
Comments to Steve Sailer:

* I suggest that these students would benefit from experiencing a Chinese practice from the time of the Cultural Revolution. Several years of hard labour in a rural setting.

* Young kids just love censorship. It’s a generational thing.

Last year I was told by a younger female cousin she wouldn’t speak, socialise or in any way associate herself with right- wing, racist, sexist or “homophobic” people. At that point she didn’t really know where I stood on some issues. Needless to say, I was soon made a pariah by her and her side of the family.

Today tolerance means intolerance toward different point of views. If you do not toe the PC line you’re a fascist, a waste of oxygen, a non-person. And antifas are downright violent and vicious. You’ve been warned.

* It’s more like a female thing. Women crave conformity over individuality, security over freedom. I see it all day, every day, everywhere.

* Blacks be crazy. They substitute volume for sense.

It goes back to MLK. Take away the volume and read his speeches straight, and they are just silly yammerings.

We see a pattern.

Black ‘debating’ style.

Interruption of Bernie Sanders speech.

The way of rappers.

Jews use wit and logic(however twisted).

Blacks holler.

Well, Jews created this climate. May they reap what they sowed.

PS. The idea of ‘safe spaces’ is one thing white right should appropriate from PC.

EU should be safe space from Muslim invasion, African violence, and Jewish machinations.

White communities should be safe spaces from black crime… like in the film THE VILLAGE.

Good idea and morally defensible too.

The great irony is the most universities are set up to be safe spaces for whites from black crime.

Many are situated in small towns.

And even those in big cities(with lots of blacks) have lots of policing. like in Hyde Park. It is to protect whites from black thugs.

But colleges are also ‘progressive’ and ostensibly against ‘white privilege’.

So, they provide ‘safe spaces’ for minority students but from what? The mythical KKK at Oberlin?

White Libs create safe racial spaces for themselves but justify such spaces by making the gesture of creating mini-safe-spaces for token blacks who have nothing to fear. Such token blacks may be accosted by stop-ans-frisk police on occasion, but cops do that only because they’ve been ordered to maintain safe spaces for white libs in a city with ‘too many blacks.’

* These are the fruits of a society run by women. Even today, is it conceivable for a man to allow himself to be heard whining like this?

A hundred years ago, prohibition was enacted, for alcohol is an evil invention by men. Fun in general is an evil invention by men, for men.

Free speech is an oppressive oligarchic paternalistic racist adultist malist construct. It doesn’t exist, just like race and gender, figments of the imagination of the patriarchy. Reality, fun, airplanes, cameras, wheels, toothpicks, atomic reactors and ice cream, all are oppressions foisted upon us by the patriarchy, and justified by the vilest construct of them all, free speech.

Instead, let the matriarchy and culturarchy lead the way. After all, they have given us “safe spaces” and nurseries for all.

“And let reality be banished from the earth, for all eternity, sayeth she, the goddess of safe spaces and whining bitches.

* The students should force the professor to wear a dunce cap and engage in self-criticism, but probably dunce caps are culturally insensitive and insulting to the Dunce-American community.

I love the idea of the Pinterest page with “suggested” good and bad Halloween costumes. The actual pages didn’t really offer much comedy gold, unfortunately. I did glean that dressing as Rosie the Riveter is good, because she is a strong female figure. I don’t know whether it is OK/expected for guys to also dress as Rosie, but I assume it is. Would it be OK to dress as Dr. Huxtable in a colorful sweater (as long as you didn’t wear blackface)?

In the ’60s, if the Yale administration had dared to officially recommend Halloween costumes to the students (not that anyone over the age of 12 wore Halloween costumes in those days) everyone would have called them fascists, but now the students DEMAND that they do so.

I also love the idea of abolishing House “Masters” – how racist can you get? I don’t know what we could change this to, though. Anything else – house chieftain, house sheikh, etc. would be cultural appropriation, just as evil as dressing up as a samurai or in a turban. I understand that dressing as inanimate object is still OK in most cases. Maybe the House Master could be called the “Big Cheese” or the “Venti Latte”, but then again many non-Northern Europeans are lactose intolerant, vegan, etc. so maybe he/she/it could be the “Big Tofu” or the “Venti Latte with soymilk”.

* Way back in my college days, at the dawn of the PC era, I had a Chinese history professor who said that the PC movement reminded him of the Red Guards from the Cultural Revolution. I thought that comment was an exaggeration, but it doesn’t seem that far from the truth now.

One assumes that the zeal and ardor of these undergraduates will wane with time. But if not, it scares me to think of the consequences for American society.

* She’ a light skinned Mulatta. The most militant blacks and those who form the “black” leadership are the ones who are partly white. First of all, in order to prove their black identity (most of all to themselves) and 2ndly because they tend to be more intelligent than other American Blacks who have more African blood.

* It strikes me that this might be the perfect moment for the U. of Chicago to assert itself as the number one undergraduate institution in America — the only liberal arts college that maintains traditional standards of free speech, a solid liberal arts curriculum (though slipping here), and that treats its students, not like children, and not like adults, but like, well, smart undergraduates who have a lot to learn. Liberal faculty and administrators at all the other elite institutions have caved, a surrender that started in the 1960′s — why did they give up virtually without a fight? — and that continues today.

* Steve, you have suggested several times that the US Government should establish a procedure to examine the government decisions that resulted in the legal immigration of foreigners who subsequently committed terrorist mass murders and other heinous crimes.

Likewise, universities ought to establish a procedure to examine the university decisions that resulted in the enrollment of students who turn out to be grossly maladjusted for a university culture and who frighten even the faculty and staff.

How was this bizarre coed admitted into extremely selective Yale University?

The administration should re-examine:

* her high-school studies and extra-curricular activities

* the recommendations written by her teachers, etc.

* her application essay

* her test scores (SAT, etc.)

* the selection committee’s reasoning for favoring her over other applicants.

Obviously, she was not sufficiently mature, intelligent or educated to become a Yale student.

Evaluating this selection decision retrospectively, Yale University should learn some lessons to avoid similar mistakes in the future.

* Of all the horrific tendencies on display in this video, the rise of “snaps” (the simultaneous finger clicking you hear from the crowd) as a signal of social/group approval (replacing applause) is most terrifying. Closely related to the “up twinkles” hand gesture which first gained widespread notoriety during the Occupy protests, the practice would seem to be ripe for use as a device in a horror movie set on campus. One good thing, much harder to drown out your opposition with snaps than applause (though these proto-fascists don’t seem to have much trouble shouting someone down anyway).

* I hesitate to bring up a Harvard vs Yale competition, but I will say, having seen and heard about any number of recent graduates from each, that Yalies just seem many times more affected and preening than those from Harvard, who seem, oddly, rather more normal.

A much higher disproportion of Yalies (most especially women) seem to talk in an almost absurdly exaggerated manner — fast talking, up talking, vocal deep frying, etc. I could posit a number of explanations — “We’re Number Two. We impress harder!” is a good candidate — but there’s just something out of whack about that place.

* Mounting cell phone video evidence like this is building the widespread notion that these BLM types are the villains not the victims. The left wing narrative on this is really going to flip.

Also, while black Americans do block vote for racist hard left Obama, and have general block support for Trayvon and Michael Brown and even OJ, a lot of regular blacks actually realize that Obama is racist, Trayvon and Michael Brown bore large responsibility for their fates, and OJ was guilty.

* As has been noted before, thanks to Worldstar Hip Hop, Live Leak, and YouTube, the preponderance of evidence of black people, filmed by black people, exhibiting themselves as collectively prone towards degenerate behavior, will slowly but surely brand itself on the collective American subconscious, so that even liberals will find themselves clutching their collective purses every time a black person gets on an elevator with them, for generations to come.

If I were a black student at Yale, the last thing I’d do is start screaming expletives, while removing my backpack, leading the viewer to believe their could be violence to come, while having a discussion with an administrator.

I would reason that, in my privileged position, as a black person attending Yale university, it would be my responsibility to demonstrate that black people don’t tend toward violent and/or irrational behavior, and feeble-mindedness, and that I wasn’t a student at Yale simply because of their sublimated affirmative action policies.

These shrill black students have contributed to this “negative stereotype” that will not serve their generation well. Viewers may not reason it out in their minds that blacks have a tendency towards violence and low emotional IQ, but subconsciously, it will be reinforced as the “rules of the game,” when dealing with black people at any level.

It wouldn’t be acceptable for me to go through life as a black person knowing my achievements stand, in part, because other people feel sorry for my wretched lot in life, and are giving me things due to their pity.

Unfortunately, these black students have done their part to ensure they will be pitied, and any real achievements by them will be considered an exception to the very far right of their races bell curve.

* Most of the “black” students in the Ivy League are either the children of immigrants or have a non-black parent. New York Mayor De Blasio’s son Dante started Yale this fall. Steven Spielberg’s son Theo is a Yale graduate. The Crouch quadruplets, Yale graduates, have a white father and a Nigerian mother.

* Dressing as someone you’re not for one evening: so bad you should be confronted by friends.

Dressing as someone you’re not for years: so good you should receive federal protection.

* I think Christakis handled the situation very well. Its very hard for a grown man to deal with a teenage girl’s temper tantrum. He loses if it appears he is bullying her or lets it get physical and he loses if he backs down.

The professor walked the thin line very well. He stood his ground, made it clear his opinion is not changing, and let her have her tantrum. In the end she is one who walked away.

By tweeting his sympathy for her, he reclaimed the moral high ground.

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