
[Werbung: this post is sponsored by Volkswagen]

Hooray horray, DIY time! Over the last several months, I have teamed up with Volkswagen for various creative projects and this time, we are making road trip themed embroidery hoops as decoration for your home.

Handlettering, illustrations, cars, road trip memories and embroidery combined with each other, that's what today's DIY is about.

Either use my motifs as inspiration, or create your own ones. Here we go:

Materials for  Embroidery Hoop Wall Decor:
This is what you need:
- Wooden embroidery hoops in different sizes
- Embroidery fabric
- Embroidery yarn, scissors and an embroidery needle
- A hot-glue gun (optional, not pictured here)

Make Your Own  Road Trip Embroidery Hoop Wall Decor:

First of all, use a pencil and then a felt tip to draw your motifs. Make sure they fit the size of your hoops and leave some space on the edges. Put the fabric into the wooden hoops and then carefully draw your motifs onto the fabric.
Now, you can start embroidering. I didn't use any fancy technique or knot, I simply made it freestyle. The mountains are calling and we must go!
A handlettering slogan, a mountain silhouette and a retro Volkswagen Passat car.

When you are finished, use a hot-glue gun or simply needle and thread to carefully attach the edges of the fabric at the back of your piece of art.

Such a nice gift! Have fun making your own versions and don't forget to show me your results! :)

DIY Bloggers for Volkswagen:

Are you curious about more awesome car-related tutorials? Volkswagen is currently also working with several other bloggers who are all sharing their DIYs on a group pinboard on Pinterest:

>>> 'DIY Bloggers for Volkswagen' board on Pinterest

Most of the DIYs are great, even when you don't own a car, so take a look and see for yourself which fun projects you can discover over there!

Have fun and happy day!


P.S.: As you can see, this blogpost was written in cooperation with Volkswagen and is a sponsored post. Of course, my opinion is my own and all contents are created by me.

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