I have used to not only learn guitar myself, but also how I have taught thousands of other people to play guitar using a "fast track" approach that is fun and easy to follow.
Plus you will discover the keys to playing guitar and worship songs quickly. This is what most people don't get and why so many people try to learn guitar but give up after just a few days or weeks.
But one thing you should know is that this information is not going to be available forever so make sure you read it now.
So why do so many people try to learn guitar but eventually fail? First off, if this is you, don't worry because it's not your fault. The traditional way of learning guitar just takes a lot to time and patience...and it simply doesn't work for everyone.
If you tried learning guitar using traditional methods you know how time-consuming and frustrating it can be. It can take months if not years.
So what are the keys to learning the guitar? First, you must develop a solid foundation by going in the best logical order. Too many teachers and guitar courses teach you to play guitar in a confusing and jumbled approach with no real plan.
It's like if you built a house starting with the roof...maybe one wall...a couple windows...and then eventually got around to the floor and foundation.The house would never stand. It doesn't make sense to go out of order.
When learning guitar, there are certain fundamentals that you absolutely must learn first in order to lay the groundwork for playing more advanced techniques and progressing quickly. If you go out of order you are setting yourself up for failure and frustration.
You need to learn chord structures that will help your finger dexterity...and strumming patterns that are great for developing rhythm in a beginner guitar player. And then you need to put the two together to master the art of two hand co-ordination.
Next, you need to learn through multiple senses...rather than just one. You will learn much faster if you can learn through sight and sound than if you were just trying to read a book and figure it out.
If you can watch and follow along your chance of success will be much higher because you can simply mimic the actions of your teacher (as long as they know what they are doing). And another key ingredient here is that you should go at your own pace.
Not everyone learns to play guitar at the same pace...so it is important that you go at a pace that is comfortable for you. You can go faster or slower so that you can absorb all of the information and make sure you are developing good muscle memory before moving on.
And that brings me to our next point and maybe the most important...you absolutely must develop proper muscle memory. Just by looking at a picture of an "A minor" chord doesn't mean that you can just pick up a guitar and play it right away.
You need to develop your muscles to be able to play any chord like it's second nature so that you can play chord progressions seamlessly. And this will make your song playing almost effortless.
My goal for you is to help you start playing guitar much faster than usual traditional methods so that you can also start playing popular worship songs. And I want to make it so that you don't have to think about it...you know exactly what to do and when to do it.
Learning and playing guitar should be fun...not frustrating. And if you learn in the proper order you can be playing guitar and songs very quickly.
So what is the solution and why am I qualified to prove it? First off, I have been playing guitar for over 40 years now along with teaching people how to play the guitar for over 25 years. And over that span of time, I have played for thousands and thousands of people.
Along the way I have had a lot of people ask me to teach them guitar...but really most of my students just wanted to learn how to play the guitar and also learn worship songs on guitar. I quickly realized that having people sit and learn guitar scales just wasn't the best way to learn guitar and achieve their goals.
So I have discovered a system for learning guitar that is as practical and step-by-step as you can find. And designed precisely for beginners who want to learn guitar along with their favorite worship songs.
I began teaching students one-on-one which was a lot of fun but just became too time consuming. And then the idea arose to even further systematize guitar learning and so I discovered this step-by-step video course that could help anyone learn guitar.
Whether you have been struggling to learn guitar for awhile or if you are a total beginner...I'm 100% confident that you can learn guitar and start playing worship songs or any songs for that matter quickly. And I have thousands of successful students that can prove it.
Play Worship Guitar by Aaron Anastasi. This is a step-by-step video guitar course that walks with you hand-in-hand!
With Play Worship Guitar you get a truly step-by-step A to Z guitar guide. You will learn guitar up to 85% faster than using traditional methods because you will know exactly what to play and exactly how to play it correctly.
For you this means less confusion, less roadblocks, and a simpler and smoother learning process. Plus you will save countless waisted hours wondering what you should be learning next and the proper way to play guitar.
Honestly, I'm sure you would rather spend your time with friends or family, or at a movie, or coffee shop, or outdoors in the sun than sitting in your house practicing boring scales. With Play Worship Guitar all you have to do is watch and play...it really is that simple.
You will be able to avoid the things that get most people stuck when they are first learning guitar because you will know exactly what to play and how to play it. And since you can watch and play there is no second-guessing if you are playing it right.
Aaron has done all the groundwork for you. So all you have to do is follow along and have fun playing guitar. And you will be playing your favorite worship songs in no time.
Here is an email from a student of Aaron's who said this:
"Thank you for your website, I have been wanting to play guitar for years but have had so many hiccups. Now I'm able to learn at my own pace. Also, I have written lots of lyrics and thanks to your course I can write and play music." That was from Jen in Australia.
And Tiffany also emailed him to say this:
"Thank you for replying so quickly to all my emails. I am very excited about this program considering I have already learned one song! Woo hoo! Thanks again!"
Aaron gets a lot of emails like this and it is great to hear about the success and fun that people are having with the Play Worship Guitar program.
So what exactly will you learn with Play Worship Guitar? First with Play Worship Guitar there are a few things you don't need. You don't need any prior guitar knowledge or experience at all, you don't need to know how to read music, and you don't need any kind of musical background. This course is for beginners...not expert guitarists.
You will also get to learn by simply following along in high quality video lessons so that you can easily watch and then play exactly what you see. And you will have the benefit of a two camera system so you can see exactly what each hand should be doing.
With Play Worship Guitar you will get a comprehensive, step-by-step, A to Z guitar learning course so that you have laser like focus and can start playing quickly and easily. You will learn the ins and outs of the guitar - what each part is and why it is important. You will learn his "cheat chords" system that is designed to fast track your guitar playing so you can get started playing much sooner.
Also learn chord changing exercises and how to avoid getting stuck trying to switch from chord to chord. Muscle memory exercises so that playing becomes like second nature. Chord progressions which are the backbone of every song. How to hold the guitar and the pick so that your playing comes quicker and more naturally.
You will learn the musical alphabet in a simple to follow approach...you do not need to know how to read music...you will learn in a much easier way. You will learn guitar riffs and "walks" to add unique flair to your chords and songs. How to give your chords a new "voice" as you easily cruise up and down the guitar neck with ease.
Learn to transform any song into a more interesting song with my "dynamics techniques"...this will make your playing more exciting, unique, and polished. You will be able to give songs a fresh vibe by playing hammer ons, pull offs, and dynamic sliding...this will make the songs you play come alive. Your playing will explode with unique strumming patterns...this is a common struggle for beginners so you will be shown exactly what to do to overcome it.
And that's just the very beginning! If you are a beginner guitar player and want to learn guitar and worship songs then this is the perfect solution for you. Plus you get access to your videos and lessons 24 hours a day...7 days a week...from any computer. And you can go at your own pace.
You don't have to worry about following along at the pace of an entire guitar class or keeping up with how fast a guitar teacher thinks you should be playing. You have more free time and flexibility because you can play guitar at your own pace and have plenty of time to do all the other things in life that you love to do.
You can literally start playing in the next 5 minutes. And since you can access Play Worship Guitar anytime...you can go back and review your lessons...something you can't do with traditional guitar lessons or classes. You have over 150 video guitar lessons and worship song lessons at your fingertips...and counting because new videos are always being added for you to watch.
But that's not all...Because here's even more of what you will learn. You learn dynamic chord voicings and techniques so you can make any chord progression sound exciting and impressive. Discover how to build chords...a skill that will help your guitar playing and eventually your soloing. You will be able to dictate the mood of the audience by knowing the different types of chords to play...this will help you a lot if you want to start writing your own songs.
Find any note on the guitar with a simple system that will save you hours trying to memorize every note on the guitar neck. Also master barre chords so you can literally play any chord you want anywhere on the guitar. You will even learn the proper way to change the strings on your guitar...this alone will save you a lot of time and money on busted strings.
Plus a whole lot more...And not to mention everyone's favorite part...You get to learn tons of great popular worship songs.
You will start playing songs through a simple "building block" approach that will help you apply your new guitar skills to actual songs. And new songs are always being added because as a worship guitar player Aaron is always looking for new songs to play and then teach to you...this means you always have something new to play.
And since he wants to see you succeed...he also has a special "never get stuck" guarantee for you. If you follow along with the system he has created for you, he is 99% sure that you will have a smooth learning process with no frustration because of his unique muscle memory exercises.
However, Aaron knows that everyone can get stuck at one point or another and that is why he has an open door policy to himself and his support team. Because with Play Worship Guitar you have FREE and UNLIMITED access to Aaron and his support team so that if you ever need help getting back on track all you have to do is shoot him an email...and either he or one of his guitar coaches will help you get back on track promptly. You will never be lost.
You will finally learn guitar once and for all...You will learn guitar in such a simple and step-by-step process that he is positive that it will work for you. And better yet... he is prepared to guarantee it.
Look, if the success stories and proof didn't already tell you...Aaron is completely confident that Play Worship Guitar is exactly what you need to finally learn guitar and start playing worship songs. In fact he is so confident that he will let you try it out risk free for 60 days.
That way you get peace of mind and he does too...You see, Aaron doesn't have to worry that you're unhappy at all because if you decide that Play Worship Guitar isn't the right system for you, then you can get a full refund at any time during the 60 days. You can go through the entire course, try it out, watch every video, and learn every technique he teaches - just to try it out for size.
And if you don't learn guitar and start playing worship songs, or just don't like the system...no problem at all!
You'll get every cent refunded to you...No questions asked...he wants to make it clear to you that this is a completely no-risk purchase.
And to make it even better, if you get started today you will get the following 7 bonuses as his gift to you...just for giving it a shot.
Bonus #1 - The Play Worship Guitar Songwriting Bootcamp
This is a 5 part video course where he takes apart one of his own songs so you can learn the process of effective songwriting. You will learn how to craft memorable melodies that are catchy and melodic as well as how to write smart and creative lyrics. You will discover the important factors of structuring a song so that it keeps the listener interested and engaged. (this is a $37 value)
Bonus #2 - The Online Chord and Scale Generator
You will be able to find thousands of chords and scales with ease...find new chords to learn in just seconds...(a $27 value)
Bonus #3 - Online Guitar Tuner
Instead of spending $50-$100 on a guitar tuner you can easily tune your guitar right at your computer...(this is a $17.95 value)
Bonus #4 - The Online Metronome
The best way to improve your rhythm is to practice to a metronome. This tool is a great compliment to use with the Play Worship Guitar course...(this is a $27 value)
Bonus #5 - My Chord Reference Picture Book...This will help you to easily find and figure out how to hold common chords in seconds...I have included all of the most popular chords found in worship songs...(this is a $27 value)
Bonus #6 - The Play Worship Guitar Daily Devotional
While Aaron was studying Theology at Princeton he put together this 365 day devotional as a way to help people stay in the word and learn valuable insights...each day only takes a few minutes but they are very valuable minutes. (this is a $17 value)
Bonus #7 - The Play Worship Guitar Guide To Leading Worship
You will learn the ins and outs of leading worship based on Aaron's years of experience...if you want to lead worship in any setting, whether at church or just a small group, the tips in this guide will help you greatly...He'll even show you how to create an effective song set list. (this is a $37 value)
This is over $175 worth of bonuses and are yours free just for trying out Play Worship Guitar today...And they are all yours to keep no matter what.
So by now I think you see how much he wants to give you in order to help your guitar learning process be as smooth and fast as possible...And maybe now you are asking..."This sounds great but how much will all of this cost? Aren't guitar lessons usually expensive?"
First off, don't worry about the price because he has managed to keep it affordable for everyone...He used to give private guitar lessons and would charge about $50 an hour...and that was for just one lesson. But with the Play Worship Guitar system he has managed to use the power of the internet to teach people all over the world and at a fraction of the normal price.
Plus, you don't have to worry about scheduling your lesson every week, getting in your car, fighting traffic to get to your lesson, or dealing with scheduling conflicts that come up every week. Not to mention that just one month of private lessons would cost you over $200...and that's just 4 lessons. That is what makes Play Worship Guitar so user-friendly...you can practice anytime you want right from home.
The training in Play Worship Guitar is easily worth hundreds if not thousands of dollars...But don't worry because you won't pay anywhere near that...If you took just one private lesson it would cost more than what it costs to have access to the entire Play Worship Guitar Course.
And Aaron is 100% positive that Play Worship Guitar will work for you...and wants you to see for yourself...So he has made this incredibly valuable course affordable for everyone...Just so you can see for yourself how much this course will help you learn guitar and worship songs.
If you get started today you won't have to pay the hundreds if not thousands of dollars that this course is worth...
For saying "Yes" today you get everything for...Just $47
And remember, you have a 60 day iron-clad money back guarantee...Which means you have nothing to lose because you are completely safe and secure...You will receive a refund for every penny to you no matter what...no questions asked and no hassles...Plus one more promise to you.
If you ever feel like you have not been given hundreds if not thousands of dollars worth of value with Play Worship Guitar system just send an email and he'll not only refund your money...but let you keep the entire Play Worship Guitar course for FREE...Sound fair? So here's what to do right now...
Click the link below to get instant access to Play Worship Guitar and all the fast-action bonuses right away...Don't put off playing guitar another day.
Imagine finally being able to play guitar and your favorite worship songs...Imagine playing with friends, family, at church, school, or at Bible study. You will get instant access right now and can literally be watching the videos in the next 2 minutes. You don't have to wait for anything to be shipped to you...it is all available immediately.
Aaron is so confident that if you get started today that you can be playing guitar and worship songs in a very short amount of time...But you have to make the decision right now that you are going to do it...Don't procrastinate or wait until later to get started...and miss this opportunity.
Simply click the link below now so you can get started...Looking forward to hearing your success story very soon...I'll see you on the other side!
Click here to access Play Worship Guitar instantly...