
Comments to Steve Sailer:

* Flanagan was an aggressive, obnoxious guy, who got away with being that way as long as he did because he was black.

* Not only was Vester Lee Flanagan bat shit crazy, but he also had a disgusting lifestyle. His apartment smelled really bad because it was full of feces and urine all over his kitchen floor and balcony.

He also claims in his manifesto that he killed all of his cats because he believes they were being racist towards him. This Negro sounds crazier than Buffalo Bill from Silence Of The Lambs. So animals are capable of being racist now?

* Back in the day, Black comedians like Eddie Murphy and Chris Rock often poked fun at Black hypersensitivity to racism. Rock had a skit where he played a Black militant who claimed, among other things, that the White Man created the racist game of pool where the white ball knocks all the colored balls off the table.

* I live in the South (don’t hold it against me) and that type of hypersensitivity is very common among blacks in the workplace. I once saw a black guy go to management because a white coworker, who was an Army veteran, had a “Freedom isn’t free” sign on his desk and the black guy claimed this was saying that blacks didn’t deserve to be free, therefore the guy was racist. My current black coworkers openly talk about looking for reasons to sue the company and you have to be very careful what you say around them. To make matters worse, there is a TV in our office and it is tuned to CNN 24/7. The last year has been very interesting to say the least. I’ve had the non-pleasure of watching Ferguson, Baltimore and Charleston unfold with them in real time. I work for a good company that pays well, has good benefits, and a lot of the blacks have college degrees, but they are still angry and hostile.

* White privilege = a level of intelligence that promotes a healthy society. The black cat enjoyed the same white privilege, like most blacks living in the states he was incapable of comprehending it.

* It’s been obvious from day one that he was a delusional paranoiac. That these innocuous phrases set him off puts him on a par with those celebrity stalkers who believe the actress is speaking secretly to them from the screen. It really says something about affirmative action that they even allowed this smoldering lunatic to hang around in any way.

It’s become a rather disgusting practice in cases such as this and the Thornton case whereby the unfortunate victims are besmirched and put under the magnifying glass as if they were the culprits. It’s a shameful thing to be forced to watch.

* Sounds like the guy thought Undercover Brother was a documentary.

* Reports say that Flanagan often flung cat feces in disputes with neighbors and that the police found cat feces smeared all over his apartment.

Maybe there is something to the supposed link with toxoplasmosis and mental illness. You cat lovers out there – be careful disposing of that cat litter!

* “Flanagan even declared that ­7-Eleven was racist because it sold watermelon-flavored Slurpees.”

Given the sainting of Michael Brown, lies about ‘hands up don’t shoot’, myth of white college ‘rape culture’, UVA lunacy, micro-aggression nuttiness, trigger alert nuttiness, mattress girl silliness, unarmed thugs, baby with skittles, paranoia about every confed flag(even to the point of censoring dukes of hazard), and etc, was Flanagan any crazier?

Only in having used a gun. Otherwise, his lunacy was very much in line with current culture where colleges say even words like ‘fathering’, ‘mothering’, ‘american’, and ‘homosexual’ are offensive.

And before we denounce Flanagan, consider all the ‘rational’ and ‘sane’ people who see nukes, ‘terrorists’, and WMD everywhere to warrant whole invasion/destruction of other nations. while they never see Israel’s nukes or its slaughter of Palestinians.

US is currently going postal on Russia, a nation that means no harm, because Jews see ‘new hitler’ in the ban on ‘gay’ parades.

And consider how Holder had to comb thru every square inch of Ferguson to find the incriminating ‘watermelon’.

* So much of the ‘progressive’ world view is simply Christianity shorn of the supernatural God figure. Its all there: we are born sinners who must constantly assuage our guilt for the wrongdoing of our people if we are to achieve redemption, the opportunity for moral piety and status competitions over who is more holy, the persecution of heretics and non-believers, flagellant moral masochism etc etc.

This guy’s warped imagining of racism in everyday speech and actions is also an echo of past Christian excess – the perception of others as being possessed by demons, to be witches or inherently evil, no matter how innocently their actions and words can be explained.

As Spengler said ‘Christianity is the grandmother of Bolshevism.’ Now that Christianity has been all but expunged from public life, we’re left with that hideous grandchild.

* “Micro-aggression racism is everywhere, all the time. Image after image on social media, in every possible form of media delivery, tells us that the only way to be good, the best, preferred, successful, smart is to be white. White strangers make unsolicited remarks about my hair as if it were a dazzling bird of paradise perched atop my head. Often when I bring up racial issues in white spaces, my family members, friends and/or colleagues answer with either silence or discomfort.”

* If you had a new black coworker over for dinner very few of you (if any) would serve watermelon or fried chicken.

How would you explain your decision to a reindeer herder from Lapland.

We decided not to serve watermelon and fried chicken because …

1. It means blacks are stupid?

2. It means blacks are lazy?

3. It means blacks came from the (eww) South?

4. Way back over 100 years ago, commercial illustrators drew pictures of black kids in raggedy clothes eating watermelon, and that clearly means … what, exactly?

Or because …:

5. Now that they have warned us that they take offense at watermelon and fried chicken for some unknown and apparently unknowable reason (but oddly enough, not grits, collard greens, and black-eyed peas) our serving them watermelon and fried chicken means we are deliberately trying to hurt their feelings.

The power to select and enforce magic words and things is nothing more than the Battered Woman Syndrome on a national, racial scale:

Husband gets mean drunk, comes home late. He walks in, finds something to get enraged about and slugs his meek little wife: “Goddammit, woman! You KNOW I hate it when you serve tea in a plastic glass!” She knows it really is her fault and promises to do better.

* He appeared to be a mulatto from the “talented tenth” – his father was a college dean. So he must have grown up in the toxic SJW environment of the college campus. Mulattoes can be the most dangerous kind of Negro because they sometimes combine the violence and amorality of the black with (some) of the superior intelligence of the white, depending on how the genetic dice roll. On a good day you get Colin Powell and on a bad day you get Vester. I won’t say what kind of day it was when Obama was born.

Flanagan apparently didn’t originally intend to kill himself and had formulated a getaway plan with wigs and disguises, etc. It wasn’t a very good plan but it was far beyond the planning abilities of say a Michael Brown or a Trayvon Martin who couldn’t play the chess game even one move ahead.

* I think we sometimes pay too much attention to IQ differences between peoples and not enough to the differing degrees of social cooperation between blacks and other races. Since much of what we call ‘civilization’ has been the result of people being able to subordinate their egos in order to function within a hierarchy those who lack that ability find themselves in conflict with authority.

European and Asian populations have lived in hierarchical societies for the past two thousand or so years. Those who found themselves in conflict with authority did not do well if they survived at all. Blacks have only been exposed to this type of social organization for, at best, a few hundred years and they aren’t very good at it. This has real consequences beyond the feelings of persecution or imagining ‘racism’ being the source of all one’s misfortunes. It limits one’s ability to accomplish anything of substance.

There are no black enterprises of any consequence anywhere in the world because blacks are incapable of organizing themselves in a hierarchical fashion that can produce, on a large scale, goods and services. For them hierarchy is all about a struggle for supremacy not a cooperative endeavor to advance the organization.

* A white female friend, a former on-camera personality on a local station who was let go when she reached a certain age, as well as a firmly-closeted lesbian, excoriated me for blaming the victims. I said I wasn’t, but I was blaming “nice HR ladies”. She had a bigger problem with that comment, saying that HR departments were not mostly female. I proceeded to introduce her to the facts available to anyone wanting them (about 70% of large HR departments are women, Freida Kapor, etc.), to which she responded by calling me a dick and blocking me!

* From the novel Dr. No: Later, over lunch in the mahogany-paneled Queen’s Club dining room, Jamaica’s Colonial Secretary provides James Bond, who has arrived from England to investigate, with a thumbnail racial sketch of the Caribbean island:

“It’s like this.” He began his antics with the pipe. “The Jamaican is a kindly lazy man with the virtues and vices of a child. He lives on a very rich island but he doesn’t get rich from it. He doesn’t know how to and he’s too lazy. The British come and go and take the easy pickings, but for about two hundred years no Englishman has made a fortune out here. He doesn’t stay long enough. He takes a fat cut and leaves. It’s the Portuguese Jews who make the most. They came here with the British and they’ve stayed. But they’re snobs and they spend too much of their fortunes on building fine houses and giving dances. They’re the names that fill the social column in the Gleaner when the tourists have gone. They’re in rum and tobacco and they represent the big British firms over here – motor cars, insurance and so forth. Then come the Syrians, very rich too, but not such good businessmen. They have most of the stores and some of the best hotels. They’re not a very good risk. Get overstocked and have the occasional fire to get liquid again. Then there are the Indians with their usual flashy trade in soft goods and the like. They’re not much of a lot. Finally there are the Chinese, solid, compact, discreet – the most powerful clique in Jamaica. They’ve got the bakeries and the laundries and the best food stores. They keep to themselves and keep their strain pure.” Pleydell-Smith laughed. “Not that they don’t take the black girls when they want them. You can see the result all over Kingston – Chigroes – Chinese Negroes or Negresses. The Chigroes are a tough, forgotten race. They look down on the Negroes and the Chinese look down on them. One day they may become a nuisance. They’ve got some of the intelligence of the Chinese and most of the vices of the black man. The police have a lot of trouble with them.”

* For that matter, about a quarter of lynching victims were white, but that doesn’t keep lynchings from being exclusively the province of black resentment. Lynching is just a kind of rough justice, which in the Jim Crow era was bound to have a racist cast. Many victims were in fact guilty of serious crimes and might have executed had the formal justice system done its work. But the mandatory cultural interpretation makes them all innocents.

* A few years ago one of the custodians at my workplace terrorized me for months. He was so obsessed with what I thought of Blacks that he could not stay away from me and he did almost zero work. He would spend all his time hanging out by my cubicle testing” my opinions on Blacks by telling me stories to see my reaction to them. He would regularly engage in freak outs because I played a blues song, or any song featuring a banjo ( I love Doc Watson) on YouTube. He would freak out over anything to do with fried chicken. One time he told me that some guy we worked with looked like Jack Black and I joked that all Whites must look alike to him. “You calling me ignorant, I ain’t ignorant, you jus’ racist!” Then he ran around the room yelling that I was racist. He tried to enlist our Chinese co-workers in a mob attack against me, but they just stared slack-jawed at him. One later told me that she found him frightening.

Another Black worker told me that “He’s just an old crackhead,” and “You don’t need to conversate with him, he ain’t right”. We were all afraid he was going to come in shooting one day and I knew that I’d be the second victim after his boss Uncle Tom.

* Microaggressions are simply an expression of paranoid schizophrenia. That doesn’t mean people can’t be thoughtless and say thoughtless things. But only a paranoid schizophrenic will take such random data and turn it into an edifice of oppression. Or to put it another way: people who complain about microaggressions are basically mentally ill.

* It’s not good to see yourself as a victim, or as a loser or to focus on your infirmities or lackings.

Of course we all fall somewhere on this spectrum, from people like this gay black shooter fella (and plenty more like him) who genuinely view themselves as perpetual victims and loathe themselves for it and suffer for it on a momentary basis (and kill for it too, which is more incidental to my comment) to people like Donald Trump who can’t remember ever having thought that he was wrong and should apologize to any of the people he destroyed (or fired) but who sees himself as a victim of some form of baldness to the point that his achilles heel is his hair, which he constantly “proves” to people that it’s “my hair”. He feels actual shame about the thing and comes across as a laughing stock when he talks about it. Other than that however he genuinely sees himself as a winner and – pretty much everyone else, relatively speaking – as a loser.

The primary reason I’ve never opened a legitimate personal injury lawsuit despite having at least two cases where I had an incontrovertible case is due to adhd type factors and other environmental ones hidden in the mists of my family’s recent history but, the CONSCIOUS reason why I never opened a legitimate case (in particular when a simple medical procedure had terrible consequences (since abated) is because I’m not interested in perpetuating the malady in my mind. And indeed, by not pursuing it further I was healed in an almost christian-sciencey manner. Had I have had to go to court however to prove the infirmity and pain (after some couple of years of the case winding its way through the system) I don’t think I’d have been healed in 2 months or perhaps not even healed for life.

That isn’t t say that Elizabeth Warren type of “playing” the victim is a bad idea (or, my favorite example, George Soros, a “holocaust survivor” who was an actual holocaust PERPETRATOR – the things he’s SAID about his activities are enough to try him for war crimes, one can only imagine what he’s done but hasn’t said). PRETENDING that you’re a victim, if it’s all just a joke to you anyway or if you’re blessed with some form of sociopathy, so that you get the goodies is an intelligent thing to do that will bring you all kinds of goodies. BELIEVING that you’re a pitiful victim leads down a road of anguish that, as with this weirdo, ends with bullet holes in bodies, including your own.

Believe that things are going well and that you’re a winner (or at least think more often about those fields where you objectively are one) and you’re likely to actually become even more of a winner (“To him that hath”) but, far more importantly, you’re likely to enjoy a life with less internal anguish, a.k.a. A better life.

* White history has been cucked.

* The insanity spewing out of the media 24/7 is starting to provoke crazy people into acting out.

* Here’s a pretty amazing study finding a very high correlation (R^2=.963) between g and performance on video games.

I guess it makes a lot of sense, if the reaction time techniques investigated by Jensen have a real basis.

* I worked under a Black man once. One day I returned to the classroom after lunch, and there he was by himself in front of the computer — literally whistling Dixie!

He was a former DL under Lovie Smith and John Cooper at Tulsa. He told me stories about his trip to play at BYU; a White kid ran the opening kickoff back for a TD because the Tulsa players were already winded at that altitude. His recounting of the story was hilarious.

We had a lot of fun hazing my co-worker — a pretty and pleasant Black girl just out of college — about her boyfriend, #29, who was still playing corner back at her Sun Belt alma mater. Then she moved on to one of the Dallas Cowboys’ starting corners, but in between she was sweet on me. Obviously, there’s no accounting for taste!

* Jews eating bagels – OK

Italians eating spaghetti – OK

Japanese eating sushi – OK

Blacks eating watermelon – Racist


* I walk around Toronto a lot, and one of the things that irritates me to no end are east Asians bumping in to you or abruptly changing direction to walk in to you as if you are invisible. You have to be on your guard to swerve quickly otherwise a pedestrian collision will occur. It’s a very strange habit, I generally don’t see this in other people. I wonder why this is though, I like east Asians, but why do so many do that? I have heard many others comment on this as well, including people that have gone over to teach in China.

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