Photo: The Path to Peace Foundation
Grand Duke Henri received the Path to Peace Award 2013 during the Path to Peace Award Gala Dinner held at United Nations Headquarters in New York City last night. The Path to Peace Foundation was established in 1991 by the Catholic Church to extend the scope and reach of the Holy See Mission in New York. Wort has a bunch of visuals of the event as does the cour grand-ducale. (It's actually the same ones just in better quality.)
The Path to Peace Award is given annually to an "individual in recognition of his or her commitment to the development of peace in the national and international arenas". Former laureates include Grand Duchess Maria Teresa, who was given the award in 2006 for her work as a goodwill ambassador of UNESCO and her support for organisations which are active in the field of micro-credits and child protection, Prince Hans-Adam II, King Baudouin of the Belgians, Tsar Simeon of Bulgaria who has also been his country's elected prime minister, Kofi Annan, Lech Wałęsa and many more.
In belated but related news, Sierra Leona's new ambassador to Luxembourg, Ibrahim Sorie, presented his credentials to the Grand Duke on October 22.
Sources: Sierra Express Media, The Path to Peace Foundation