*Workshop 1.0
The first tour
Hi again, its been a while!
It´s over a year ago i posted something here on LJs.
I could start by telling you what has happend the last 18 months, the reasons of my abscence , but I really want to tell you about my woodshop. – So , I will only give you the short version.
I started a new job and it was so much to do it was crazy. Unfortunately I pressed myself to the limit and far beyond that…. It was not a pleasent experience….. I left the job. It took me quite a while to straighten up and get the stress out of my system. Now I´m “fit for fight” again :) , ....enough said about that…It was not only bad things that happened last year, my wife and I also moved to a larger appartment just by the sea, something we should have done years ago. It certainly raised the quality of our lives.
Now I want to tell you about my “new” workshop.
First, a small summery.
When I started building the shop it looked like this. I will not go in to details about how I got it and where it is located (you can read about it in former posts in this subject)
It was just a small basement, but I saw the potential and made a planning sketch in sketchup.
When i made the plans, I made it from the needs I experienced when I put up my workshop at our summer house. It didnt take me long to realize that it was the wrong approach.
The noise.
On the countryside it´s just to put some ear protection on if you have a noisy machine . You don´t have to consider the neighbours. In my shop, the walls were very thin and hollow. The noise from my machines went out in the stairwell and disturbed the other tenants. I had to soundproof the walls. I built a new wall on the inside of the old. I reinforced the wall by atleast 10 inches (25cm). That took both time and space and a small shop just got smaller.
Tools and storage for a small workshop
In the countryside I can store wood and larger pieces outside or in another building. In this case, everything had to be stored inside the shop due to the fact that we moved (my shop is in the building next to our former appartment). I couldn´t use the storageroom who tenants in the building could use. I had to rethink the choice of machines and storage solutions.
I found it challenging to find small machines and powertools with quality. In some cases I modified some of my old tools (e.g the lathe) to fit the new shop. Another solution was to put everything on wheels.
After a several months the first version of the shop was ready, “The shop 1.0” . I almost succeed in follow my sketchup plans. The Shop is, of course, under constant development and it will never be completely finished. There is a lot of things left to do.
Anyway, below you can take i quick tour in my shop “as is” september 2013.
Left side and front
Above: Pictures of the left side of the shop. A long bench from wall to wall where i have my small lathe, small drillpress and my grinder. the dark frame is a french cleat system that runs all around the shop
My old workbench is under the windows. The old bench needs a big facelift, a coming project, for sure. On the bench you can see a toolchest i was working on at the time.
The french cleat system is perfect, I decided to upgrade with two more frames.
Right side of the shop
At the left i have my woodstorage, the bandsaw, my planer/jointer and some books.
My bandsaw and planer/jointer are mounted together on a reinforced old TV stand. (on wheels of course – everything except my workbenches got wheels) Someday I will make a custom stand for this workstation.
Next to the bandsaw I have my next workstation, my belt/disk sander. The corner was the only spot I found for my dustcollecter.
On the wall behind the sander I have my clamp storage and a shelf for my handplanes.
Next to the dustcollector my routertable got its place. I am planning to make another table who fits my needs a bit better, this is too big fo my shop. Above the routertable i have my wall hanging tool cabinet.
In the next corner i have my lathe tools, a simple rack made of ply and pine. Above the lathe you can see the cabinet i was working on in an earlier picture
Ok, thats it for the time. I will continue this shop tour with more pictures soon.
Thanks for watching.
“You can follow my progrss at http://thesawdustsurfer.blogspot.com/":http://thesawdustsurfer.blogspot.se/