
Well here I am – all smiles at the orthodontist appointment at end of my 16 tray (roughly 8 month) Invisalign treatment.

I am so happy with my smile, but I think we can get even a little bit straighter. My orthodontist agrees so I’m going to go into a set of refinement trays. (I also have some old bonding that has chipped off a bit that we’ll need to replace and I want to whiten again, so we’ll have a little reconstruction to do before I’m completely finished with my treatment, but man – I see the light at the end of the tunnel!)

The way the refinements work is basically starting back over at the beginning, but with the advantage of experience helping me along emotionally. The dental assistant buzzed off all of my attachments with a polishing file. She assured me it wouldn’t take off any enamel, but it did feel a little intense a few times. I can still feel small remnants of glue or the edges of the attachments on some teeth, but otherwise boy does it feel nice to have my fangs off! I then had my teeth re-scanned with the Invisalign camera. This process is so easy and painless. It only takes about 20 minutes and leagues better than using old-school molds.

I was to remain in my last set of trays until my refinements came in – over three weeks of waiting, which meant wearing my last set of trays for five weeks total. Grody! They got some serious scrubbing and soaking during this time but still, blech. But did I mention that I had my attachments off?! Woohoo, I felt like a free woman!

(Sorry for the shameless car selfie, but I’m just so pleased with my reflection these days! And look at my cute little photobomber!)

When my refinement trays arrived, I learned I had to have some new attachments put on – but only four of them, and not on my front teeth. It honestly didn’t even bother me this time. The attachments went on easy peasy and haven’t hurt or injured the inside of my mouth at all.

The great news about refinements? I don’t have to stay in them for any specific length of time. As soon as I am satisfied with my smile, I can let my orthodontist know and we will order my retainers. I’m still not 100% sure what the retainer process will be like, so I’ll be sure to let you know as soon as I’m there.

So close – and so happy!


Author: Candace Thomas

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