
I have mentioned it previously, and will likely mention it again repeatedly, among other things, one of my most beloved things to do aside from woodworking, is, well anything outdoorsy, but in particularly, hunting, fishing, and camping.

Now I admit that I am not in the shape I once was, nor am I as young as I once was. The appeal of throwing up a tent on the ground, and either sweating to death, or freezing my knees off is somewhat faded.

Now I could go the easy route, and just buy a travel trailer, which my wife would love, or at the least a slide in truck camper, but I am not ready for that yet… I really want something, well.. different. For starters my HOA won’t let me store an RV on my property.

Another issue I have with a travel trailer is WHERE we want to camp. On the beach on Padre Island National Seashore, in the East Texas Piney woods, through the various spots in West Texas, and even some camping out of state in places like Oklahoma, Arkansas, and God willing even road trips to Oregon from time to time…

Pulling a nice luxurious trailer behind us down logging roads, or across soft beach sand is a disaster in the making…

I need something light, and roomy, but can be stored easily at home. Something weather tight, with provision for A/C and heat, and with an organized kitchen, as well as a decent privy. It must be easy to setup, take down, and store.

I came across this idea on Youtube for a collapsible truck camper.

While the size is perfect for a Dodge Dakota, my truck is considerably larger, however the concept is spot on…

At least the concept for the camper shell part itself…

So my brain gets to churning. How do I integrate something like this, with a platform bed, and chuck box, while leaving room for an EZ Up shelter for a kitchen, and a rapid setup privy tent / port o let?

So I figured why not open this up to LJs and see what y’all have done, if anything similar…

So my fellow Lumberjocks, what have you done to convert your pickups into weekend RVs?

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