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Flash, Format File, GOM Media file(.swf), IrfanView SWF File, KMP -Video File, Object (ShockWave Flash), Shockwave Flash Movie File, Shockwave Flash Object, Video Files


Flash, Format File, GOM Media file(.swf), IrfanView SWF File, KMP -Video File, Object (ShockWave Flash), Shockwave Flash Movie File, Shockwave Flash Object, Video Files





Dateien mit der Endung [[swf]] enthalten Animationen im Format Adobe Flash. Das Kürzel steht für Small Web Format. Dank der plattformübergreifenden Verfügbarkeit des Flashplayers als Browser-Plugin sind [[swf]] Dateien heute im Internet sehr weit verbreitet. [[swf]] Dateien können sowohl Vektor- als auch Bitmap-Grafiken enthalten, ebenso wie Audio, Videos, Animationen, Texte und Links. Vielfältige interaktive Inhalte, von Präsentationen über die Navigation einer Webseite bis hin zu Spielen sind ebenfalls möglich. Flash bietet zahlreiche Vorteile, wie ein festes, plattformübergreifendes Layout, Unabhängigkeit von lokalen Ressourcen, wie Schriften, interaktive Fähigkeiten und Steuerbarkeit. Hat aber den Nachteil kein offener Standard zu sein. Flash kann auch gestreamt und durch DRM (Digital Rights Management) geschützt werden. Die Inhalte einer [[swf]] Datei können mit entsprechender Software extrahiert und verändert werden. Zahlreiche [[swf]] Konverter erzeugen jedoch nur Videos, denen die restlichen Fähigkeit von Flash fehlen. Für die Erzeugung voll funktionsfähiger [[swf]] Dateien ist eine Authoring-Software notwendig. [http://www.dateiendung.com/format/swf Quelle: DateiEndung] <!--


Dateien mit der Endung [[swf]] enthalten Animationen im Format Adobe Flash. Das Kürzel steht für Small Web Format. Dank der plattformübergreifenden Verfügbarkeit des Flashplayers als
-Plugin sind [[swf]] Dateien heute im Internet sehr weit verbreitet. [[swf]] Dateien können sowohl Vektor- als auch Bitmap-Grafiken enthalten, ebenso wie Audio, Videos, Animationen, Texte und Links. Vielfältige interaktive Inhalte, von Präsentationen über die Navigation einer Webseite bis hin zu Spielen sind ebenfalls möglich. Flash bietet zahlreiche Vorteile, wie ein festes, plattformübergreifendes Layout, Unabhängigkeit von lokalen Ressourcen, wie Schriften, interaktive Fähigkeiten und Steuerbarkeit. Hat aber den Nachteil kein offener Standard zu sein. Flash kann auch gestreamt und durch DRM (Digital Rights Management) geschützt werden. Die Inhalte einer [[swf]] Datei können mit entsprechender Software extrahiert und verändert werden. Zahlreiche [[swf]] Konverter erzeugen jedoch nur Videos, denen die restlichen Fähigkeit von Flash fehlen. Für die Erzeugung voll funktionsfähiger [[swf]] Dateien ist eine Authoring-Software notwendig. [http://www.dateiendung.com/format/swf Quelle: DateiEndung] <!--




ShockWave File, Shockwave Flash Datei, Shock [[Wave]] Format, Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback Pro Profil, Movie, ShockWave Flash file, Shockwave Flash Object, ShockWave File [http://www.endungen.de/ResultList/swf.aspx Quelle: EndungenDE] <!--20130710123606-->


ShockWave File, Shockwave Flash Datei, Shock [[Wave]] Format, Microsoft SideWinder Force Feedback Pro Profil, Movie, ShockWave Flash file, Shockwave Flash Object, ShockWave File [http://www.endungen.de/ResultList/swf.aspx Quelle: EndungenDE] <!--20130710123606-->

Zeile 15:

Zeile 14:


Object (ShockWave Flash) [[SWF]] is a file extension for a Shockwave Flash file format created by Macromedia and now owned by Adobe. [[SWF]] stands for Small Web Format.  [[SWF]] files can contain video and vector based animations and sound and are designed for efficient delivery over the web.  [[SWF]] files can be viewed in a web [[browser]] using the Flash plug in. MIME type: application/x-shockwave-flash, application/x-shockwave-flash2-preview, application/futuresplash, image/vnd.rn-realflash   [http://whatis.techtarget.com/fileformat/SWF-Object-ShockWave-Flash Quelle: TechTarget] <!--20130710123606-->


Object (ShockWave Flash) [[SWF]] is a file extension for a Shockwave Flash file format created by Macromedia and now owned by Adobe. [[SWF]] stands for Small Web Format.  [[SWF]] files can contain video and vector based animations and sound and are designed for efficient delivery over the web.  [[SWF]] files can be viewed in a web [[browser]] using the Flash plug in. MIME type: application/x-shockwave-flash, application/x-shockwave-flash2-preview, application/futuresplash, image/vnd.rn-realflash   [http://whatis.techtarget.com/fileformat/SWF-Object-ShockWave-Flash Quelle: TechTarget] <!--20130710123606-->



Animation created with Adobe Flash ; may contain text as well as both vector and raster graphics; also may include interactive actions written in ActionScript; plays in Web browsers that have the Flash plug-in installed. Flash was originally developed by Macromedia, which was acquired by Adobe Systems in 2005. Therefore, Macromedia Flash is now called Adobe Flash. NOTE: [[SWF]] (pronounced "Swiff") was originally an acronym for "Shockwave Flash" since the [[SWF]] format was designed for Shockwave [[Player]]. However, [[SWF]] files have now become a standard means of publishing compressed Flash content on the Web. Therefore, the [[SWF]] acronym has been modified to mean "Small Web Format" as well. [http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/swf Quelle: FileInfo] <!--


Animation created with Adobe Flash ; may contain
as well as both vector and raster graphics; also may include interactive actions written in ActionScript; plays in Web browsers that have the Flash plug-in installed. Flash was originally developed by Macromedia, which was acquired by Adobe Systems in 2005. Therefore, Macromedia Flash is now called Adobe Flash. NOTE: [[SWF]] (pronounced "Swiff") was originally an acronym for "Shockwave Flash" since the [[SWF]] format was designed for Shockwave [[Player]]. However, [[SWF]] files have now become a standard means of publishing compressed Flash content on the Web. Therefore, the [[SWF]] acronym has been modified to mean "Small Web Format" as well. [http://www.fileinfo.com/extension/swf Quelle: FileInfo] <!--




[[SWF]] file is a Shockwave Flash. It is a proprietary vector graphics file format produced by the Macromedia Flash software. [[SWF]] files can be played by the Macromedia Flash [[Player]]. It can be played in Web browsers that have the Flash plug-in installed. Intended to be small enough for publication on the web, [[SWF]] files can contain animations or applets of varying degrees of interactivity and function. Troubleshooting for [[SWF]] files The most common problem of [[SWF]] files is you can't open it. Solution: If you can't open a [[SWF]] file, you can try to upgrade your Web [[browser]] or install the Flash plugin. Most of time, when you play a [[SWF]] file the flash [[player]] will download auomatically, if not, you should go to Adobe Website and manually download and install it. Open [[SWF]] files on Windows Adobe Flash [[Player]] - [[SWF]] [[Player]] Swiff [[Player]] [[SWF]] & [[FLV]] [[Player]] PRO for PC Web [[browser]] with the Adobe Flash plugin [http://file.downloadatoz.com/swf-file-extension/ Quelle: DownloadAToZ] <!--20130710123607-->


[[SWF]] file is a Shockwave Flash. It is a proprietary vector graphics file format produced by the Macromedia Flash software. [[SWF]] files can be played by the Macromedia Flash [[Player]]. It can be played in Web browsers that have the Flash plug-in installed. Intended to be small enough for publication on the web, [[SWF]] files can contain animations or applets of varying degrees of interactivity and function. Troubleshooting for [[SWF]] files The most common problem of [[SWF]] files is you can't open it. Solution: If you can't open a [[SWF]] file, you can try to upgrade your Web [[browser]] or install the Flash plugin. Most of time, when you play a [[SWF]] file the flash [[player]] will download auomatically, if not, you should go to Adobe Website and manually download and install it. Open [[SWF]] files on Windows Adobe Flash [[Player]] - [[SWF]] [[Player]] Swiff [[Player]] [[SWF]] & [[FLV]] [[Player]] PRO for PC Web [[browser]] with the Adobe Flash plugin [http://file.downloadatoz.com/swf-file-extension/ Quelle: DownloadAToZ] <!--20130710123607-->



[[SWF]] (Shockwave Flash) is multimedia and graphics file format in the Adobe Flash environment. [[SWF]] files can be played by the Macromedia Flash [[Player]]. [[SWF]] files contain graphics, animations and text. [http://advancedfileoptimizer.com/file-extension/swf/ Quelle: AdvancedFileOptimizer] <!--


[[SWF]] (Shockwave Flash) is multimedia and graphics file format in the Adobe Flash environment. [[SWF]] files can be played by the Macromedia Flash [[Player]]. [[SWF]] files contain graphics, animations and
. [http://advancedfileoptimizer.com/file-extension/swf/ Quelle: AdvancedFileOptimizer] <!--



Shockwave Flash file. A .[[swf]] file is a Shockwave Flash file. It is also known as an Adobe Flash file - because Adobe took over the company which originally developed the Flash file. A Flash file is a format for delivering graphics and animation over the internet. For a Flash file to be incorporated into an html file requires [[html]] similar to the following: For more information see: [http://www.adobe.com www.adobe.com] - Whilst Macromedia were the original developers of Flash, they have been bought by Adobe. The Adobe Flash [[player]] (a plug in for internet [[explorer]] and other browsers) and related flash information and authoring products can be found on the Adobe site. [http://www.adobe.com/licensing/developer/ www.adobe.com/licensing/developer] - File format information. Primarily of interest to developers. This page also provides access to the [[Search]] Engine SDK, which includes a utility "swf2html" that extracts text and links from a .[[swf]] file and uses this to generate an [[HTML]] document. [http://www.the-labs.com/MacromediaFlash/SWF-Spec/SWFfileformat.html www.the-labs.com/MacromediaFlash/SWF-Spec/SWFfileformat.html] - Concise guide to the [[SWF]] file format. [http://www.verticalmoon.com/tutorials/general/flashhtml/flashhtml.htm www.verticalmoon.com/tutorials/general/flashhtml/flashhtml.htm] - Guide to how to embed a Flash movie in an HTML page. [http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_4150 www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_4150] - Macromedia Flash OBJECT and EMBED tag syntax. [http://www.adobe.com/products/shockwaveplayer/ www.adobe.com/products/shockwaveplayer] - Download site for [[browser]] plug-in to play shockwave files. [http://www.irfanview.com www.irfanview.com] - Popular image viewer, will play Shockwave files (.[[swf]]) provided it has the shockwave plug-in (available from [http://www.irfanview.com/plugins.htm www.irfanview.com/plugins.htm]) installed [http://everything.explained.at/SWF/ http://everything.explained.at/SWF/] - The [[SWF]] file format explained. [http://www.cryer.co.uk/file-types/s/swf.htm Quelle: Cryer] <!--


Shockwave Flash file. A .[[swf]] file is a Shockwave Flash file. It is also known as an Adobe Flash file - because Adobe took over the company which originally developed the Flash file. A Flash file is a format for delivering graphics and animation over the internet. For a Flash file to be incorporated into an html file requires [[html]] similar to the following: For more information see: [http://www.adobe.com www.adobe.com] - Whilst Macromedia were the original developers of Flash, they have been bought by Adobe. The Adobe Flash [[player]] (a plug in for internet [[explorer]] and other browsers) and related flash information and authoring products can be found on the Adobe site. [http://www.adobe.com/licensing/developer/ www.adobe.com/licensing/developer] - File format information. Primarily of interest to developers. This page also provides access to the [[Search]] Engine SDK, which includes a utility "swf2html" that extracts
and links from a .[[swf]] file and uses this to generate an [[HTML]] document. [http://www.the-labs.com/MacromediaFlash/SWF-Spec/SWFfileformat.html www.the-labs.com/MacromediaFlash/SWF-Spec/SWFfileformat.html] - Concise guide to the [[SWF]] file format. [http://www.verticalmoon.com/tutorials/general/flashhtml/flashhtml.htm www.verticalmoon.com/tutorials/general/flashhtml/flashhtml.htm] - Guide to how to embed a Flash movie in an HTML page. [http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_4150 www.adobe.com/cfusion/knowledgebase/index.cfm?id=tn_4150] - Macromedia Flash OBJECT and EMBED tag syntax. [http://www.adobe.com/products/shockwaveplayer/ www.adobe.com/products/shockwaveplayer] - Download site for [[browser]] plug-in to play shockwave files. [http://www.irfanview.com www.irfanview.com] - Popular image viewer, will play Shockwave files (.[[swf]]) provided it has the shockwave plug-in (available from [http://www.irfanview.com/plugins.htm www.irfanview.com/plugins.htm]) installed [http://everything.explained.at/SWF/ http://everything.explained.at/SWF/] - The [[SWF]] file format explained. [http://www.cryer.co.uk/file-types/s/swf.htm Quelle: Cryer] <!--






[[SWF]] file is a Shockwave Flash. It is a proprietary vector graphics file format produced by the Macromedia Flash software. [[SWF]] files can be played by the Macromedia Flash [[Player]]. [http://www.filesuffix.com/de/extension/swf Quelle: FileSuffix] <!--20131211063247




==Freeware Programme, die swf Dateien öffnen==


==Freeware Programme, die swf Dateien öffnen==

Zeile 32:

Zeile 33:









*[[.swf]] bei ... <html><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SWF"><img src="http://www.luffi.net/gpc/common/pic/wikipedia.jpg" height="32" alt=".swf in der englischen Wikipedia"></a><!--20131211063248--></html>







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